(2015)Graph-based Anomaly Detection and Description : A survey 论文笔记

1. detecting outlying points lying in a multi-dimensional feature space

  • While numerous techniques have been developed in past years for spotting outliers and anomalies in unstructured collections of multi-dimensional points,

2. detecting abnormalities in graph data

why graphs?

graph data becoming ubiquitous, techniques for structured graph data have been of focus recently. As objects in graphs have long-range correlations,

  • Inter-dependent nature of the data
  • Powerful representation
  • Relational nature of problem domains
  • Robust machinery

3. Challenges

3.1 Data-specific challenfes
  • Scale and Dynamics:
  • Complexity
3.2 Problem-specific challenges

Additional challenges arise with respect to the anomaly
detection task itself.

  • Lack and Noise of Labels
  • Class Imbalance and Asymmetric Error:\
  • Novel Anomaliers
  • Explaining-away
3.3 Graph-specific challenges
  • Inter-dependent Objects
  • Variety of Definitions
  • Size of Search Space

4. the state-of-the-art methods for anomaly detection in data represented as graphs.

As a key contribution, we give a general framework for the algorithms categorized under various settings:

  • unsupervised vs. (semi-)supervised approaches,
  • static vs. dynamic graphs,
  • attributed vs. plain graphs.
    (2015)Graph-based Anomaly Detection and Description : A survey 论文笔记

5. Open Challenges

5.1 Theoretical research challenges.

While there has been considerable amount of work on static graphs, there still remain problems in the study of dynamic graphs.(尽管在静态图上的研究方法很多,在动态图上的却比较稀少)

  • Anomaly Detection on Attributed Dynamic Graphs.
  • The History/Trace of Dynamic Updates.
  • Choosing the ‘Right’ Time Window/Granularity.
  • Adversarial Robustness
  • The Cost of Graph Anomaly Detection
  • Scalable Real-time Discontinuity Detection
5.2 Practical research challenges.

Challenges from the practitioner’s point of view, which could also be posed as research problems, include the following.

  • Finding the X-factor
  • Evaluation
  • Graph Construction
  • Anomaly Detection on Multi-Graphs
  • Balance between Attribution and ‘Novelty’ Detection.
  • Augmented Graph Anomaly Detection