android 谷歌地图_Google天空地图可将您的Android手机变成数码望远镜

android 谷歌地图_Google天空地图可将您的Android手机变成数码望远镜

android 谷歌地图

android 谷歌地图_Google天空地图可将您的Android手机变成数码望远镜

Whether you’re an astronomy buff or just somebody looking for a perfect “look how sweet my smartphone is!’ application, Google’s Sky Map application for Android phones is a must have app.

无论您是天文学爱好者,还是只是一个人寻找完美的“看我的智能手机有多甜!” 应用程序,则Android手机必须使用Google的“天空地图”应用程序。

If all the application did was show you detailed views of the night sky it would be pretty awesome based on that alone. Where Sky Map dazzles, however, is in linking together the GPS and tilt-sensors on your phone to turn your phone into a sky-watching window. Whatever you point the phone at, the screen displays.

如果该应用程序所做的只是向您显示夜空的详细视图,仅凭它就可以了。 但是,Sky Map令人眼花乱的地方在于将手机上的GPS和倾斜传感器链接在一起,从而使您的手机变成了观看天空的窗口。 无论您将手机指向何处,都会显示屏幕。

Want to see what stars are directly above you despite it being the middle of the day? Point the phone up. Curious what people on the opposite side of the word are seeing? Point the phone down and take a peek right through the Earth.

是否想看看什么星正好在您的上方? 将手机指向上方。 好奇单词相反一侧的人正在看到什么? 将手机指向下方,然后窥视一下地球。

Check out the video below to see the application in action:


Google Sky Map is free and works wherever Android does.


Google Sky Map [AppBrain]

Google天空地图 [AppBrain]


android 谷歌地图