使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Today look at MCEBuddy for Windows 7 Media Center. This handy app automatically takes your recorded TV files and converts them to MP4, AVI, WMV, or MPEG format. It even has the option to cut out those annoying commercials during the conversion process.

今天来看一下Windows 7 Media Center的MCEBuddy。 这个便捷的应用程序会自动获取您录制的电视文件,并将其转换为MP4,AVI,WMV或MPEG格式。 它甚至可以选择在转换过程中删除那些烦人的广告。

Installation and Configuration


Download and extract MCE Buddy. (Download link below) Run the setup.exe file and take all the default settings.

下载并解压缩MCE Buddy。 (下面的下载链接)运行setup.exe文件并采用所有默认设置。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Open MCEBuddy Configuration by going to Start > All Programs > MCEBuddy > MCEBuddy Configuration.

通过转到开始 > 所有程序 > MCEBuddy > MCEBuddy配置, 打开 MCEBuddy配置

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Video Paths


The MCEBuddy application is comprised of a single window. The first step you’ll want to take is to define your Source and Destination paths. The “Source” will most likely be your Recorded TV directory. The Destination should NOT be the same as the Source folder.

MCEBuddy应用程序包含一个窗口。 您要采取的第一步是定义“源”和“目标”路径。 “源”很可能是您的录制电视目录。 目标不应与源文件夹相同。

Note: The Recorded TV directory in Windows 7 Media Center will only display and play WTV & DVR-MS files. To watch the converted MP4, AVI, WMV, or MPEG files in Windows Media Center you’ll need to add them to your Video Library or Movie Library.

注意:Windows 7 Media Center中的“录制的电视”目录将仅显示和播放WTV和DVR-MS文件。 要在Windows Media Center中观看转换后的MP4,AVI,WMV或MPEG文件,您需要将它们添加到视频库或电影库中。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Video Conversion


Next, choose your preferred format for conversion from the “Convert to” drop down list. The default is MP4 with the H.264 codec. You’ll find a wide variety of formats. The first set of conversion options in the drop down list will resize the video to 720 pixels wide. The next two sections maintain the original size, and the final section is for a variety of portable devices.

接下来,从“转换为”下拉列表中选择转换的首选格式。 默认值为带有H.264编解码器的MP4。 您会发现各种各样的格式。 下拉列表中的第一组转换选项会将视频的大小调整为720像素宽。 接下来的两个部分保持原始大小,最后一个部分适用于各种便携式设备。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Next, you’ll see a group of check boxes below the “Convert to” drop down list. The Commercial Skipping option will cut the commercials while converting the file. Sort By Series will create a sub-folder in your Destination folder for each TV show. Delete Original will delete the WTV file after conversion is complete. (This option is not recommended unless you are sure your files are converting properly and you no longer need the WTV file.) Start Minimized is ideal if you want to run MCEBuddy on Windows startup.

接下来,您将在“转换为”下拉列表下方看到一组复选框。 商业跳过选项将在转换文件时剪切商业广告。 按系列排序将在每个电视节目的“目标”文件夹中创建一个子文件夹。 删除原始文件将在转换完成后删除WTV文件。 (不建议使用此选项,除非您确定文件可以正确转换并且不再需要WTV文件。)如果要在Windows启动时运行MCEBuddy,“ 最小启动”是理想的选择。

Note: MCEBuddy installs and uses Comskip for commercial cutting by default. However, if you have ShowAnalyzer installed, it will use that application instead.

注意:默认情况下,MCEBuddy安装并使用Comskip进行商业切割。 但是,如果安装了ShowAnalyzer,它将使用该应用程序。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Advanced Options


To choose a specific time of day to perform the conversions, click the checkbox under the “Advanced Options,” and select the starting and ending times for conversion. For example, convert between 2 hours and 5 hours would be between 2 am and 5am. If you want MCEBuddy to constantly look for and immediately convert new recordings, leave the box unchecked.

要选择一天中的特定时间执行转换,请单击“高级选项”下的复选框,然后选择转换的开始和结束时间。 例如,在2小时和5小时之间转换将在2 am和5am之间。 如果您希望MCEBuddy不断寻找并立即转换新的录音,请不要选中此框。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

The “Video age” option lets you choose a specific number of days to wait before performing the conversion. This can be useful if you want to watch the recordings first and delete those you don’t wish to convert. You can also choose the “Sub Directories” if you’d like MCEBuddy to convert files that are in a sub-folder in your “Source” directory.

“视频年龄”选项可让您选择要执行转换的特定天数。 如果您想先观看录音并删除不想转换的录音,这将很有用。 如果您希望MCEBuddy转换“源”目录中子文件夹中的文件,则也可以选择“子目录”。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Second Conversion


As you might expect, this option allows MCEBuddy to perform a second conversion of your file. This can be useful if you want to use your first conversion to create a higher quality MP4 or AVI file for playback on a larger screen, and a second one for a portable device such as Zune or iPhone. The same options from the first conversion are also available for the second. You’ll want to choose a separate Destination folder for the second conversion.

如您所料,此选项允许MCEBuddy执行文件的第二次转换。 如果要使用第一次转换来创建更高质量的MP4或AVI文件以在更大的屏幕上播放,然后使用第二个转换来用于便携式设备(例如Zune或iPhone),则此功能很有用。 第一次转换中的相同选项也可用于第二次转换。 您需要为第二次转换选择一个单独的“目标”文件夹。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

Start and Monitor Progress


To start converting your video files, simply press the “Start” button at the bottom.


使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

You’ll be able to follow the progress in the “Current Activity” section.


使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告

When all the video files have finished converting, or there are no current files to convert, MCEBuddy will display a “Started – Idle” status. Click “Stop” if you don’t want MCEBuddy to continue scanning for new files.

当所有视频文件都已完成转换,或者没有当前文件要转换时,MCEBuddy将显示“已开始-空闲”状态。 如果您不希望MCEBuddy继续扫描新文件,请单击“停止”。

使用MCEBuddy 2x在Windows 7 Media Center中转换视频并删除广告



MCEBuddy 2x will convert all WTV files in it’s source folder. If you want to pick and choose which recordings to convert, you may want to define a source folder different than the Recorded TV folder and then just copy or move the files you wish to convert into the new source folder. The conversion process does take a good bit of time. If you choose the commercial skipping and second conversion options it can take several hours to fully convert one TV recording.

MCEBuddy 2x将转换其源文件夹中的所有WTV文件。 如果要选择要转换的录像,则可能需要定义与“录制的电视”文件夹不同的源文件夹,然后将要转换的文件复制或移动到新的源文件夹中。 转换过程确实需要花费大量时间。 如果您选择了商业跳过和第二种转换选项,则可能需要几个小时才能完全转换一份电视录像。

Overall, MCEBuddy makes a nice Media Center addition for those that want to save some space with smaller size files, convert Recorded TV files for their portable device, or automatically remove commercials. If you’re looking for a different method to skip commercials check out our post on how to skip commercials in Windows 7 Media Center.

总体而言,MCEBuddy对于那些希望使用较小尺寸的文件节省空间,将录制的电视文件转换为便携式设备或自动删除广告的用户来说,是一个不错的Media Center补充。 如果您正在寻找另一种跳过广告的方法,请查看我们有关如何在Windows 7 Media Center中跳过广告的文章。

Download MCEBuddy 2.4.3

下载MCEBuddy 2.4.3

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12857/convert-video-and-remove-commercials-in-windows-7-media-center-with-mcebuddy-1.1/