



To make your browsing experience faster, your web browser downloads the resources needed to display webpages, such as images, JavaScript files, and style sheets, into the browser’s cache. When you visit a webpage again, the browser uses the downloaded resources to display the page instead of downloading them again.

为了使您的浏览体验更快,您的Web浏览器会将显示网页所需的资源(例如图像,JavaScript文件和样式表)下载到浏览器的缓存中。 当您再次访问网页时,浏览器将使用下载的资源来显示页面,而不是再次下载它们。

However, the browser’s cache is useful for more than just loading webpages faster. If you’re in a location with unreliable internet connectivity, or none at all, you can use your browser’s cache to access copies of websites you’ve already visited when you were online. So, if you know you’re going to be without a reliable internet connection, be sure to visit the websites you want offline access to before then, so they are stored in the cache for viewing when you’re offline. Then you can use Firefox’s “Offline Mode” to view them.

但是,浏览器的缓存不仅可以更快地加载网页,还可以提供更多帮助。 如果您所在的位置的Internet连接不可靠,或者根本不连通,则可以使用浏览器的缓存访问在线时已经访问过的网站的副本。 因此,如果您知道将无法建立可靠的Internet连接,请确保在此之前访问要脱机访问的网站,以便将它们存储在缓存中以供离线时查看。 然后,您可以使用Firefox的“离线模式”进行查看。

There are two ways to browse offline in Firefox. The first method uses the menu bar, which is now hidden by default in Firefox. To temporarily show the menu bar, press “Alt” on your keyboard. The menu displays long enough for you to select a command and then hides again. If you want the menu bar to display all the time, right-click on the an empty area on the tab bar and select “Menu Bar” from the popup menu.

有两种方法可以在Firefox中离线浏览。 第一种方法使用菜单栏,该菜单栏现在在Firefox中默认为隐藏。 要临时显示菜单栏,请按键盘上的“ Alt”。 菜单显示的时间足以让您选择命令,然后再次隐藏。 如果希望菜单栏始终显示,请右键单击选项卡栏上的空白区域,然后从弹出菜单中选择“菜单栏”。


To turn on Offline Mode using the menu bar, select “Work Offline” from the “File” menu in the menu bar.



A check mark displays to the left of the Work Offline option to indicate it’s enabled.



The second method of enabling the Offline Mode in Firefox is in the Developer menu. Click the main Firefox menu by clicking the button with three horizontal bars on the toolbar. Then, click “Developer” on the drop-down menu.

在Firefox中启用脱机模式的第二种方法是在“开发人员”菜单中。 通过单击工具栏上带有三个水平条的按钮来单击Firefox主菜单。 然后,在下拉菜单上单击“开发人员”。


On the Developer menu, click “Work Offline” at the bottom.


NOTE: The Work Offline option on the menu bar and on the Developer menu are the same option. Turning the option on or off in one place will do the same thing automatically in the other.

注意:菜单栏和“开发人员”菜单上的“脱机工作”选项是同一选项。 在一个位置打开或关闭该选项会在另一位置自动执行相同的操作。


If your computer is offline and you have not enabled Offline Mode in Firefox, The Server not found screen displays when you try to go to any webpage. To solve this, enable Offline Mode and go to the webpage you want to visit again.

如果您的计算机处于脱机状态,并且尚未在Firefox中启用脱机模式,则当您尝试转到任何网页时,将显示“找不到服务器”屏幕。 要解决此问题,请启用“离线模式”,然后再次转到您要访问的网页。


The copy of the webpage that’s stored in the cache displays (if you visited the webpage previously, while online), rather than downloading it from the website’s server. Any dynamic parts of the webpage, such as advertisements or streaming video, are not displayed, and any updates made since your last visit will not appear.

显示存储在缓存中的网页副本(如果您以前在线时访问过该网页),而不是从网站的服务器下载。 不会显示网页的任何动态部分,例如广告或流式视频,并且自您上次访问以来所做的任何更新都不会显示。


When you are offline and Offline Mode is on, and you try to access a webpage you have not visited while online (the webpage is not stored in the cache), the following screen displays. You will have to visit the webpage when you’re online again to store it in the cache for offline viewing.

当您处于脱机状态且处于“脱机模式”下并且尝试访问在线时未访问的网页(该网页未存储在缓存中)时,将显示以下屏幕。 当您再次在线时,您将不得不访问该网页以将其存储在缓存中以供离线查看。


Once you’re online again, be sure to turn off the Offline Mode option so you can browse webpages normally.


Remember, when you access a cached copy of a webpage, you are viewing an old version of that webpage. You can use Firefox’s offline mode to view any website offline, but it’s probably more useful for websites that don’t update that often, so the cached copy is not quite so out of date.

请记住,访问网页的缓存副本时,您正在查看该网页的旧版本。 您可以使用Firefox的脱机模式来脱机查看任何网站,但是对于不经常更新的网站来说,它可能更有用,因此缓存的副本并不是太过时了。

If you clear your cache, you’ll have to visit the websites you want offline access to while you have an internet connection, so those websites are stored in your cache again and available when you do not have an internet connection. Not clearing your cache in Firefox is also a way to speed up your browsing experience.

如果清除缓存,则必须在具有Internet连接时访问要脱机访问的网站,因此这些网站将再次存储在缓存中,并且在没有Internet连接时可用。 不清除Firefox中的缓存也是加快浏览体验的一种方法。

If you also use Chrome, you’ll be glad to know that it has an offline mode, as well.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263854/how-to-enable-offline-browsing-in-firefox/
