


A website redesign might be a powerful strategy to bring new life to a business. Still, there are also lots of cases when poorly prepared redesign resulted in financial losses, angry users, and other problems.
重新设计网站可能是将业务带入新生活的强大策略。 但是,在很多情况下,准备不充分的重新设计会导致财务损失,生气的用户和其他问题。
Especially if no consultation
特别是,如果协商不成takes place with a reputable 发生一个有信誉的SEO Agency to protect rankings or a 搜索引擎优化机构 ,保护的排名或Web Design Agency that understands high conversion strategies. (remember Basecamp redesign?)网页设计机构能够理解高转换策略。 (还记得重新设计Basecamp吗?)
According to a leading Australian SEO agency Top Rankings, website rankings for less competitive keywords will increase in a few weeks, it will take months for moderately competitive keywords, and highly competitive keywords take up to one year or more to improve.
Five stars rated Web Design Agency Digital Rescue outlines several reasons why responsive web design is crucial. Let's talk about what you should think about before considering a corporate website redesign.
网站设计机构Digital Rescue评为五星级,概述了响应式网站设计至关重要的几个原因。 在考虑重新设计公司网站之前,让我们谈谈您应考虑的问题。

第1步。 设定明智的目标 (Step #1. Set up smart goals)

When it comes to business, no actions should be taken before setting goals in advance. You need to align the redesign with your business goals. For example, you may want to:
当涉及到业务时,在预先设定目标之前,不应采取任何行动。 您需要使重新设计与您的业务目标保持一致。 例如,您可能想要:
  • Increase the number of visitors or conversion.

  • Change the look to reflect your new business style and modern UX trends.

  • Extend the website's functionality, i.e., add tools that allow customers to order a callback, or add new sections with testimonial sliders, etc.


Once you set your goals and understand how they can be incorporated into your website, you then be able to divide the whole process into easily manageable steps.

第2步。 收集尽可能多的数据 (Step #2. Collect as much data as possible)

You can't make something better if you have no understanding of how the current version of the website does not aid SEO or conversions. How do users get to your websites, what pages are they landing on, where do they spend most of their and where do they bounce out? Who are the visitors, male female age group, where do they reside, what devices do they use?
如果您不了解网站的当前版本如何不能帮助SEO或转换,那么您将无法做得更好。 用户如何进入您的网站,他们登陆哪些页面,他们在哪里花费大部分,在哪里反弹? 访客是谁,男女年龄段,他们住在哪里,使用什么设备?
All these questions should have data-backed answers. So, the redesign starts by studying your old website, user flows, and combining a comprehensive report. User testing team composed a perfect piece on developing a data-driven website redesign strategy.
所有这些问题都应有数据支持的答案。 因此,重新设计首先要研究您的旧网站,用户流以及合并综合报告。 用户测试团队完美地制定了数据驱动的网站重新设计策略。

步骤#3。 考虑SEO (Step #3. Think about SEO)

There is no sense in redesigning a website if, when it gets a new look, it will rank lower than before. SEO is a crucial thing you can't underestimate.
如果重新设计网站,如果它的外观焕然一新,那么它的排名将比以前更低。 SEO是您不可低估的关键。
There are many ways to optimize your site for SEO during a website redesign:
  • Double-check your page titles, sub headers, meta descriptions, permalinks to all the content.

  • Check loading times and try to minimize them.

  • Run plagiarism checks to ensure your content is unique enough.


This said, you also need to set up the right expectations.

第4步。 抛光内容 (Step #4. Polishing the content)

Here you need to understand what role the content will play on your website. You may have landing pages, a blog, a forum with user-generated content, or a curated knowledge base. It is not necessary to have everything or at least prominently appearing on the site, and you need to understand what content you will need to achieve your business goals.
在这里,您需要了解内容将在您的网站上扮演什么角色。 您可能有登录页面,博客,包含用户生成内容的论坛或精选的知识库。 不必使所有内容或至少在网站上突出显示,并且您需要了解实现业务目标所需的内容。
Then you can spend some time obtaining uniquely written content and build the content marketing process if needed. Producing content for landing pages and blog — are two different tasks, as in the first case, the content will be the same for an extended time, and the blog, you need to have a stream of new content.
然后,您可以花一些时间来获取独特的书面内容,并在需要时建立内容营销流程。 为登录页面和博客生成内容是两个不同的任务,在第一种情况下,内容在较长时间内将是相同的,而博客则需要拥有新的内容流。
And you will need to understand where you will get it from and who will write it and how frequently. This involves preparing a content strategy. Read more on a content-based redesign approach in this paper.
而且,您将需要了解从何处获得它,谁来编写它以及需要多久编写一次。 这涉及准备内容策略。 在本文中阅读有关基于内容的重新设计方法的更多信息。

第5步。确保它响应 (Step 5. Make sure it is responsive)

Famous web design agency DigitalRescue outlines several reasons responsive web design is crucial:
  • Improved browsing experience. Accessing non mobile-friendly websites from mobile is a huge pain. Potential customers will be angry, and the odds of pushing them further through the sales funnel will reduce significantly.

    改善了浏览体验。 从移动设备访问不适合移动设备的网站是一个巨大的痛苦。 潜在客户会生气,将他们进一步推向销售渠道的可能性将大大降低。
  • Lower bounce rates. If the website fails to provide answers to questions, visitors may leave quickly resulting in a higher bounce rate. The potential sales lead is lost forever. This is why it is crucial to show relevant content right away, and scale the web page accordingly, no matter what device is used to access it.

    降低跳出率。 如果网站无法提供问题的答案,则访问者可能会Swift离开,从而导致跳出率更高。 潜在的销售线索将永远消失。 这就是为什么无论使用什么设备访问它,立即显示相关内容并相应缩放网页的关键。
  • Better search rankings. Audits show that responsive UX is one of the leading factors that search engines use to construct their rankings.

    更好的搜索排名。 审计表明,响应式UX是搜索引擎用来构建排名的主要因素之一。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Website redesign done right can be a brilliant business move. However, there are still a lot of pitfalls and mistakes to avoid. It is a complex process that requires an investment of time dedicated towards planning, data collection, execution, analysis and ongoing refinement.
正确进行网站重新设计可以是一项出色的业务举措。 但是,仍然有很多陷阱和错误要避免。 这是一个复杂的过程,需要投入大量时间进行计划,数据收集,执行,分析和不断完善。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/490444/
