视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图


视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

The All Apps view in Windows 8 is quite useful, considering many of the applications a geek might want to use won’t be pinned to the Start Screen – but it is a pain to get there. We set out to find a better solution.

Windows 8中的“所有应用程序”视图非常有用,考虑到一个极客可能想要使用的许多应用程序不会固定在“开始”屏幕上,但是要到达那里是很痛苦的。 我们着手寻找更好的解决方案。

When it comes right down to it, the All Apps view is the most similar analog to the All Programs view from the Start Menu going all the way back to Windows 95. Windows Vista changed it significantly, and Windows 7 a little more, but overall, the Start Menu was the way to access all of your apps, and the All Apps view is the same thing, just full screen.

紧接着,“所有应用程序”视图与“开始”菜单中的“所有程序”视图最相似,一直追溯到Windows95。WindowsVista进行了重大更改,Windows 7进行了一些更改,但总体而言,“开始”菜单是访问所有应用程序的方式,“所有应用程序”视图是同一件事,只是全屏显示。

And sure, you can pin all of those other Windows apps like Event Viewer and your regular desktop apps directly to the Start Screen, but the icons look awful on the screen, since you also can’t replace them with a pretty Metro-style picture icon. If you could do that, we might be in business, but since they are ugly, and we are system tweakers, there is no way we’re pinning them there. So we need the All Apps screen.

当然,您可以将所有其他 Windows应用程序(例如Event Viewer和常规桌面应用程序)直接固定到“开始”屏幕,但是这些图标在屏幕上看起来很糟糕,因为您也无法用漂亮的Metro风格的图片替换它们图标。 如果您可以这样做,那么我们可能会做生意,但是由于它们很丑陋,而且我们是系统调整者,因此无法将它们固定在那里。 因此,我们需要“所有应用程序”屏幕。

The problem is that getting there is confusing and lousy.


To get there, normally you’ll open up the Start Screen by clicking in the corner or hitting the Windows key. Then you have to right-click on the empty space on the page or hit the Win + Z key combination to bring up the App bar, from which you can launch the All apps screen. If you were on a touch device, you could swipe up from the bottom of the screen, which is a little easier, but still rather hidden.

要到达那里,通常您将通过单击角落或按Windows键来打开“开始”屏幕。 然后,您必须右键单击页面上的空白区域或按Win + Z组合键以调出应用程序栏,从中可以启动“所有应用程序”屏幕。 如果您使用的是触摸设备,则可以从屏幕底部向上滑动,这虽然简单一些,但仍然很隐蔽。

视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

After months of dealing with that nonsense, I decided it was time to figure out a better solution. Naturally, I turned to AutoHotkey to get the ball rolling.

经过几个月的胡言乱语,我认为是时候该找到一个更好的解决方案了。 自然,我转向AutoHotkey来使球滚动。

The first thing I did was check into keyboard shortcuts, and remembered that the WIN + Q shortcut key combination opens up the All Apps view… sorta. What it actually does it open the search box, which is fairly useless since I can do the same thing by just hitting the Windows key and typing my search.

我做的第一件事是检查键盘快捷键,并记得WIN + Q快捷键组合打开了“所有应用程序”视图…有点。 它实际上的作用是打开搜索框,这是毫无用处的,因为我只需按Windows键并键入搜索即可做同样的事情。

视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

Then I realized you can use CTRL + TAB on the Start Screen to switch back and forth between the Start Screen and the All Apps screen. Voila! My solution was simple – automate this with AutoHotkey. The script was simple enough, after I realized you had to add a very slight delay between the keystrokes.

然后,我意识到您可以在“开始”屏幕上使用CTRL + TAB在“开始”屏幕和“所有应用程序”屏幕之间来回切换。 瞧! 我的解决方案很简单–使用AutoHotkey自动化。 在我意识到您必须在两次击键之间添加非常小的延迟之后,脚本非常简单。

So I created a script that automates hitting the Windows key, waits for 60 milliseconds, and then sends the Ctrl + Tab key combination.

因此,我创建了一个脚本,该脚本可以自动敲击Windows键,等待60毫秒,然后发送Ctrl + Tab键组合。

Send {LWin} Sleep 60 Send {Lctrl down} Sleep 10 Send {Tab} Sleep 10 Send {Lctrl up}


You can take that AutoHotkey script and compile it into an executable, create a shortcut, and then customize the icon to whatever you want.


视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

And then finally, pin that shortcut to the Taskbar. Now you have one-click access to every app on your system.

最后,将该快捷方式固定到任务栏。 现在,您可以一键访问系统上的每个应用程序。

视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

Where it gets surprisingly useful is actually on the Start Screen itself… on a tablet device. Instead of swiping up and hitting the icon to access the All Apps view, you can just hit a single tile with your finger, and you are right there at the All Apps view, ready to launch any application.

令人惊讶地有用的地方实际上是在“开始”屏幕本身上……在平板设备上。 您无需用手指滑动即可访问“所有应用程序”视图,而只需用手指敲击一个图块,就在“所有应用程序”视图中,可以启动任何应用程序。

There is a quick second, of course, where the screen flashes back to the desktop, because AutoHotkey is a desktop application. Perhaps Microsoft will provide a better way to do this in Windows Blue, but for now, this works quite well. Note: it won’t work on the Surface RT, because, well… almost nothing interesting works on Windows RT.

当然,很快就会出现屏幕闪烁回到桌面的情况,因为AutoHotkey是桌面应用程序。 也许Microsoft将提供一种更好的Windows Blue方式来实现此目的,但就目前而言,这种方式运行良好。 注意:它在Surface RT上不起作用,因为,好吧……在Windows RT上几乎没有有趣的作品。

视图缺点_解决Windows 8的缺点:一种轻松的方式打开所有应用程序视图

If you really wanted to, you could change the script to launch All Apps with a shortcut key instead.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/143817/fixing-windows-8s-shortcomings-an-easier-way-to-open-the-all-apps-view/
