模仿Visual Studio中的Eclipse“开放资源”功能

Ever since my friend Daniel educated me on the great “Open Resource” feature in Eclipse, I decided I needed the same feature in Visual Studio as well. After browsing around, I finally found a comparable plugin called VSFileFinder that will work in Visual Studio. It’s not quite as good, but it’s pretty decent.

自从我的朋友丹尼尔(Daniel)向我介绍了Eclipse中出色的“开放资源”功能以来,我就决定在Visual Studio中也需要相同的功能。 浏览之后,我终于找到了一个类似的名为VSFileFinder的插件,它将在Visual Studio中运行。 它不是很好,但是相当不错。

For those of you that haven’t seen it, here’s what the Eclipse Open Resource dialog looks like.

对于尚未看过的人,这是Eclipse Open Resource对话框的外观。

模仿Visual Studio中的Eclipse“开放资源”功能

And here’s a screenshot of VSFileFinder in action. You’ll notice that it’s very similar, but it doesn’t show open files first.

这是运行中的VSFileFinder的屏幕截图。 您会注意到它非常相似,但是不会首先显示打开的文件。

模仿Visual Studio中的Eclipse“开放资源”功能

The first thing you’ll need to do is download and install it from the CodeProject site (registration required). 


Next to set a shortcut key for it, you’ll want to open Tools \ Options and then browse down to Environment \ Keyboard

在旁边为其设置快捷键,您需要打开“工具” \“选项”,然后向下浏览到“环境” \“键盘”

模仿Visual Studio中的Eclipse“开放资源”功能

Now you can set the same keyboard shortcut by typing “vsfile” into the “Show commands” box, clicking on the “VSFileFinder.Connect.ShowVSFileFinder” entry in the list.

现在,您可以通过在“显示命令”框中键入“ vsfile”,然后单击列表中的“ VSFileFinder.Connect.ShowVSFileFinder”条目来设置相同的键盘快捷键。

模仿Visual Studio中的Eclipse“开放资源”功能

Add in the shortcut key you want, and click the Assign button.


Now you have a comparable feature attached to a hotkey. Personally, I docked the window on the side and set it to auto-hide so it works similarly. 

现在,您已经在热键上附加了类似功能。 就个人而言,我将窗口停靠在侧面并将其设置为自动隐藏,因此其工作方式类似。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/programming/mimic-the-eclipse-open-resource-feature-in-visual-studio/