


You’ve heard the old adage: “if you’re not paying for something you’re the product being sold.” Facebook has a compelling counterpoint: “Nuh-uh.”

您已经听到了一句古老的格言:“如果您不花钱买东西,那就是您要出售的产品。” Facebook有一个引人注目的对立面:“ Nuh-uh”。

Okay: that’s not an exact quote. But here’s Facebook VP Rob Goldman saying basically the same thing for the Facebook Newsroom:

好的:那不是确切的报价。 但是,Facebook副总裁罗伯·戈德曼(Rob Goldman)在Facebook新闻编辑室说的基本上是同一回事

If I’m not paying for Facebook, am I the product?


No. Our product is social media—the ability to connect with the people that matter to you, wherever they are in the world. It’s the same with a free search engine, website or newspaper. The core product is reading the news or finding information – and the ads exist to fund that experience.

不会。我们的产品是社交媒体,即与世界上任何地方的人们都息息相关的能力。 免费的搜索引擎,网站或报纸也是如此。 核心产品是阅读新闻或查找信息-广告的存在是为了提供这种体验。

Interesting that Goldman brings up newspapers. I myself worked in the newspaper industry just long enough to learn that advertisers, not readers, are the customers. That’s who the sales team is on the phone with. That’s where the money is coming from. And ultimately, that’s who you don’t want to upset if you want to keep your job.

有趣的是高盛带来了报纸。 我本人在报纸行业工作了足够长的时间,以了解广告客户而不是读者是客户。 那就是销售团队的电话。 那是钱的来源。 最终,如果您想保留工作,那就是您不想让他们感到沮丧的人。

I imagine Facebook knows who is paying the bills, and it isn’t the users. That’s what people mean when they say that you’re the product, and it’s true of most mass media you don’t pay for: search engines, newspapers, and yes, social networks.

我想Facebook知道谁在付款,不是用户。 这就是人们说“您是产品”时的意思,对于大多数您无需付费的大众媒体而言,这都是事实,例如搜索引擎,报纸,是的,社交网络。

Interesting point about this idea: it’s not unique to the internet age.  A short film made by Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman in 1973 called “Television Delivers People” made basically the same point. Check it out here, complete with elevator music:

这个想法有趣的一点是:它不是互联网时代独有的。 理查德·塞拉(Richard Serra)和卡洛塔·费伊·舒曼(Carlota Fay Schoolman)于1973年制作的短片《电视送人》提出了基本相同的观点。 在这里查看,并附带电梯音乐:

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/facebook-insists-youre-not-the-product/
