



Deepfakes make it possible to manipulate videos and GIFs. The technology has become so easy to use, you can now create deepfakes right on your phone. That’s right—you can now easily insert yourself into a meme.

借助Deepfake ,可以操纵视频和GIF。 该技术变得非常易于使用,您现在可以在手机上直接创建Deepfake。 没错,您现在可以轻松地将自己插入模因。

It’s also an impressive demonstration of how easy it is to create a deepfake. Swapping a celebrity’s face out of a viral GIF and replacing it with your own is now simply a screen tap away.

这也是令人印象深刻的演示,它可以很容易地创建一个Deepfake。 现在,只需轻按一下屏幕,即可从病毒GIF中替换名人的脸,然后用自己的脸代替。

With a deepfake app, you can alter faces in videos and GIFs without spoiling the other original elements. Below are some of the best if you want to try it out.

使用Deepfake应用程序,您可以更改视频和GIF中的面Kong,而不会破坏其他原始元素。 下面是一些最好的,如果你想尝试一下。

用Reface伪装成GIF (Deepfake Yourself Into GIFs with Reface)


With Reface, you can replace the faces in just about any GIF. All you have to do is upload a picture from your gallery or take a new selfie with your phone. The app will automatically detect your face and deepfake it in the selected GIF.

使用Reface,您几乎可以在任何GIF中替换这些面。 您所要做的就是从图库中上传图片或使用手机拍摄新的自拍照。 该应用程序将自动检测您的脸部并将其深化到所选的GIF中。

What sets Reface apart is it also animates your face to match the expressions in the original GIF, so it doesn’t look out of place.


Reface also doesn’t restrict you to just a handful of optimized clips. You can search keywords to retrieve any GIF on the web (as long as it has a human face), and then edit it.

Reface并不仅限于少数优化片段。 您可以搜索关键字以检索网络上的任何GIF(只要它具有人脸),然后对其进行编辑。


You can also process and store multiple faces. This allows you to reuse them without having to import them every time. Since Reface recognizes all faces in a GIF, you can also set a separate one for each of them.

您还可以处理和存储多个面。 这使您可以重复使用它们,而不必每次都导入它们。 由于Reface可以识别GIF中的所有面Kong,因此您也可以为每个面Kong分别设置一个面Kong。

Reface is available on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Most of its features are free to use, but you’ll have to pay for the Pro subscription if you don’t want a watermark on your results.

Reface在iPhoneiPadAndroid设备上可用。 它的大多数功能都可以免费使用,但是如果您不想在结果上添加水印,则必须为Pro订阅付费。

与Jiggy深入了解舞蹈视频 (Deepfake Yourself Into Dance Videos with Jiggy)


Jiggy is another app that allows you to take advantage of deepfake technology for fun. It offers dozens of goofy dance videos into which you can plaster your (or someone else’s) face by uploading a photo. Jiggy also scans your upper body so it can accurately overlay it on the dancing character.

Jiggy是另一个允许您利用Deepfake技术带来乐趣的应用程序。 它提供了数十个愚蠢的舞蹈视频,您可以通过上传照片在(或别人的)脸上涂上石膏。 Jiggy还会扫描您的上身,以便将其准确地覆盖在跳舞角色上。

The app also customizes the output with whatever the person is wearing in the image. Like Reface, Jiggy animates your expressions and facial movements, as well.

该应用程序还可以根据图像中人的穿着情况自定义输出。 与Reface一样,Jiggy也会使表情和面部动作动起来。

You can download Jiggy on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device for free. If you want more dance templates and watermark-free videos, though, you’ll have to upgrade to a premium subscription.

您可以在iPhoneiPadAndroid设备上免费下载Jiggy。 但是,如果您想要更多的舞蹈模板和无水印视频,则必须升级为高级订阅。

模仿印象中的名人 (Impersonate a Celebrity in Impressions)


The aptly titled Impressions app lets you digitally impersonate celebrities. It deepfakes the faces of people like Barack Obama, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Jennifer Aniston into your recorded videos.

标题恰当的“印象”应用程序可让您以数字方式模仿名人。 它将像巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama),克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)和珍妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)之类的面Kong深深地伪装到您录制的视频中。

After you choose a celebrity, just record a video, or upload one from your phone’s library. In a few minutes, Impressions will produce a deepfake version of the video featuring the celebrity’s face instead of yours.

选择名人后,只需录制视频或从手机资料库中上传一个视频即可。 几分钟后,“印象”将制作一则深红色的视频版本,其中将显示名人的面Kong,而不是您的面Kong。

Impressions also includes a catalog of audio recordings from popular movie and TV scenes you can lip-synch to.


Unlike the other apps on our list, Impressions uploads and processes your videos on its servers, so it does require an internet connection. Thankfully, you can request that it remove your data from its servers in the app’s settings.

与我们列表中的其他应用不同,印象数会在其服务器上上传并处理您的视频,因此确实需要互联网连接。 值得庆幸的是,您可以在应用程序的设置中请求它从其服务器中删除数据。

Impressions also has a TikTok-like social network where you can share your deepfakes and browse others’ posts.


At this writing, Impressions is only available on iPhone or iPad, but the company claims an Android version is coming soon. It’s free as long as you’re okay with having a watermark on your clips; if not, it’s $4.99 per week.

在撰写本文时,印象数仅在iPhoneiPad上可用,但该公司声称即将推出Android版本。 只要您可以在剪辑上带有水印,就可以免费使用它。 如果不是,则为每周4.99美元。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/689438/3-easy-apps-to-deepfake-yourself-into-videos-and-gifs/
