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There's a heated and seemingly never-ending debate in the web design industry about whether web designers should always start their design work from scratch or not. Another option comprises taking advantage of what pre-built websites have to offer.

在Web设计行业中,关于Web设计人员是否应该始终从头开始设计工作的争论一直很激烈,而且似乎永无止境。 另一种选择包括利用预建网站必须提供的内容。

Some believe that using any kind of a template is akin to cheating. Any experienced designer worth their salt should create their designs from scratch.

有些人认为使用任何种类的模板都类似于作弊。 任何经验丰富的设计师都值得一试,应该从头开始设计。

The truth is, that's the wrong argument. A pre-built website can be looked upon as a tool, albeit a powerful one. Professional designers got to where they are by using tools to their full advantage.

事实是,这是错误的论点。 预制的网站可以被视为一种工具,尽管它功能强大。 专业设计师通过充分利用工具来达到自己所在的位置。

Let's take on the most heated points of the debate and see which arguments hold water and which do not.


Designing from scratch gives you creative freedom & pre-built websites rob you of your creative mark.


The first part of this argument has some truth to it. However, creativity and creating designs from scratch are not one and the same thing. Put another way, trying to create a design from scratch won't necessarily make you more creative. Depending upon your approach may not even take full advantage of your creativity.

该论证的第一部分具有某些道理。 然而,创造力和从头开始创建设计不是一回事。 换句话说,尝试从头开始创建设计不一定会使您更具创造力。 根据您的方法,甚至可能无法充分利用您的创造力。

A design has to have a meaning behind it. Correctly expressing that meaning requires a foundation of knowledge of the business. You should also know the design standards followers of a given enterprise expect to see.

设计必须在其背后具有含义。 正确表达其含义需要具备业务知识的基础。 您还应该知道给定企业的设计标准追随者希望看到的内容。

This is where pre-built websites enter the picture. They provide the knowledge foundation you need. They also adhere to the proper design standards and trends. At the same time. they give you total creative freedom to customize your design as you please.

这是预制网站输入图片的地方。 它们为您提供所需的知识基础。 他们还遵守适当的设计标准和趋势。 与此同时。 它们为您提供了完全的创作*,可以根据需要自定义您的设计。

Be Theme has the largest library of pre-built websites on the market, more than 390 of them at last count.

Be Theme拥有市场上最大的预建网站库,最新数量超过390个。

They're organized by industry or content type – as seen in the following 4 examples.














Check them out. These aren't mere "templates". Far from it, and they aren't robbing you of anything.

去看一下。 这些不仅仅是“模板”。 远非如此,他们不会抢劫您任何东西。

You're only professional if you design from scratch & pre-built websites are for beginners.


"You're only professional if …" are dangerous words. If you're trying too hard to be professional, you run the risk of either burning yourself out. Or, copying other professionals in an effort to join the club.

“只有……才是专业人士”是危险的话。 如果您太努力而不能成为专业人士,则可能会冒着自己筋疲力尽的风险。 或者,复制其他专业人员以加入俱乐部。

The designs you create (with or without tools) can mark you as a professional. However, you can only make that claim if you consistently deliver what your clients need. That means making a client's goal your #1 priority. This, in some cases, calls for a plain and simple design as opposed to an awesomely beautiful one.

您创建的设计(带有或不带有工具)可以将您标记为专业人士。 但是,只有在始终如一地交付客户需求的情况下,您才能提出索赔。 这意味着将客户的目标放在第一位。 在某些情况下,这需要一种简洁的设计,而不是一种非常漂亮的设计。

A pre-built website can give you a leg up since the foundation it provides is usually pre-approved.


None of these three minimalist pre-built websites could be described "awesomely beautiful".


They simply (no pun intended) get the job done.











You have to put 110% effort into every project & if you can't treat each client equally, you shouldn't take clients at all.


True, you should always put your best effort forward. The thing is, that best effort is not a constant. It will vary with every client and every assignment. You might be working to satisfy multiple clients. In this case, the best effort you give to one will seldom equate to the best effort you give to another.

没错,您应该始终尽力而为。 问题是,尽力而为并非一成不变。 每个客户和每个任务都会有所不同。 您可能正在努力满足多个客户。 在这种情况下,您对一个人付出的最大努力很少等于您对另一个人付出的最大努力。

What if all your clients represented the same industry and had the same requirements? In this case, you could and probably should treat them equally. That's never likely to happen. There simply isn't such a thing as a one-size-fits-all model.

如果您的所有客户都代表同一个行业并且有相同的要求怎么办? 在这种情况下,您可能并且可能应该一视同仁。 那永远不可能发生。 根本没有一种适合所有人的模型。

  • You can't give equal time to each client. You'd run up against a lowest-common-denominator situation if you tried.

    您不能给每个客户相等的时间。 如果尝试的话,您将遇到最低公分母的情况。
  • You can be an expert on one industry and know little or nothing about the next. One will require little or no research on your part, the other may require extensive research.

    您可以是某个行业的专家,而对下一行业了解甚少或一无所知。 一个方面几乎不需要您进行任何研究,而另一个可能需要进行广泛的研究。
  • There are other variables too. A one-man band can be entertaining, but it is rarely a great one. This is since it's virtually impossible to play all instruments perfectly. Much less together.

    还有其他变量。 一个单人乐队可能很有趣,但很少有很棒的乐队。 这是因为几乎不可能完美地演奏所有乐器。 少在一起。
  • So, you end up with multiple assignments, minimal budget, plus a limit as to how many hours you're willing to work each day.


Starting each assignment from scratch simply isn't in the cards. So why not use pre-built websites and customize them to each project's specifics? Whether you're talking about 1 project or 10 it simply makes sense.

从头开始每个任务根本不在卡中。 那么,为什么不使用预建网站并根据每个项目的具体情况自定义它们呢? 无论您谈论的是1个项目还是10个项目,这都是很有意义的。

When you have plenty of budget and deadlines aren't an issue you might be tempted to start from scratch. You'd probably still be better off starting with a pre-built website. Then, you can let your creativity run wild.

如果您有足够的预算和期限,那么您可能会很想从头开始。 从预建网站开始,您可能会更好。 然后,您可以让自己的创造力疯狂。













结论 (Conclusion)

Creating a design from scratch is something many web designers aspire to. After all, it's a great feeling to take pride in doing something without outside assistance. Especially, doing it well. Outside assistance in this case usually means web design tools. Plugins, special effects that don't require coding, and the like.

从头开始创建设计是许多Web设计师渴望实现的目标。 毕竟,为没有外部帮助而做某事感到自豪是一种很棒的感觉。 特别是要做好。 在这种情况下,外部帮助通常是指网页设计工具。 插件,不需要编码的特殊效果等。

Designing one project after another from scratch is never easy. It's like negotiating a mine field. Smart web designers pick and choose their battles. They'll do some assignments from scratch, and sometimes they don't have the expertise for others. In these cases, they rely on the hidden values embedded in pre-built websites to see them through.

从头开始设计一个接一个的项目绝非易事。 这就像在谈判一个雷区。 精明的Web设计师选择并选择他们的战斗。 他们会从头开始做一些任务,有时他们没有其他人的专业知识。 在这种情况下,他们依靠预建网站中嵌入的隐藏值来查看它们。

Browse Be's library of pre-built websites and give them a try. You won't regret it.

浏览Be的预建网站库,然后尝试一下。 你不会后悔的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-more-web-designers-should-give-pre-built-websites-a-try/
