macos mojave_使Ubuntu看起来像macOS Mojave的黑暗模式

macos mojave_使Ubuntu看起来像macOS Mojave的黑暗模式

macos mojave

macos mojave_使Ubuntu看起来像macOS Mojave的黑暗模式

If you’re a Linux user who likes the look of the dark mode coming in macOS Mojave, you’re in luck: there’s a GTK theme just for you.

如果您是Linux用户,并且喜欢macOS Mojave中的黑暗模式外观,那么您很幸运:这里有一个GTK主题适合您。

The theme is available on alongside several other macOS inspired themes. You’re looking for the one titled McOS-MJV-Dark-mode, but feel free to download more if you think you might want to switch it up later.

可以在Gnome-Look.org上找到该主题以及其他一些受macOS启发的主题。 您正在寻找一种名为McOS-MJV-Dark-mode的软件,但是如果您想稍后再进行切换,可以随时下载更多内容。

Installing is a little tricky: you need to create a .themes directory in your home folder, then extract the folder in the downloaded archive into that folder. Next you need to install Gnome Tweaks in the Ubuntu Software Store, which you can use to change the theme. You can also use Gnome Tweaks to move the buttons to the left side of the window, where they belong. Fight me.

安装有点棘手:您需要在主文件夹中创建一个.themes目录,然后将下载的存档中的文件夹解压缩到该文件夹​​中。 接下来,您需要在Ubuntu软件商店中安装Gnome Tweaks,可用于更改主题。 您还可以使用Gnome Tweaks将按钮移至窗口左侧(它们所属的位置)。 和我战斗。

Our thanks to Joey Sneddon at OMG Ubuntu for pointing this theme out to us. It’s not a perfect match for Mojave’s dark mode, but it’s a lot better than the terrible Windows Dark Mode.

感谢OMG Ubuntu的Joey Sneddon向我们指出了这个主题。 这并不是Mojave暗模式的完美匹配,但比可怕的Windows Dark模式要好得多。


macos mojave