邮箱客户端 gmail支持_如何联系Gmail支持

邮箱客户端 gmail支持_如何联系Gmail支持

邮箱客户端 gmail支持

邮箱客户端 gmail支持_如何联系Gmail支持

Although you may not be able to directly contact Gmail support without subscribing to G Suite for businesses, there are a couple of ways to get the answers you’re looking for online. Let’s look at how you can get help with your Gmail issues.

尽管您可能无法在不订阅G Suite商业版的情况下直接联系Gmail支持,但是有两种方法可以在线获得所需的答案。 让我们看看如何获​​得有关Gmail问题的帮助。

使用Gmail帮助获得一般支持主题 (Using Gmail Help for General Support Topics)

The first resource we’re going to look at is Gmail Help, a Gmail-specific support page loaded with solutions for most common issues.


After you arrive on the homepage for Gmail support, you can scroll through some of the more frequent help topics facing Gmail users.


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Clicking on any one of the topics reveals a list of articles for helping you troubleshoot the problems you’re having.


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When you click any of the articles, you’re redirected to a page with step-by-step instruction on how to best solve this issue. The page also includes the steps for Android and iOS as well.

单击任何文章时,您将被重定向到页面,其中包含有关如何最好地解决此问题的分步说明。 该页面还包括适用于Android和iOS的步骤。

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If you don’t find a topic that answers your question, there’s a search box at the top of the page you can use to describe the issue you’re having.


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If you’re having a more specific, less common problem, you’ll need to turn to the Gmail Help Forum to get the help you need.


使用Gmail帮助论坛中的特定主题 (Using Gmail Help Forum for Specific Topics)

The next option is to head to the forums, where people go to ask specific questions about problems with Gmail accounts. The forum is populated with other Gmail users, as well as Google staff members.

下一个选择是前往论坛,在那里人们去问有关Gmail帐户问题的特定问题。 该论坛中有其他Gmail用户以及Google员工。

You can access the forum from the Gmail Help page (click the “Help Forum” link in the upper right-hand corner), or by going to the Gmail Help Forum page directly.


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Once you arrive at the forums, scrolling down shows the most recent questions that have been asked by the community.


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Just like Google Help, at the top of the page you can use the search bar to locate any relevant questions users may have already asked. As with most forums, it’s considered good form to try searching for your problem to see if a resolution has already been posted.

就像Google帮助一样,在页面顶部,您可以使用搜索栏找到用户可能已经问过的任何相关问题。 与大多数论坛一样,尝试搜索您的问题以查看是否已发布解决方案被认为是一种很好的形式。

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After that, if you still haven’t found a solution to your problem, you can create a new topic. This requires you to sign in to your Google account and publicly post a question to the forum. This allows any other user to reply with a relevant solution and if you’re lucky, a Google volunteer may assist you further.

之后,如果您仍然没有找到解决问题的方法,则可以创建一个新主题。 这要求您登录自己的Google帐户,并向论坛公开发布问题。 这样,其他任何用户都可以使用相关的解决方案进行回复,如果您幸运的话,Google志愿者可以为您提供进一步的帮助。

To do this, click the “New Topic” button.


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On the next page, in the box provided, explain the issue you’re having, along with any pictures, links, or attachments that might help the other forum members assist you in getting your problem resolved. Once you’ve entered all the details, click the “Post” button.

在下一页的提供的框中,说明您遇到的问题以及可能帮助其他论坛成员帮助您解决问题的图片,链接或附件。 输入所有详细信息后,单击“发布”按钮。

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If neither of these resources gets you any closer to resolving your initial problems, you can always send a letter to Google. Their site lists the address of every Google headquarters in the world. Surely they’ll respond to an actual letter, right?

如果这些资源都无法使您更接近解决最初的问题,则可以随时向Google发送一封信。 他们的网站列出了全球每个Google总部的地址。 他们肯定会回复一封真实的信件,对吗?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361956/how-to-contact-gmail-support/

邮箱客户端 gmail支持