Privacy-Preserving Computation and Verification of Aggregate Queries on Outsourced Databases学习笔记

1. 引言

Brian Thompson, Stuart Haber, William G. Horne,Tomas Sander, and Danfeng Yao 2009年论文《Privacy-Preserving Computation and Verification of Aggregate Queries on Outsourced Databases》中主要提出的是支持SUM求和、AVERAGE求平均值的aggregate query操作的outsourced database协议——aggregate queries can be computed without revealing microdata to service providers.


  • Database-as-a-service(DAS):support sophisticated queries such as aggregation while simultaneously maintaining the secrecy of microdata(i.e., individual data entries).
  • Cross-domain collaborative data analysis:如multiple regional hospitals collaborate to discover the most frequently occurring flu strain of the season in that area.


  • Shamir’s Secret-Sharing Scheme: a koutofnsecretsharingk-out-of-n-secret-sharing scheme。基于的是polynomial interpolation多项式插值。 具体可参见博客 verifiable secret sharing可验证的秘密共享
    Privacy-Preserving Computation and Verification of Aggregate Queries on Outsourced Databases学习笔记
    any kk servers can cooperate to determine the answer to an aggregate query, but k1k-1 cooperating servers cannot.

  • Pedersen Commitment:主要利用了其加法同态属性,有:
    ci=Cri(xi)=gxihriGpc_i=C_{r_i}(x_i)=g^{x_i}h^{r_i}\in G_p
    尽管不知道每一个xix_i值,但是it’s easy to compute a commitment to the sum of the unknown values X=i=1mxi(mod  p)X=\sum_{i=1}^{m}x_i(\mod p)i=1mci=CR(X)Gp\prod_{i=1}^{m}c_i=C_R(X)\in G_p,其中R=i=1mri(mod  p)R=\sum_{i=1}^{m}r_i(\mod p)