



Netflix isn’t just an English language streaming service with content from around the globe. You can easily watch films and shows in other languages. There are also options for changing the language of the audio, subtitles, or on your profile, no matter where you live. Let’s explore!

Netflix不仅仅是提供来自全球的内容的英语流媒体服务。 您可以轻松地观看其他语言的电影和节目。 无论您身在何处,都有一些用于更改音频,字幕或个人资料语言的选项。 让我们来探索!

如何在Netflix个人资料上更改语言 (How to Change the Language on Your Netflix Profile)

Netflix usually determines the language it uses based on your location. For example, in the U.S., you’ll get English, but in Brazil, your profile would appear in Portuguese by default.

Netflix通常会根据您的位置确定使用的语言。 例如,在美国,您将获得英语,但是在巴西,您的个人资料默认情况下将以葡萄牙语显示。

If you have multiple Netflix profiles, you can set one (or more) of them to use another language. If you’re learning a new language, this might help you become more proficient. It can also separate your Netflix recommendations between languages if you’re multilingual.

如果您有多个Netflix个人资料 ,则可以将其中一个(或多个)设置为使用另一种语言。 如果您正在学习一门新语言,这可能会帮助您变得更加熟练。 如果您是多语种,它还可以将您的Netflix建议在不同语言之间分开。

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to change your Netflix profile language on an iPhone, iPad, Android app, or other platforms. You have to do this in a web browser, but the settings you change will be applied across your Netflix account.

不幸的是,无法在iPhoneiPadAndroid应用程序或其他平台上更改Netflix个人资料语言。 您必须在网络浏览器中执行此操作,但是您更改的设置将应用于您的Netflix帐户。

After you launch your browser and log in to Netflix, there are a few ways you can change the language on your profile.


通过“管理个人资料”菜单更改Netflix个人资料上的语言 (Change the Language on Your Netflix Profile via the “Manage Profiles” Menu)

The quickest way to change the language on your Netflix profile is via the “Manage Profiles” menu.


If you’re already signed in to the profile you want to change on Netflix, click your profile icon at the top right, and then click “Manage Profiles.”



In the main profile selection screen, click “Manage Profiles” again.



Click the profile you want to edit.



You’ll then see various options, including renaming your profile, setting parental controls, and so on.

然后,您将看到各种选项,包括重命名您的个人资料, 设置家长控制等。

Click the “Language” drop-down menu, select the language to which you want to change your profile, and then click “Save.”



You’re returned to the profile selection screen. Click “Done” to confirm your changes.

您将返回到配置文件选择屏幕。 单击“完成”以确认您的更改。


The language Netflix displays in that profile will now be the one you selected. Additionally, if a TV show or movie you’re watching has audio streams or subtitles available in that language, Netflix will use these by default.

Netflix在该配置文件中显示的语言现在将成为您选择的语言。 此外,如果您正在观看的电视节目或电影具有以该语言提供的音频流或字幕,则Netflix将默认使用它们。

在“帐户”菜单中更改Netflix个人资料上的语言 (Change the Language on Your Netflix Profile in the “Account” Menu)

You can also change your Netflix profile’s language in the “Account” menu. To access it, just click your profile icon at the top right, and then select “Account.”

您还可以在“帐户”菜单中更改Netflix个人资料的语言。 要访问它,只需单击右上角的个人资料图标,然后选择“帐户”。


Scroll to the “Profile and Parental Controls” section, and then tap the downward arrow next to the profile you want to change.



The current language applied to that profile will be listed in the “Language” section; click “Change” to select a different one.

应用于该配置文件的当前语言将在“语言”部分列出; 单击“更改”以选择其他选项。


Select a new language from the list that appears, and then click “Save.”



Netflix will change your language settings to the one you chose. If you watch any content that’s available in that language, Netflix will default to it for the audio and subtitles.

Netflix会将您的语言设置更改为您选择的语言设置。 如果您观看以该语言提供的任何内容,则Netflix将默认使用音频和字幕。

如何在Netflix上更改音频和字幕语言 (How to Change the Audio and Subtitle Language on Netflix)

If you only want to change the audio and subtitle language on one program, you can do this during playback. Netflix will default to your chosen profile language, but you can switch to any others that are available.

如果只想更改一个程序的音频和字幕语言,则可以在播放时进行。 Netflix将默认使用您选择的配置文件语言,但您可以切换到任何其他可用的语言。

However, by default, Netflix only displays up to seven alternative languages you can switch to during playback. If the language you want isn’t listed, you’ll have to switch your profile language to it as we covered above.

但是,默认情况下,Netflix仅显示最多七种备用语言,您可以在播放过程中切换成其他语言。 如果未列出您想要的语言,则必须如上所述切换您的个人资料语言。

The methods below outline how to change the language of Netflix audio and subtitles during playback via the web and on mobile. However, the steps should be similar on other devices, including smart TVs.

下面的方法概述了如何在通过网络和移动设备播放时更改Netflix音频和字幕的语言。 但是,这些步骤在包括智能电视在内的其他设备上应该相似。

如何在网络上更改Netflix音频和字幕语言 (How to Change the Netflix Audio and Subtitle Language on the Web)

To do this on the web, start playing the TV show or movie, and then hover your mouse over it until the options menu appears at the bottom.

在网络上执行此操作 ,请开始播放电视节目或电影,然后将鼠标悬停在上面,直到选项菜单出现在底部。

Click the Audio and Subtitles icon at the bottom right.



A list of available audio streams and subtitle languages will be listed in the pop-up menu.


Click the language to which you want to switch the audio stream or for which you want to enable subtitles.



The audio stream will immediately change to the new language. If you enabled subtitles, these will begin to appear at the bottom of the video.

音频流将立即更改为新语言。 如果启用了字幕,这些字幕将开始出现在视频的底部。

如何在移动设备上更改Netflix音频和字幕语言 (How to Change the Netflix Audio and Subtitle Language on Mobile)

The process for changing the audio and subtitle language is similar on the Netflix app for iPhone, iPad, or Android. Simply begin playing the show or film in the Netflix app, and then tap the screen to see the playback options.

用于iPhoneiPadAndroid的Netflix应用程序上的更改音频和字幕语言的过程类似。 只需开始在Netflix App中播放节目或电影,然后点击屏幕以查看播放选项。

Tap “Audio and Subtitles” to access the languages that are available.



Select a language from the “Audio” or “Subtitles” section, and then tap “Apply” to confirm your settings.



The audio will now be in your chosen language. Subtitles are disabled by default, but they should now appear in your video.

音频现在将以您选择的语言显示。 默认情况下,字幕是禁用的,但现在应该会出现在您的视频中。

