

The amount of time people spend on their mobile phones has increased over the years, and so has the number of people using mobile devices.


It’s safe to say that mobile has almost completely taken over the desktop. With the number of users crossing over to mobile, it has become essential to create apps that can provide a seamless and engaging mobile experience.

可以肯定地说, 移动设备已几乎完全取代了台式机。 随着越来越多的用户转向移动设备,创建可提供无缝且引人入胜的移动体验的应用程序已变得至关重要。

For a business, there are plenty of ways in which an app can be helpful. Some of these include:

对于企业而言,应用程序可以通过多种方式提供帮助。 其中一些包括:

  • Improving sales and revenue generation.

  • Building a community and increasing engagement by providing the audience with resources.

  • Improving employee communication with internal business apps.

  • Improving mobile marketing strategy and increasing brand awareness.


Even though there are many positives to it, creating an app can be tedious and intimidating. It can also be costly, risky, and can take a lot of time.

即使有很多好处,创建应用程序也可能是乏味而令人生畏的。 它也可能代价高昂,冒险,并且会花费很多时间。

But if you create the app well enough, it will be worth everything in the end. To create a smart mobile app that beats the competition, here are some tips.

但是,如果您足够好地创建应用程序,那么最终一切都是值得的。 要创建一个能在竞争中脱颖而出的智能移动应用,请参考以下提示。

定义应用目标 (Define the app objectives)

The first step before you even start creating a mobile app is defining your reasons and clearly stating the app’s objectives.


If you don’t have clarity about small details like this, it will affect your planning and app building. In the end, you are not likely to get what you want.

如果您不清楚此类小细节,则会影响您的计划和应用构建。 最后,您不太可能得到想要的东西。

There are two things that you must try to satisfy with your app. First, the ideal goal of users, and second, the purpose of your business.

您必须尝试满足您的应用程序的两件事。 首先是用户的理想目标,其次是您的业务目的。

To determine these, you have to ask yourself specific questions:


  • Which parts of your business do you need to improve?

  • How can an app help solve the problem?

  • What are the possible results that you might get?


Some other areas of your business that you also have to consider are your budget, timeline, market research, and so on.


陈述应用程式的功能和功能 (State the functions and features of the app)

After stating the purpose and objectives of your app clearly, your next step would be to define the scope of your mobile app. At this point, you start to determine what the app will look like and the features that it will have.

在明确说明应用程序的目的和目标之后,下一步就是定义移动应用程序范围 。 此时,您将开始确定应用程序的外观和功能。

You need to be creative and make a list of necessary functionality and features to achieve your desired results.


Some features that you may include in your app are:


  • eCommerce integrations

  • Social sharing

  • Chat

  • Push notifications

  • Forms

  • Contact form


Write down all the valuable features and let this guide you through your app development process.


研究应用程式竞赛 (Research app competition)

Although you already are sure of what you are building and what you need in your app, you might want to look at some of your most successful competitors. Consider what they are doing with their apps and how it is helping them reach similar goals.

尽管您已经确定自己在构建什么以及在应用程序中需要什么,但是您可能希望了解一些最成功的竞争对手。 考虑一下他们对应用程序的操作以及它如何帮助他们实现类似的目标。

Be sure not to look at just your local competition. Research some of the bigger companies in the same industry that reach out to a similar audience in your country or other parts of the world. With this, you can get inspired and get new ideas you can use in the market.

确保不要只看本地竞争。 研究同一行业中的一些较大的公司,这些公司可以覆盖您所在国家或世界其他地区的相似受众。 有了它,您可以得到启发并获得可以在市场上使用的新想法。

Some of the things that you have to consider are app layout, features, and functionalities. Look out for other things that stand out or things that you might be missing.

您必须考虑的一些事情是应用程序的布局,功能和功能。 注意其他突出的事情或您可能缺少的事情。

规划移动应用的用户体验和用户旅程 (Plan the UX and user journey of the mobile app)

UX of an App

The success of mobile apps depends a lot on the User Experience of the app. You have to make sure that your app’s functions align with the users’ desires and expectations. You must plan your User Experience in advance.

移动应用程序的成功在很大程度上取决于应用程序的用户体验。 您必须确保您的应用功能符合用户的需求和期望。 您必须提前计划用户体验。

If you don’t plan the app’s user experience, you will not have an idea of how complex the app is. You also will not realize how much time you need to invest in developing the app. In the end, you won’t have something tangible to present during user testing.

如果您不计划应用程序的用户体验,那么您将不会知道应用程序的复杂程度。 您也不会意识到需要花费多少时间来开发应用程序。 最后,在用户测试期间您将看不到任何东西。

Make sure that the users have a low UX resistance with the app. The primary goal here is to ensure that they find the solution in the most efficient and intuitive way possible.

确保用户使用该应用的UX抗性较低。 这里的主要目标是确保他们以最有效,最直观的方式找到解决方案。

If you don’t take the time to plan the UX before you start to build correctly, your users will likely experience difficulty with their use of the app. Then you would need to spend more resources and time to fix things.

如果在开始正确构建之前没有花时间计划UX,则用户使用该应用程序时可能会遇到困难。 然后,您将需要花费更多的资源和时间来解决问题。

The significant difference between a successful app and an unsuccessful one is the user experience. Poor user experience can stem from making some avoidable mistakes when building the app. Some of the mistakes to avoid for good user experience are:

成功的应用程序与失败的应用程序之间的重要区别在于用户体验。 构建应用程序时会犯一些可避免的错误,从而导致用户体验差。 为了获得良好的用户体验,应避免的一些错误是:

不了解用户的需求 (Not understanding the needs of the user)

The very foundation for building a good app is understanding what users need. Having an understanding of your audience is crucial. You have to consider the users’ pain points, how your app is better than your competition, and the interface.

构建一个好的应用程序的基础是理解用户的需求。 了解您的受众至关重要。 您必须考虑用户的痛点,应用程序比竞争对手的优势以及界面。

添加太多功能 (Adding too many features)

If it's your first time developing a mobile app, you might be tempted to add a lot of features you think are cool.

如果这是您第一次开发移动应用程序 ,您可能会想添加许多您认为很棒的功能。

But this actually relates to a poor user experience most of the time. These features can overwhelm users and make them ditch your app.

但这实际上与大多数时候用户体验差有关。 这些功能会使用户不知所措,使他们放弃您的应用程序。

创建差劲而令人困惑的导航 (Creating poor and confusing navigation)

No matter how good the onboarding experience is, if users cannot find what they want easily, then your app is less useful.


Your app should have clear navigation that makes it easy for even first time users to do what they want. There are different types of navigation, so you have to choose what you think is the most intuitive for your app.

您的应用程序应具有清晰的导航,即使是初次使用的用户也可以轻松进行所需的操作。 导航类型多种多样,因此您必须选择自己认为对应用程序最直观的内容。

Other mistakes that you can make that lead to poor user experience are:


  • Neglecting the experience of first-time users.

  • Overcrowding the user interface

  • Using jargon and terminology that users don’t understand.


启动应用 (Launch the app)

The last step to creating a mobile app is to launch the app. Following the launch, you should be open to user feedback and improve the app with regular updates based on user experience.

创建移动应用程序的最后一步是启动该应用程序。 发布后,您应该向用户开放并通过基于用户体验的定期更新来改进应用程序。

结论 (Conclusion)

It takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to create a mobile app. So if you want to create one that outsmarts the competition, you have to do more. It takes a lot of effort, and we’ve highlighted some of the key things you should do in this article.

创建移动应用程序需要大量时间,精力和资源。 因此,如果您想创建一款超越竞争对手的产品,则必须做更多的事情。 这需要大量的努力,并且我们在本文中重点介绍了您应该执行的一些关键操作。

Whatever it takes, make sure to put the user experience first. Focus on satisfying them and solving their problems with the app, and you are already halfway there.

无论采取什么措施,请务必将用户体验放在首位。 专注于让他们满意并使用应用程序解决他们的问题,您已经完成了一半。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-create-a-mobile-app-that-outsmarts-the-competitors/
