WPA Information Element介绍

The Wi-Fi/802.11 standard introduced two new Information elements to cater to the new WPA/WPA2 encryption scheme. They are the WPA (Wireless Protected Access) and RSN (Robust Security Network) Information Elements.

为了适应新的WPA/WPA2加密体系, WiFi/802.11 标准引入了两种新的信息元素。它们是WPA(无线接入保护)和RSN(强健安全网络)信息要素。


Any Station containing a WPA/RSN information element in its Association request would need to perform an 802.11i/802.1X security handshake.

任何Station(站点)的Association request(关联请求)中包含 WPA/RSN 信息元素都需要执行 802.11i/802.1x安全握手。


The WPA Information Element is shown below


WPA Information Element介绍
WPA Information Element


The WPA Element ID is set to 0x221. The WPA Element ID is same as the vendor specific element ID. Hence, whenever a vendor specific Element ID is received – the OUI needs to be checked by the Station/AP to see if the Information Element is WPA. If it is not WPA – AP/Station can choose to ignore parsing the Information Element

WPA的 元素ID 是0x221,和厂商的元素ID相同。因此当Station/AP收到厂商的元素ID后要检查OUI值看该元素是不是WPA。如果不是WPA,AP/Station 可以选择忽略解析这个信息元素。


The WPA OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) is set to 00-50-f2



The Type or Version of WPA is 1


The Multicast cipher suite and Type (together termed as Multicast/Group Cipher suite selector) indicates the multicast cipher that is supported.

The Unicast Cipher count – indicates the number of unicast cipher suites present

The Unicast Cipher List – is variable based on the number of Unicast cipher count value.

The tabular column indicates some of the different cipher lists that are supported

表格中的列 表明支持的一些不同的加密列表

OUI Suite Type Meaning
00-50-f2 0 Use Group Cipher Suite
00-50-f2 1 WEP-40
00-50-f2 2 TKIP
00-50-f2 3 Reserved
00-50-f2 4 Reserved
00-50-f2 5 WEP-104

TKIP is the Default Cipher suite in WPA


NOTE: WEP-40 and WEP-104 can only be used as group cipher suites in the Transition Station network (TSN).

AKM Count – the Authentication Key Management count provides the number of Authentication key management suites that are supported.

AKM List – The number of different authentication mechanisms that is supported. The tabular column indicates some of the cipher suite and Type combination

OUI Suite Type Meaning
00-50-f2 0 Reserved
00-50-f2 1 802.1X
00-50-f2 2 PSK

The Packet capture below indicates the details of a PSK AKM suite selected and TKIP as Multicast/Unicast Cipher suite

WPA Information Element介绍
WPA capture