MyEclipse 6.5 JPBM 插件安装


第一种(失败 ):官网给的方法

The installation of the GPD uses the Eclipse Software Update mechanism and is pretty straightforward. There is an archived update site included in the runtime installation of jBPM when you unzip it at install/src/gpd/

To add the update site to eclipse:

  • Help --> Install New Software...
  • Click Add...
  • In dialog Add Site dialog, click Archive...
  • Navigate to install/src/gpd/ and click 'Open'
  • Clicking OK in the Add Site dialog will bring you back to the dialog 'Install'
  • Select the jPDL 4 GPD Update Site that has appeared
  • Click Next... and then Finish
  • Approve the license
  • Restart eclipse when that is asked
  • 上面的官网的描述,具体做法如下图

    MyEclipse 6.5 JPBM 插件安装
    MyEclipse 6.5 JPBM 插件安装

选择 new Archived site

MyEclipse 6.5 JPBM 插件安装

ok之后finish 然后出现错误,实验了好几次,这个方法都没成功。

方法二(失败 ):解压

将这个文件jbpm-jpdl-designer-site.zip解压 然后再方法一的红字选择New Local Site 其他步骤一样,最后结果一样失败!

方法三(成功 ):直接复制

将jbpm-jpdl-designer-site.zip解压后的文件复制到MyEclipse/eclipse目录,选择覆盖,重启Eclipse后,成功了 呵呵

MyEclipse 6.5 JPBM 插件安装
