Protege Tutorial

Ontology Generation and Visualization with Protégé

Protege Tutorial

在本文中,期望读者对本体和本体规范有基本的了解。 以下部分说明了使用Protégé编辑器生成和可视化本体,并涵盖了基本的本体定义概念。 我们将研究创建一个简单的大学本体,然后通过使用VOWL插件在Protégé编辑器中对其进行可视化。

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Protégé是由斯坦福大学开发的用于构建智能系统的免费开源本体编辑器。 Protégé得到了强大的学术,*和企业用户的支持,他们使用Protégé在生物医学,电子商务和组织建模等多个领域构建基于知识的解决方案。


单击“Entities”选项卡。 单击时,默认情况下,您将进入“Classes”子选项卡。
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  1. Teachers teach modules
  2. Students study modules.
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    Protege Tutorial

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单击“Add subclass”图标,然后在弹出菜单中输入类的名称。
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创建Object Properties

创建对象属性,请选择“Object Properties”选项卡,然后单击“Add sub property”图标。 请注意,默认情况下,所有属性都是“topObjectProperty”的子属性。

However it should be noted that we can add domain and range to these object properties.
Syntactically, domain is a built-in property that links a property to a class description. An domain axiom asserts that the subjects of such property statements must belong to the class extension of the indicated class description.
Range is a built-in property that links a property to to either a class description or a data range. An range axiom asserts that the values of this property must belong to the class extension of the class description or to data values in the specified data range.

Hence for the object property “studies” we can add “Student” as the domain and “Module” as the range.
Protege Tutorial

In the same way, for the object property “teaches” we can add “Teacher” as the domain and “Module” as the range.

Creating Data Properties

The next step is to create the identified data properties in Figure 5. To do this, simply click on the “Data Properties” tab and click “Add sub property” icon. Note that all properties will be sub properties of the “topDataProperty” by default.
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In the same way, we did with object properties, we can define domain and range for each data property as well. However, in the range selection, rather having a class description,need to add a data types. For an example,
“first_name” data property has the range of “xsd:string”.
To add this data types click on the + button near “Range”and select “Built in data types” and select the relevant data type from the given list.


The final task in creating the ontology is adding individuals. To do this,
Protege Tutorial
First, let’s create a “Module” individual. Follow the below steps to set the individual properly.
First, let’s create a “Module” individual. Follow the below steps to set the individual properly.
Create the “Module” individual “CS2341”.
Add the Type for the “CS2341” as “Module”.
Protege Tutorial

Do the same for other two modules “CS4032” and “MA4124”.

Secondly, let’s add individual “Student_1”. Follow the below steps to set the individual properly.
Create the individual “Student_1”.
Add the Type for the “Student_1” as “Student”.
Add the object properties for “Student_1”.

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  1. Add the data properties to the “Student_1”. Refer below image for more details.
  2. Protege Tutorial

If you have completed the above steps correctly, Congratulations!! you just created the university ontology. Now the next step is visualization of the created ontology. Alternatively you could download the created ontology as an OWL file by File → Save As → OWL/XML Syntax.


你可以下载可视化插件并将其放入protege 的插件文件夹后重启。内也可以直接用插件Onto Graf

Protege Tutorial
