ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签

ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签


For many, Windows 7 has changed quite a bit about our browsing habits. One of the most useful features has been the ability to distinguish between pages quickly by using taskbar previews. Sure, this did exist in Vista, but most disabled it due to its inefficiency. Now, however, it has become an integral part of our collective browsing experience.

对于许多人来说,Windows 7改变了我们的浏览习惯。 最有用的功能之一是能够通过使用任务栏预览来快速区分页面。 当然,这确实存在于Vista中,但是由于效率低下,大多数人禁用了它。 但是,现在,它已成为我们集体浏览体验不可或缺的一部分。

The advent of tabbed internet browsing has meant that we are not afforded this advantage when browsing online. Annoyingly, we are forced back to the open-and-see approach until we eventually figure out what that website was called that we wanted. Tab Preview 0.3 addresses this issue.

选项卡式Internet浏览的出现意味着在线浏览时我们无法获得这种优势。 恼人的是,我们不得不回到开放式方法,直到最终弄清我们想要的那个网站。 Tab Preview 0.3解决了此问题。

ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签

You’ll have to restart to complete the installation, as with all Firefox extensions.


ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签

If you’ve never clicked it before, click the little check box that says “Do not ask me again” when this message comes up – it will save you a few annoying clicks in the future.


ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签

When it’s done you’ll be taken to the Extensions tab, you can look for updates (at this stage there aren’t any), or you can just close the thing.


ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签

And suddenly when you hover over a window, you will be shown a preview below it.


ext.tab.panel_使用Tab Preview 0.3在Firefox中预览标签

This extension does have a bit of a blink when changing between previewed tabs which can get a little annoying, but aside from that it adds a desperately required element to internet browsing. Serve with a side of discerning browsing for best results.

当在预览选项卡之间切换时,此扩展确实有点眨眼,这可能会有些烦人,但除此之外,它为Internet浏览添加了一个迫切需要的元素。 提供挑剔的浏览,以取得最佳效果。

Download Tab Preview from Mozilla Add-ons


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/preview-tabs-in-firefox-with-tab-preview-03/
