jquery flot图表插件

jquery flot图表插件

Project Information
olau%[email protected] 1 committer

Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side.

The focus is on simple usage (all settings are optional), attractive looks and interactive features like zooming and mouse tracking.

The plugin works with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2.x+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Konqueror 4.x+ with the HTML canvas tag (the excanvas Javascript emulation helper is used for IE < 9).


Some examples are bundled with Flot. Also take a look at FlotUsage for screenshots and stories from people and companies using Flot.

jquery flot图表插件


Flot has supported plugins since v. 0.6. Some are bundled with Flot. If you're a plugin developer, consider posting a link at the plugin page.


If you need more help, ask on the forum/mailing list. You can probably save yourself some time skimming the FAQ first.

Bugs, patches, suggestions

If you're interested in discussing something Flot related, consider posting to the friendly gang on the forum/mailing list.

Bugs in Flot can be reported on the bug tracker - but please be polite and remember that the bug tracker is for tracking bugs in Flot, not for debugging your code. Unless you spot an obvious mistake in Flot or can produce a small self-contained test case reproducing the problem (ideally based on one of the examples), you are probably better off asking on the forum/mailing list which is watched by lots of knowledgeable people.

As for new features, you can open an issue on the issue tracker and attach a patch or send a pull request on github. Note that Flot is currently in a process of slimming the core in favour of placing the features in plugins, and new features should generally follow the same trend.

Latest code

Flot is developed on github.

If you don't want to deal with a version control system, you can also download the latest files and see the development version examples from the Google Code SVN web view which is synced from github every ten minutes. The development versions of Flot are generally very stable so don't be afraid to try it out.

Who's behind this?

Flot is the combined result of countless suggestions, patches and bug reports by the people using Flot.

It was started and is being maintained by Ole Laursen, sponsored by IOLA, an agile little Danish web-development house with a keen eye for Python/Django and jQuery. If you need commercial support, you're welcome to contact us - read more here.


If you like Flot and would like to support its further development, consider donating. The more money in the pool, the more time we can spend developing Flot:

jquery flot图表插件

posted on 2012-02-09 16:45 lexus 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏
