


OK, fine maybe they DID teach you this in class. But, you'd be surprised how many people think they know something but don't know the background or the etymology of a term. I find these things fascinating. In a world of bootcamp graduates, community college attendees (myself included!), and self-taught learners, I think it's fun to explore topics like the ones I plan to cover in my new YouTube Series "Computer things they didn't teach you."

好的,也许他们在课堂上DID教了你这一点。 但是,您会感到惊讶的是,有很多人认为他们知道某些东西,却不知道术语的背景或词源。 我觉得这些东西很有趣。 在一个训练营的毕业生,社区大学的参与者(包括我自己!)和自学成才的学习者的世界里,我认为探索诸如我计划在我的新YouTube系列“计算机课上没有教给你的东西”之类的话题很有趣。 。”

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: I think of this series as being in the same vein as the wonderful "Imposter's Handbook" series from Rob Conery (I was also involved, somewhat). In Rob's excellent words: "Learn core CS concepts that are part of every CS degree by reading a book meant for humans. You already know how to code build things, but when it comes to conversations about Big-O notation, database normalization and binary tree traversal you grow silent. That used to happen to me and I decided to change it because I hated being left out. I studied for 3 years and wrote everything down and the result is this book."

书籍推荐:我认为该系列与Rob Conery的精彩的《冒名顶替者手册》系列(我也有所参与)是一样的。 用罗伯(Rob)的出色话说:“通过读一本面向人类的书,学习构成每个CS学位的核心CS概念。您已经知道如何编码来构建东西,但是当涉及到有关Big-O表示法,数据库规范化二进制的讨论时遍历树,你变得沉默了。这曾经发生在我身上,我决定改变它,因为我讨厌被遗忘。我学习了三年,写下了一切,结果就是这本书。”

In the first video I covered the concept of Carriage Returns and Line Feeds. But do you know WHY it's called a Carriage Return? What's a carriage? Where did it go? Where is it returning from? Who is feeding it lines?

第一个视频中,我介绍了回车和换行的概念。 但是您知道为什么叫回车吗? 什么是马车? 去哪了它从哪里回来? 谁在给它喂食?

In this second video I talk about Code Pages, Character Encoding, Unicode, UTF-8 and the BOM. I thought it went very well.

在第二个视频中,我将讨论代码页,字符编码,Unicode,UTF-8和BOM。 我认为进展顺利。

What would you like to hear about next?


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关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/computer-things-they-didnt-teach-you-in-school-2-code-pages-character-encoding-unicode-utf8-and-the-bom
