
        几个月的时间,很多新技术都没有学习啊。Eclipse出3.1了,IntelliJ IDEA也出5.0了,ReSharper更新了,SubVersion和TortoiseSVN也出新版本了……当然,最重要的Visual Stuido 2005也出beta2了。
        可怜现在在公司啊,只能用着原始的Visual C++ 6。怎一个痛苦来形容啊!感觉像回到了原始社会。功能太简单了,幸亏还有Vsiual Assist这个帮手,否则我早就撞墙身亡了!哈哈
        Visual Studio 2005确实不错,很难想像beta2版速度就这么快,而且还挺稳定。
        由于工作关系,现在大多使用C/C++,单元测试用CppUint,可比起Junit和NUnit可难用多了。所以在VC6中用VBS写了一些工具,可惜在VS.NET下不能用,也没时间写成插件了。在VS.NET下有个插件叫Ref ++,可以对C++进行重构,还不错,现在只支持VS2003。大家试试哈:)
        我最喜爱的Java工具IntelliJ IDEA,新版本真的不错,内置了对subversion的支持(我最喜爱的版本控制工具)。


  Open Up Your Dream




制作:Absolute Music 绝音工作空间

Today we gonna show you every way
We gonna change it everyday
We gonna make you ever brave
You're gotta know that you'll be free
And if
If I can open up your dreams
If I can open up your mind
Don't say it never can be real
You could see miracles happen to you

I show you the way
I show you the way

We all have this only world
We all dream of being here
We should make the future come together
all together
We will give what we've got
You will know where it's from
This is the moment to be all that we can be
To make the world believe

And please let me tell you something new
That you are chosen to be good
And when your dreams all come true
It is the right time to get you through  
Don't be a fool
Just join us to move

We all have this only world
We all dream of being here
We should take the future come together
all together
We will give what we’ve got
You will know where it's from
This is the moment to be all that we can be
To make the world believe

You could make yourself ever proud
You could see
You will believe
That we can do something that noboby else can achieve
Just open up your dream

We all have this only word
We all dream of being here
We should take the future come together
(make the future come together together Oh……)
We will give what we've got(we've got)
You will know where it's from
(It's from the bottom of my heart)
This is the moment to be all that we can be
(that we can be)
To make the world believe
(To make the world believe) 
We all have this only word
We all dream of being here
We should take the future come together
(being this one to let come together   Oh……)
We will give what we've got (what we've got)
You will know where it's from (what we've got)
This is the moment to be all that we can be
To make the world believe
(To make the world believe