facebook 分享页面_如何停止Facebook页面的通知炸毁您的个人资料

facebook 分享页面_如何停止Facebook页面的通知炸毁您的个人资料

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facebook 分享页面_如何停止Facebook页面的通知炸毁您的个人资料

If you run a Facebook Page with more than a handful of followers, your Facebook notifications can get a little out of hand. By default, any time there’s activity on your Page—likes, comments, new followers—you’ll get a notification on your personal account. Here’s how to fix that.

如果您运行的Facebook Page的追随者人数不多,那么您的Facebook通知可能会失控。 默认情况下,您页面上的活动(例如喜欢,评论,新关注者)随时都会在您的个人帐户上收到通知。 解决方法如下。

You have two choices for how to handle this: you can customize your notifications by category and frequency, or you can turn off those notifications altogether.


自定义您的通知或以较少的频率获取它们 (Customize Your Notifications or Get Them in Less Frequent Batches)

Head to your Facebook Page and then click Settings.


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Next, from the sidebar, select Notifications.


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By default, every notification is turned on and sent immediately. If you still want to be kept abreast of what’s happening without being overwhelmed, select Get One Notification Every 12-24 Hours. Otherwise, go in and click Turn Off for any specific types of notifications you don’t want to receive.

默认情况下,所有通知均已打开并立即发送。 如果您仍想随时了解最新情况,而又不知所措,请选择每12-24小时收到一个通知。 否则,请进入并单击“关闭”以获取您不想接收的任何特定类型的通知。

facebook 分享页面_如何停止Facebook页面的通知炸毁您的个人资料

完全阻止您的Facebook页面的通知 (Block Your Facebook Page’s Notifications Entirely)

If you don’t want to receive any notifications from a Page you manage, the simplest way to do it is through your own personal Facebook Profile.


Open Facebook, click the downward facing arrow in the top right, and then select Settings or just go directly to www.facebook.com/settings.


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From the sidebar, select Notifications.


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Next to On Facebook, select Edit.


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Next to Pages You Manage, select Edit again.


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The pop up will show you a list of all the Facebook pages you manage.


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Toggle the On next to the Page that’s annoying you to either Off or Digest.


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And that’s it, all those annoying notifications will stop.


While Page notifications can be especially annoying if you have fans who actually interact with what you do, Facebook is generally pretty good at letting you turn them off. In fact, our favorite quick trick for turning off notifications also works on them.

如果您有粉丝与您的工作进行实际互动,那么Page通知会特别令人讨厌,但Facebook通常非常擅长让您将其关闭。 实际上,我们最喜欢的关闭通知的快速技巧也适用于它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/341651/how-to-stop-your-facebook-page’s-notifications-blowing-up-your-personal-profile/

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