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Ambient computing is one of Silicon Valley’s latest tech buzzwords. It refers to technologies that allow people to use a computer without realizing they’re doing it. We’ll explain more about it, and how it will impact our daily lives.

环境计算是硅谷最新的技术流行语之一。 它指的是允许人们在未意识到自己正在使用计算机的情况下使用计算机的技术。 我们将详细解释它,以及它将如何影响我们的日常生活。

您看不到的计算 (Computing You Can’t See)

Over the last few years, technology companies have been pushing to deepen the integration of computing platforms with our daily lives. One of their goals is to assimilate computers into our surroundings to the point that we don’t notice we’re using them at all.

在过去的几年中,技术公司一直在努力加深计算平台与我们日常生活的集成。 他们的目标之一是将计算机吸收到我们的周围环境中,以至于我们根本没有注意到我们正在使用它们。

Referred to as “ambient computing,” these technologies perform computations for you without a direct command. As ambient means “in your environment,” these devices are intended to be so integrated into your surroundings that you’re no longer conscious of them. This is significantly different from smartphones and smartwatches that we have to actively check to use.

这些技术被称为“环境计算”,无需直接命令即可为您执行计算。 由于环境意味着“在您的环境中”,因此这些设备旨在与周围环境集成在一起,以至您不再意识到它们。 这与我们必须积极检查使用的智能手机和智能手表有很大不同。

Most computing systems rely on active input from humans. For example, if you want to search for the movie schedule on your phone, you type the name of the movie and the cinema in the Google search box. If you want to make your home a little cooler, you can manually set your air conditioner to the desired temperature with a remote or mobile app.

大多数计算系统依赖于人类的主动输入。 例如,如果您要在手机上搜索电影时间表,请在Google搜索框中键入电影和电影的名称。 如果您想让自己的家凉一点,可以使用远程或移动应用程序将空调手动设置为所需温度。

The goal of ambient computing is to eliminate friction between you and the computer. Instead of actively setting or interacting with devices, you would interact with your surroundings, and the devices would respond to your actions. For example, with an ambient smart thermostat, the device judges the room and your interactions with it to adjust the temperature as needed.

环境计算的目的是消除您与计算机之间的摩擦。 您无需主动设置设备或与设备进行交互,而是与周围环境进行交互,设备将对您的操作做出响应。 例如,使用环境智能恒温器,设备可以判断房间以及您与房间的互动,以根据需要调节温度。

Ambient computing uses a variety of technologies, including motion tracking, speech recognition, gestures, wearables, and artificial intelligence to achieve this goal.


当今环境计算 (Ambient Computing Today)


The smart speakers and personal voice assistants millions of people have in their homes are the most widespread example of ambient computing devices. We don’t actively engage with Alexa or Google Assistant in the way we do with our other devices.

数百万人在家中拥有的智能扬声器和个人语音助手是环境计算设备最广泛的示例。 我们不会像使用其他设备那样积极地与AlexaGoogle Assistant互动。

For many people, asking a smart assistant to turn on the lights, read the day’s headlines, or play a song is a normal part of everyday life. Instead of speaking into something, you speak to your surroundings. This is why most smart speakers are understated and plain—you’re not supposed to notice them.

对于许多人来说,要求智能助手打开灯,阅读当天的头条新闻或播放歌曲是日常生活的正常部分。 您无需讲话,而是对周围的环境讲话。 这就是为什么大多数智能扬声器低调而朴素的原因-您不应该注意到它们。

Many households also have light sensors that detect movement. As soon as someone walks into the home, the living room lights turn on.

许多家庭还具有检测运动的光传感器。 只要有人走进家中,客厅灯就会亮起。

You’ve likely heard of the “Internet of Things” (IoT). It refers to the network between objects that allows them to transfer data to one another. For example, if you have smart appliances, you can use a connected smartphone or voice assistant to turn them on and customize their settings. A smart refrigerator would be able to tell you at what temperature each compartment is, as well as the optimal place to store a specific food.

您可能听说过“ 物联网 ”(IoT)。 它指的是对象之间的网络,该网络允许它们彼此之间传输数据。 例如,如果您有智能设备,则可以使用已连接的智能手机或语音助手将其打开并自定义其设置。 智能冰箱可以告诉您每个隔间的温度以及存储特定食物的最佳位置。

To seamlessly blend, different devices have to communicate with one another, and IoT makes that possible. Your smartphone connects to your lights, the light sensor connects to your alarm clock, and so on. Working with AI, these devices can pattern themselves based on your behavior.

为了无缝融合,不同的设备必须彼此通信,而物联网使这成为可能。 您的智能手机连接到您的灯,光传感器连接到您的闹钟,依此类推。 通过使用AI,这些设备可以根据您的行为对自己进行模式化。

未来的环境计算 (Ambient Computing in the Future)


We’re likely headed to a future with even more ambient computing. Many devices can already tell what time you wake up. In the future, smart devices might be able to open your curtains and wake you with natural light instead of an alarm.

我们可能会通过更多的环境计算走向未来。 许多设备已经可以告诉您几点起床。 将来,智能设备也许能够打开窗帘,并用自然光唤醒您而不是发出警报。

As soon as you walk in the living room, a room-sensor could detect your presence, and your speakers might start reading you the day’s news. These are examples of ambient computing, and it’s already around you in a variety of smart devices that blend computing into your environment.

当您走进客厅时,房间传感器就会检测到您的身影,您的扬声器也可能会开始阅读当天的新闻。 这些是环境计算的示例,并且已经有各种智能设备将计算与环境融合在一起。

Many hardware manufacturers are integrating ambient computing with both their marketing and design philosophy. Samsung, an industry leader in smart technology, refers to its smarthome operating system as “Project Ambience.”

许多硬件制造商都将环境计算与其营销和设计理念相结合。 三星是智能技术的行业领导者,将其智能家居操作系统称为“ Project Ambience”。

Google has also been eager to enter the ambient computing space. The company is likely to expand its hardware line to include more devices that further complement its current array of integrated services.

Google也一直渴望进入环境计算领域。 该公司可能会扩展其硬件产品线,以包括更多设备,以进一步完善其当前的集成服务系列。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/547655/what-is-ambient-computing-and-how-will-it-change-our-lives/
