即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹


即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

One of the things we really enjoy about OS X is the ability to move about it and almost never take our hands off the keyboard. This includes locations all over the system such as your applications, documents, utilities, servers, and much more.

我们真正喜欢OS X的一件事就是可以移动它,而几乎从不松开键盘 。 这包括整个系统中的位置,例如您的应用程序,文档,实用程序,服务器等等。

It’s easy to understate how convenient this is. After all, it’s also easy to just open the Finder and click many of these locations from the sidebar. But, to really anoint oneself as a power user, the Go menu is one of your best friends. It’s one thing to click your way to a location, first on the Finder, then your home folder, or applications, or documents, but to just use a few keystrokes and be right there, is fast, direct, and efficient.

很容易低估这有多方便。 毕竟,打开Finder并单击侧边栏中的许多位置也很容易。 但是,要真正成为超级用户,Go菜单是您最好的朋友之一。 首先,在Finder上单击路径,然后在主文件夹,应用程序或文档中单击路径,这是一回事,但是只需使用几次击键并就在那儿,这是快速,直接和高效的。

走! 走! 走! (Go! Go! Go!)

The Go menu, as you may have noticed, hangs out in the Menu Bar and appears whenever the Finder is selected.


即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

Notice all the destinations that have been mapped out for us ahead of time.


即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

If you press the “Option” key, you can access the hidden Library folder. Note also, the keyboard shortcut for Enclosing Folder changes as well.

如果按“ Option”键,则可以访问隐藏的Library文件夹。 另请注意,“封闭文件夹”的键盘快捷方式也会更改。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

Similarly, if you hold “Command + Shift” you get a new option to “Select Start Disk on Desktop.”

同样,如果按住“ Command + Shift”,则会获得一个新选项“选择桌面上的启动磁盘”。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

Lastly, you can go back, forward, and up if you’re using the mouse, or with shortcuts. So if you want to go back use “Command + [” to go forward “Command + ]”, and to go to the enclosing folder use “Command + up arrow.”

最后,如果您使用鼠标或快捷方式,则可以前进,后退和向上移动。 因此,如果要返回,请使用“ Command + [”前进到“ Command +]”,并转到封闭文件夹,请使用“ Command +向上箭头”。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

This is pretty useful to know because there’s no folder tree in the Sidebar (though you can add folder locations to it) such as we see here in Windows File Explorer.

知道这很有用,因为侧边栏中没有文件夹树( 尽管您可以向其中添加文件夹位置 ),例如我们在Windows File Explorer中看到的那样。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹
File Explorer on Windows with its hierarchal folder view, makes it easy to go to any location with a few clicks.

Of course, using the Finder to drill down into a folder and its subfolder is one way to go about it, but why step when you can leap? Note the “Go to Folder…” option, which can be executed using “Shift + Command + G”.

当然,使用Finder向下钻取到一个文件夹及其子文件夹是解决该问题的一种方法,但是当您可以跳转时为什么要踩一下呢? 注意“转到文件夹…”选项,可以使用“ Shift + Command + G”执行。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

Now you can type or paste in your destination, click “Go,”and you’re instantly whisked there.


即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

This can be very helpful when following how-to’s, which tell you to navigate to x or y location. Instead of going there click by click, you can just use the “Go to Folder” option.

在遵循操作方法时,这将非常有用,该方法告诉您导航到xy位置。 您可以使用“转到文件夹”选项,而无需单击鼠标单击。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

The last item on the Go menu we want to briefly point out is the “Connect to Server…” option. If you have other computers on your network with which you share files, particularly Windows or Linux boxes, then this feature will be useful.

我们要简要指出的“转到”菜单上的最后一项是“连接到服务器…”选项。 如果网络上还有其他共享文件的计算机,特别是Windows或Linux机器,则此功能将非常有用。

Just use the combination “Command + K” to open the Connect to Server dialog. You can add or remove favorite servers, browse, and connect to recent servers.

只需使用“ Command + K”组合键打开“连接到服务器”对话框。 您可以添加或删除收藏的服务器,浏览并连接到最新的服务器。

即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

The Go menu is clearly a fantastic and nearly instant way to navigate all over OS X, but what if you don’t like the pre-created shortcuts?

转到菜单显然是一种在OS X上浏览的绝妙且几乎即时的方式,但是如果您不喜欢预先创建的快捷方式怎么办?

更改Finder Go菜单快捷方式 (Changing Finder Go Menu Shortcuts)

To change the Go menu’s keyboard shortcuts, all you have to do is create a new Finder app shortcut in the Keyboard preferences. For example, let’s say we want “All My Files” to be “Command + Shift + T” instead of “F”. We’d open the Keyboard preferences, click on “App Shortcuts” and then the “+”.

要更改“转到”菜单的键盘快捷方式,只需在“键盘”偏好设置中创建一个新的Finder应用程序快捷方式。 例如,假设我们希望“我的所有文件”为“ Command + Shift + T”而不是“ F”。 我们将打开“键盘”偏好设置,单击“应用程序快捷方式”,然后单击“ +”。

From the resulting app list, we want to click “Finder,” and then type the menu title exactly as it appears.


即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

As a result, our menu item is now bound to the new keyboard shortcut.


即时配置文件_如何即时转到OS X中的位置和文件夹

We’ve talked a bit about changing app keyboard shortcuts, so if you need a refresher, you can do some extracurricular reading.

我们已经讨论了有关更改应用程序键盘快捷键的内容 ,因此,如果您需要复习一下,可以进行一些课外阅读。

You get all this functionality from one single menu and you can get anywhere in the system using the keyboard, which can be further changed to fit your tastes and needs. Thus, we urge you to memorize it since it can drastically cut down on the time you spend trudging through the Finder.

您可以从一个菜单中获得所有这些功能,并且可以使用键盘进入系统中的任何位置,可以对其进行进一步更改以适应您的口味和需求。 因此,我们强烈建议您记住它,因为它可以大大减少您在Finder上花费的时间。

Got a comment or question you would like to pose to us? Please drop us a line in our discussion forum. We welcome and value your feedback.

想对我们提出意见或问题吗? 请在讨论论坛中给我们留言。 我们欢迎并重视您的反馈。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/211784/how-to-instantly-go-to-locations-and-folders-in-os-x/
