win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

win xp os id

For whatever reason, many Windows XP users are obsessed with making their desktop look like a Mac. It’s not a new phenomenon, but the enterprising people over at FlyakiteOSX created a really easy way to transform your desktop into an OS X look & feel without a lot of trouble.

无论出于何种原因,许多Windows XP用户都沉迷于使自己的桌面看起来像Mac。 这不是一个新现象,但是FlyakiteOSX的进取心人们创造了一种非常简单的方法,可以将您的桌面转换为OS X外观,而不会带来很多麻烦。

Note: This installation will change a lot of files and install a whole bunch of utilities, so proceed with caution if you aren’t prepared to deal with any problems that might happen.


When you launch the setup you’ll eventually get to this screen, where you should check the box for “Create System Restore Point”, along with whichever options you want.


win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

After installation and rebooting your computer, you’ll be presented with a desktop that looks very much like OS X.

安装并重新启动计算机后,将看到一个非常类似于OS X的桌面。

win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

It even updates your shutdown screen…


win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

And the login screen…


win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

There’s an included “System Preferences” application that looks just like the one in OS X, but works differently… when you click on the icons it will launch the relevant Windows settings panel.

其中包含一个“系统偏好设置”应用程序,该应用程序看上去与OS X中的应用程序相似,但是工作方式不同……当您单击图标时,它将启动相关的Windows设置面板。

win xp os id_使您的XP计算机看起来像OS X

If you have problems trying to remove this, remember that you setup a Restore point during setup. You can always return everything back to normal by using System Restore if you need to.

如果尝试删除此文件时遇到问题,请记住在安装过程中设置了一个还原点。 如果需要,您始终可以使用系统还原将所有内容恢复正常。



Note: Some antivirus software seems to detect a * in this software. I think it’s a false positive, but I can’t vouch for the software maker, so be warned either way.

注意:某些防病毒软件似乎在该软件中检测到木马。 我认为这是一个错误的肯定,但我不能保证该软件制造商的安全,因此请以任何一种方式予以警告。

You can visit the author’s site for a list of mirrors, or Download FlyaKiteOSX 3.5 from

您可以访问作者的站点以获取镜像列表,或从osx-e.com下载FlyaKiteOSX 3.5。


win xp os id