

Often overlooked, web hosting is one of the key components of every successful website. Choosing the best WordPress hosting for your needs can improve your SEO and increase sales. There are various different types of WordPress hosting options available such as Free, Shared, VPS, Dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting. In this guide, we will help you choose the best WordPress hosting for your website.

经常被忽略的虚拟主机是每个成功网站的关键组成部分之一。 选择最适合您需求的WordPress托管可以改善您的SEO并增加销售。 有多种不同类型的WordPress托管选项可用,例如免费,共享,VPS,专用和托管WordPress托管。 在本指南中,我们将帮助您为您的网站选择最佳的WordPress托管。

WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site that receives millions of pageviews per month. Having helped 200,000+ users and years of experience with WordPress hosting companies, we know the importance of choosing the best WordPress hosting company.

WPBeginner是最大的免费WordPress资源网站 ,每月接收数百万的综合浏览量。 在为200,000多名用户提供服务以及WordPress托管公司多年的经验之后,我们知道选择最佳WordPress托管公司的重要性。

Our goal with this guide is to share our 12+ years of experience and insights on things you need to consider when choosing a hosting company for your business.


To help you make the right decision, we have also done a side-by-side comparison of the top WordPress hosting companies including speed tests, uptime tests, and reliability test (scroll to see the full comparison).


If you’re in a rush, then you can simply see the table below with our hand-picked list of best WordPress hosting companies. These companies are consistently the top WordPress hosting companies in the industry when it comes to quality and service.

如果您很着急,那么您可以简单地在下表中找到我们精选的最佳WordPress托管公司列表。 在质量和服务方面,这些公司始终是业界*的WordPress托管公司。

WordPress托管要求是什么? (What are the WordPress Hosting Requirements?)

You will be surprised to hear that WordPress is a very light-weight script, and it is compatible with almost all good web hosting companies. The simple requirements that WordPress put forth are:

您会惊讶地发现WordPress是一个非常轻量级的脚本,并且它与几乎所有优秀的虚拟主机公司都兼容。 WordPress提出的简单要求是:

  • PHP version 7 or greater

    PHP 7或更高版本
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater

    MySQL 5.6或更高版本或MariaDB 10.1或更高版本
  • HTTPS support (SSL)


Due to the popularity of WordPress, all best web hosting companies come with easy 1-click install options for WordPress. All WordPress hosting companies that we have listed in this guide offer full support for running a WordPress site.

由于WordPress的流行,所有最好的网络托管公司都提供了简单的WordPress 一键安装选项。 我们在本指南中列出的所有WordPress托管公司都为运行WordPress网站提供全面支持。


选择WordPress托管提供商时应考虑的事项 (Things to Consider when Choosing a WordPress Hosting Provider)

Speed, security, and reliability are all important factors that you need to consider when choosing your WordPress hosting. However, the most important factor that you should consider is “Your Needs”. Evaluating your needs before purchasing your WordPress hosting can save you hundreds of dollars.

速度,安全性和可靠性都是选择WordPress托管时需要考虑的所有重要因素。 但是,您应考虑的最重要因素是“您的需求”。 在购买WordPress托管之前评估您的需求可以节省数百美元。

评估您的WordPress托管需求 (Evaluating Your WordPress Hosting Needs)

As we have mentioned above, there are different types of web hosting services available such as Free, Shared, VPS, Dedicated, and Managed. Let’s take a look at each of these options to determine which is the best solution for you.

如上所述,有多种类型的Web托管服务可用,例如免费,共享,VPS,专用和托管。 让我们看一下这些选项中的每一个,以确定哪种是最适合您的解决方案。

免费WordPress托管 (Free WordPress Hosting)

There are free web hosting available, but almost all of them have some sort of catch. Usually, you can find free WordPress hosting being offered in online forums or small groups. In most cases, these are managed by an individual who is reselling a small part of his server space to cover up some revenue. Often the catch is that you have to put their banner ads on the site. Some may ask you to put a text link in the footer of your site. These folks will sell that banner ad or text link to cover up the cost of your free space along with pocketing the profits. The biggest downside of having a free host aside from the ads is that they are unreliable. You never know when this person will stop offering the free service. They can leave you hanging at any time. If you are serious about your website or business, then avoid Free WordPress hosting at all costs.

免费的虚拟主机 ,但是几乎所有的主机都具有一定的吸引力。 通常,您可以在在线论坛或小组中找到免费的WordPress托管服务。 在大多数情况下,这些都是由个人管理的,而该个人将其服务器空间的一小部分转售以弥补部分收入。 通常要注意的是,您必须在网站上放置其横幅广告。 有些人可能会要求您在网站的页脚中放置一个文本链接。 这些人将出售该横幅广告或文本链接,以掩盖您的可用空间的成本以及获得的利润。 除了广告之外,免费提供主机的最大弊端是它们不可靠。 您永远不知道这个人何时会停止提供免费服务。 他们可以随时让您上吊。 如果您认真对待自己的网站或业务,则不惜一切代价避免免费的WordPress托管。

共享WordPress托管 (Shared WordPress Hosting)

Shared hosting is by far the most popular type of WordPress hosting used by beginners. It is the most affordable and quite frankly a good starting point for new users. Shared hosting is where you share a large server with a lot of sites. By having multiple sites on the same server, hosting providers can offer the service at a more affordable rate. The biggest catch that we see with shared hosting across all providers (including the ones we recommend below) is the unlimited resources. There is no such thing as unlimited. While it says unlimited, you still have usage restrictions. If your site starts to take up substantial server load, they will politely force you to upgrade your account. If they don’t take this action, then it can have a negative effect on the overall performance of other sites hosted on the same server. It gets back to conventional wisdom. As your business grows, so will your overhead cost.

到目前为止,共享托管是初学者最流行的WordPress托管类型。 对于新用户来说,它是最实惠的,坦率地说是一个很好的起点。 共享主机是您与许多站点共享大型服务器的地方。 通过在同一服务器上拥有多个站点,托管提供商可以以更实惠的价格提供服务。 我们在所有提供商(包括我们在下面推荐的提供商)之间共享主机所看到的最大收获是无限的资源。 没有无限的东西。 尽管显示为无限制,但您仍然有使用限制。 如果您的站点开始占用大量服务器负载,它们将礼貌地强迫您升级您的帐户。 如果他们不采取此措施,则可能会对同一服务器上托管的其他站点的整体性能产生负面影响。 它回到了传统观念。 随着业务的增长,间接费用也会随之增加。

Shared web hosting is the best solution for small businesses and starting bloggers.


WordPress VPS托管 (WordPress VPS Hosting)

Virtual Private Server (VPS) refers to a virtual machine. It is a method of partitioning a physical server computer into multiple servers with respect to the individual customer’s need. Even though you are sharing the server with a handful others, this gives you almost as much control as a dedicated server. It also has the privacy of a separate physical computer and can be configured to run specific server softwares. Often developers, intermediate users, and medium-sized bloggers utilize VPS to scale their websites. If you do NOT have any technical knowledge, then you need to make sure that you purchase a managed VPS. This means that the WordPress hosting provider manages all system upgrades, and they are available to assist you if needed.

虚拟专用服务器(VPS)是指虚拟机。 它是一种根据单个客户的需求将物理服务器计算机划分为多个服务器的方法。 即使您与少数几个服务器共享服务器,这也可以为您提供与专用服务器几乎一样的控制权。 它还具有单独物理计算机的私密性,并且可以配置为运行特定的服务器软件。 开发人员,中级用户和中型博客作者通常使用VPS来扩展其网站。 如果您没有任何技术知识,则需要确保购买托管的 VPS。 这意味着WordPress托管提供商可以管理所有系统升级,并且可以在需要时为您提供帮助。

VPS hosting is best for medium-sized businesses, high traffic blogs, and aspiring designers/developers.


WordPress专用服务器托管 (WordPress Dedicated Server Hosting)

Dedicated server is a physical server that you can lease from the hosting provider. This allows you to have full control over the server including the choice of operating system, hardware etc. You DO NOT need a dedicated server if you are just starting out. Once your site is receiving a significant amount of traffic, only then you should consider upgrading to a dedicated server. WPBeginner runs on a dedicated server network by SiteGround. If you do not employ a system administrator or have no experience with servers, then we recommend that you get a managed dedicated server. WordPress hosting providers who offer managed dedicated servers employ full-time system administrators that maintain your servers. Along with doing software updates, they also do server monitoring, offer phone support etc. Most top websites use clusters of dedicated servers.

专用服务器是您可以从托管服务提供商处租借的物理服务器。 这使您可以完全控制服务器,包括选择操作系统,硬件等。如果您只是入门,则不需要专用的服务器。 一旦您的站点收到大量流量,则只有在那时,您才应考虑升级到专用服务器。 WPBeginner通过SiteGround在专用服务器网络上运行。 如果您没有雇用系统管理员或没有服务器经验,那么我们建议您使用托管专用服务器。 提供托管专用服务器的WordPress托管提供商聘请专职系统管理员来维护您的服务器。 除了进行软件更新外,他们还进行服务器监视,提供电话支持等。大多数*网站都使用专用服务器集群。

WordPress Dedicated Servers are best for extremely high traffic blogs.


托管WordPress托管 (Managed WordPress Hosting)

Due to the large number of users using WordPress, several web hosting providers have chosen to offer managed WordPress hosting. An account with one of these providers only allows you to host WordPress based sites and nothing else. The benefit of managed WordPress hosting is that you do not have to worry about ANYTHING. They optimize your site for performance, make sure that your site is secure, and keep regular backups. On top of that they advise you if a specific plugin is having a negative impact.

由于使用WordPress的用户数量众多,一些Web托管提供商选择了提供托管WordPress托管。 这些提供商之一的帐户只允许您托管基于WordPress的网站,而没有其他权限。 托管WordPress托管的好处是您不必担心任何事情。 他们优化您的网站的性能,确保您的网站安全,并保留常规备份。 最重要的是,他们会建议您特定的插件是否有负面影响。

Bottom line, managed WordPress hosting is hassle free fast WordPress hosting with high-quality support from staff with lots of WordPress experience. While all this sounds amazing, the plans for managed WordPress hosting is usually on the higher end of the scale. For example a personal account with a popular managed WordPress hosting provider costs $29/month where you can only host 1 site (getting maximum of 25,000 visitors per month). The next level higher where you are allowed multiple domains will cost you $99/month. A person starting out a blog cannot afford this.

归根结底,托管WordPress托管是无忧无虑的快速WordPress托管,拥有丰富的WordPress经验的工作人员提供高质量的支持。 尽管这一切听起来令人惊讶,但托管WordPress托管计划通常是规模较大的计划。 例如,一个拥有受欢迎的托管WordPress托管服务提供商的个人帐户的费用为$ 29 /月,而您只能托管1个网站(每月最多可容纳25,000个访问者)。 下一个更高的级别(允许您使用多个域)将每月花费$ 99。 创办博客的人买不起。

Managed WordPress hosting is great for established bloggers who can justify the expense with their revenue. It is for people who do not have the skills/time to deal with the technical side of things. We recommend WP Engine for managed WordPress hosting.

托管WordPress托管非常适合可以通过收入证明支出合理的成熟博客。 它适用于没有技能/时间来处理事物技术方面的人员。 我们建议将WP Engine用于托管WordPress托管。

Now that you know all of your WordPress hosting options, it is time for you to make a decision. We run several sites that get millions of pageviews per month. We have tested and worked with all top web hosting companies in the industry. After having helped 200,000+ users and years of experience, our founder Syed Balkhi have personally hand-picked some of the most well-reputed WordPress hosting providers for you. Each of these WordPress hosting companies provide excellent service and support. We give each of them a perfect 5 out of 5 star rating. Check out the list of best web hosting providers.

既然您已经知道所有WordPress托管选项,那么现在就该做决定了。 我们运行了几个网站,每月获得数百万的网页浏览量。 我们已经测试了该行业的所有*网络托管公司并与之合作。 在为200,000多个用户和多年的经验提供了帮助之后,我们的创始人Syed Balkhi亲自为您挑选了一些信誉最好的WordPress托管服务提供商。 每个这些WordPress托管公司都提供出色的服务和支持。 我们给他们每个人满分5星的满分5。 查看最佳网络托管提供商列表。

最佳WordPress虚拟主机提供商 (Best WordPress Web Hosting Providers)

One of the oldest web hosts started in 1996, Bluehost has become the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting. They are an official 'WordPress' recommended hosting provider. With Bluehost, you never have to worry about your website being slow even when there is a lot of traffic. Their 24/7 expert support is always there to help when you need it by phone, email, or live chat. They are rated #1 in web hosting for small businesses. On top of that, they are offering WPBeginner users an exclusive 63% off discount, a Free Domain, Free SSL, and a free Site Builder with templates.

Bluehost是始建于1996年的最古老的网络托管服务商之一,它成为WordPress托管服务的最大品牌。 他们是官方“ WordPress”推荐的托管服务提供商。 使用Bluehost,即使流量很大,您也不必担心您的网站运行缓慢。 当您需要通过电话,电子邮件或实时聊天时,他们将始终提供24/7专家支持。 在小型企业的网络托管中,它们被评为第一。 最重要的是,他们为WPBeginner用户提供了63%的独家折扣,免费域,免费SSL和带有模板的免费Site Builder。

SiteGround is one of the most popular and highest rated hosting provider in the WordPress community. They provide unique in-house WordPress speed and security solutions to make your site as fast and secure as possible. They are known for the best 24/7 support in the industry which is why they're an official 'WordPress' recommended hosting provider. This is also why we use SiteGround for hosting the WPBeginner website. SiteGround features include automatic upgrades, built-in WP caching, CDN, one-click staging and GIT version control. They are also one of the few companies offering location specific hosting with 6 data centers in USA, Europe, Asia, and Australia. On top of all this, they have а special 63% discount for WPBeginner readers.

SiteGround是WordPress社区中最受欢迎和评分最高的托管服务提供商之一。 他们提供独特的内部WordPress速度和安全性解决方案,以使您的网站尽可能快速和安全。 他们以业界最佳的24/7全天候支持而闻名,这就是为什么它们是官方“ WordPress”推荐的托管服务提供商。 这也是为什么我们使用SiteGround托管WPBeginner网站的原因。 SiteGround功能包括自动升级,内置的WP缓存,CDN,一键登台和GIT版本控制。 他们还是在美国,欧洲,亚洲和澳大利亚设有6个数据中心的提供位置特定主机的少数公司之一。 最重要的是,它们为WPBeginner读者提供63%的特别折扣。

HostGator hosts over 8 million domains and is one of the most popular web hosts in the industry. With 1-click WordPress installation, 99.9% up time guarantee, and 24/7 support, it's a smart choice for every website owner. We consider them one of the best web hosting for businesses. They're offering our readers an exclusive 62% off discount, a free domain name, and free SSL certificate.

HostGator托管超过800万个域,并且是业内最受欢迎的Web托管之一。 一键式WordPress安装,99.9%的正常运行时间保证和24/7支持,这是每个网站所有者的明智选择。 我们认为它们是企业最好的虚拟主机之一。 他们为我们的读者提供独家62%的折扣,免费域名和免费SSL证书。

DreamHost has been around for 18 years, and is known for making web hosting easy. You get custom dashboard, 1-click WordPress install, automatic WordPress updates, unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth and free SSDs which makes your site 200% faster. DreamHost powers over 600,000 WordPress blogs and websites. There are no setup fees, and you also get a free domain.

DreamHost已有18年的历史了,以简化网络托管而闻名。 您将获得自定义的仪表板,一键安装WordPress,自动WordPress更新,无限的空间,无限的带宽和免费的SSD,这使您的网站速度提高了200%。 DreamHost为600,000多个WordPress博客和网站提供了强大的支持。 没有安装费,您还可以获得一个免费域名。

GreenGeeks has become a well-known brand in the WordPress hosting industry with their blazing fast website performance, 24/7 U.S. based support, and an environmentally responsible platform. They offer automatic 1-click WordPress install, managed updates, enhanced security, free CDN, free site migration, and the choice of over 5 different data center locations. GreenGeeks power over 500,000 websites and customers love them. On top of all this, they have a special 60% discount for WPBeginner readers combined with free SSL and a free domain name.

GreenGeeks凭借其出色的快速网站性能,24/7美国支持和对环境负责的平台,已成为WordPress托管行业的知名品牌。 他们提供自动一键式WordPress安装,托管更新,增强的安全性,免费CDN,免费站点迁移以及超过5个不同数据中心位置的选择。 GreenGeeks为超过500,000个网站提供了强大的支持,客户非常喜欢它们。 最重要的是,它们为WPBeginner读者提供60%的特别折扣,并提供免费的SSL和免费的域名。

最佳WordPress托管比较(2020) (Best WordPress Hosting Comparison (2020))

Now after browsing through the top WordPress hosting companies listed above, you might still be wondering which one is best for your business?


To help you choose the best WordPress hosting, we have created few additional resources for you:


  1. WordPress Hosting Quiz


  2. Detailed WordPress Hosting Performance Comparison


  3. Side-by-Side WordPress Hosting Feature Comparison


Our goal is to help you make the right decision because choosing the wrong provider can have a negative impact on your website SEO, speed, and sales.


WordPress托管测验 (WordPress Hosting Quiz)

It’s quite easy to get overwhelmed with all the information overload. Often users read this guide, and email us asking for personalized recommendation on which WordPress hosting is best for their needs.

很容易被所有的信息过载所淹没。 用户通常会阅读本指南,并向我们发送电子邮件,以寻求个性化推荐,以了解哪种WordPress托管最适合他们的需求。

To help expedite this, we have created a WordPress hosting recommendation engine that can help you decide which is the best WordPress hosting for you based on your needs.


All you have to do is accurately answer the questions in the widget below:


If you still want personalized help in choosing the best WordPress hosting provider, then please send us a message using our contact form. One of our team members will respond within 24 hours.

如果您仍然需要个性化的帮助来选择最佳的WordPress托管提供商,请使用我们的联系表向我们发送消息。 我们的团队成员之一将在24小时内回复。

详细的WordPress托管性能比较 (Detailed WordPress Hosting Performance Comparison)

One of the reasons why WPBeginner is the most trusted WordPress resource site is because our reviews are based on actual data and experience.


Unlike other WordPress hosting review sites who just steal words straight from press-releases of respective hosting companies, we actually sign up with each individual WordPress hosting provider and thoroughly test their services.


We use independent third-party tools like Pingdom, LoadImpact, and Bitcatcha to test the performance and reliability of each company, so we can help you choose the best WordPress hosting for your business.


To accurately measure performance across all WordPress hosting companies, we create a sample WordPress site on each hosting provider and install the default Twenty Seventeen theme. Next, we import dummy content including images and media so our test resembles an average user website.

为了准确衡量所有WordPress托管公司的绩效,我们在每个托管提供商上创建了一个示例WordPress网站,并安装了默认的二十一岁主题。 接下来,我们导入包括图像和媒体的虚拟内容,因此我们的测试类似于普通用户的网站。

After that, we use Pingdom, an industry leading website speed test service, to measure our sample website speed across multiple hosting companies.


We also use Load Impact service to send virtual users (VU) to each website to see how the hosting server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once. This helps us see how the individual WordPress hosting company would perform during peak traffic times.

我们还使用Load Impact服务将虚拟用户(VU)发送到每个网站,以查看托管服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。 这有助于我们了解各个WordPress托管公司在高峰流量时间内的表现。

Last but not least, we use Bitcatcha service to test server response times across numerous geographical locations including United States, London, Singapore, Sao Paulo, India, Sydney, and Japan. This helps us decide which hosting company is best for which geographical location.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们使用Bitcatcha服务在众多地理位置(包括美国,伦敦,新加坡,圣保罗,印度,悉尼和日本)中测试服务器响应时间。 这有助于我们确定哪个托管公司最适合哪个地理位置。

Now that you know our test process, let’s compare the performance of the best WordPress hosting companies to see which is the fastest WordPress hosting company in the market.


Bluehost WordPress托管 (Bluehost WordPress Hosting)

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies on the planet, and they are an official WordPress recommended hosting provider. Their hosting packages come pre-installed with WordPress by default.

Bluehost是地球上最大的托管公司之一,它们是WordPress官方推荐的托管服务提供商。 他们的托管软件包默认情况下预装了WordPress。

Here are the results from our Bluehost performance tests:



As you can see, our test site loaded in less than two seconds. That’s faster than 85% of all tested websites. Considering the fact that our sample website wasn’t using any caching plugins or speed optimization tips, this result is very good.

如您所见,我们的测试站点在不到两秒钟的时间内加载完毕。 这比所有测试网站的85%都要快。 考虑到我们的示例网站没有使用任何缓存插件或速度优化技巧 ,因此此结果非常好。

After the speed test, we ran the Load Impact test on Bluehost servers. We gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

进行速度测试后,我们在Bluehost服务器上运行了Load Impact测试。 我们逐渐逐步建立了多达100个唯一身份访问者,以查看服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

Here is the result screenshot:



The blue line is the number of active virtual users on the site, and the green line is the server load time. As you can see the server load remained stable through out the test even at peak traffic.

蓝线是站点上活动的虚拟用户数,绿线是服务器加载时间。 如您所见,即使在高峰流量下,服务器负载在整个测试过程中也保持稳定。

After the load impact test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.



The Bluehost server performed exceptionally well in the United States loading under a fraction of a second. In other locations, response was a bit higher but still under less than a second.

Bluehost服务器在美国的加载时间不到一秒钟就表现出色。 在其他位置,响应速度稍高,但不到一秒钟。

If your target audience is in the United States, then this would hugely benefit your website.


In our detailed Bluehost review, we also evaluated their customer support team, features, and pricing. After our analysis, we rate Bluehost as the #1 WordPress hosting provider for small businesses to make a website.

在我们详细的Bluehost评估中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持团队,功能和价格。 经过我们的分析,我们将Bluehost评为小型企业创建网站的 WordPress托管提供商排名第一。

  • PROS: 63% off hosting + Free Domain + Free SSL (https://) included


  • PROS: Officially recommended by WordPress

    优点: WordPress官方推荐

  • PROS: Free Staging Site


  • CONS: Sometimes support can be slow


Get Started with Bluehost


SiteGround WordPress托管 (SiteGround WordPress Hosting)

SiteGround is one of the most popular and highest rated hosting provider in the WordPress community. They offer premium hosting plans that are specifically optimized for WordPress with unique in-house speed and security solutions. That’s why they’re an official WordPress recommended hosting provider.

SiteGround是WordPress社区中最受欢迎和评分最高的托管服务提供商之一。 他们提供了高级托管计划,这些计划通过独特的内部速度和安全解决方案专门针对WordPress优化。 这就是为什么他们是WordPress官方推荐的托管服务提供商。

Note: WPBeginner website is also hosted on SiteGround Enterprise servers, and we love their support.

注意: WPBeginner网站也托管在SiteGround Enterprise服务器上,我们喜欢它们的支持。

Here are the results from our SiteGround performance tests:



As you can see, our test site loaded in less than a second (649 ms to be precise) for a server in Dallas, Texas. That means our site is faster than 95% of tested sites.

如您所见,我们的测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内(准确地说是649毫秒)加载了德克萨斯州达拉斯的服务器。 这意味着我们的网站比经过测试的网站的95%更快。

Next, we ran the Load Impact test on SiteGround servers where we gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how their server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

接下来,我们在SiteGround服务器上运行了Load Impact测试,在此过程中,我们逐渐逐渐建立了100个唯一身份访问者,以查看他们的服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。


The blue line is the number of active virtual users on the site, and the green line is the server load time. SiteGround performed almost consistently except for a spike when there were 50 users on the site. It quickly recovered and page load time remained steadily low even with more users.

蓝线是站点上活动的虚拟用户数,绿线是服务器加载时间。 SiteGround的运行几乎始终如一,除了站点上有50个用户时出现峰值。 它Swift恢复,即使有更多用户,页面加载时间也一直保持稳定。

After the load impact test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.



Our SiteGround test site server performed really well in the United States and all other locations with the exception of Japan.


If your audience is in Asia, then you can ask SiteGround to move you to their Asia-Pacific servers to remedy this.


In our detailed SiteGround review, we also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing. After our analysis, we find SiteGround to be a great option for beginners because their support is incredibly helpful.

在我们的详细SiteGround评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。 经过分析,我们发现SiteGround是初学者的绝佳选择,因为他们的支持非常有用。

  • PROS: Best WordPress support, good uptime, fast speed, and free SSL.


  • PROS: Multiple datacenters across the world (USA, Europe, Asia, and Australia)


  • PROS: Free Site Migration


  • PROS: WPBeginner site is hosted on SiteGround servers.

    优点: WPBeginner网站托管在SiteGround服务器上。

  • CONS: No free domain and pricing is a bit higher since it’s premium hosting.


Get Started with SiteGround


HostGator WordPress托管 (HostGator WordPress Hosting)

HostGator is a popular web hosting company that hosts over 8 million domains. Similar to Bluehost, they offer specialized WordPress hosting services.

HostGator是一家受欢迎的网络托管公司,托管超过800万个域。 与Bluehost相似,它们提供专业的WordPress托管服务。

Here are the results from our HostGator performance tests:



As you can see, our test site loaded in just under a second for a server in Dallas, Texas. That’s faster than 94% of all tested sites. Considering the fact that our sample website wasn’t using any caching plugins or speed optimization tips, the loading speed is amazing.

如您所见,我们的测试站点不到一秒钟就为德克萨斯州达拉斯的服务器加载。 这比所有测试站点的94%都要快。 考虑到我们的示例网站没有使用任何缓存插件或速度优化技巧 ,因此加载速度非常惊人。

But how does HostGator perform when you have a lot of traffic?


We ran the Load Impact test on HostGator servers where we gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

我们在HostGator服务器上运行了Load Impact测试,在此过程中,我们逐渐逐步建立了多达100个唯一的访问者,以查看服务器如何处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。


The green line represents page load time and the blue line represents number of users on the site. As you can see, our test site performed really well up to 80 users, after that it started to slow down.

绿线表示页面加载时间,蓝线表示站点上的用户数。 如您所见,我们的测试站点在运行多达80个用户之后确实表现良好,此后开始放缓。

These results are normal for shared hosting accounts because you share server resources with other sites hosted on the same server. As your site grows, you need to move up to VPS hosting or even managed WordPress hosting.

对于共享主机帐户,这些结果是正常的,因为您与同一服务器上托管的其他站点共享服务器资源。 随着网站的增长,您需要升级到VPS托管甚至托管WordPress托管

After the load impact test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.



The HostGator review site server performed really well. The server response time remained less than a second. In the United States, it was merely 37 ms.

HostGator审核站点服务器的性能非常好。 服务器响应时间仍少于一秒。 在美国,只有37毫秒。

In our detailed HostGator review, we also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing. After our analysis, we find HostGator to be a great option for growing businesses because they offer plans that grow with your business.

在我们详尽的HostGator评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。 经过我们的分析,我们发现HostGator是成长型企业的理想选择,因为它们提供与您的企业一起成长的计划。

  • PROS: Fast and Reliable Hosting with good 24/7 support


  • PROS: WPBeginner website is hosted with HostGator

    优点: WPBeginner网站由HostGator托管

  • PROS: Cheap Intro Prices and Free Site Migration


  • CONS: Renewal fees are higher


Get Started with HostGator


Use the HostGator coupon: “wpbeginner” when checking out, and you will get the best HostGator price.

结帐时使用HostGator优惠券 :“ wpbeginner”,您将获得最优惠的HostGator价格。

DreamHost WordPress托管 (DreamHost WordPress Hosting)

DreamHost has been around for 18 years and is known for their reliable web hosting. They offer one click install for WordPress, and they are also an official WordPress.org recommended hosting providers.

DreamHost已经存在18年了,以其可靠的网络托管而闻名。 他们为WordPress提供一键安装,并且它们也是WordPress.org官方推荐的托管服务提供商。

Here are the results from our DreamHost performance tests:



As you can see our test site loaded in just under a second for a server in New York City. That’s faster than 93% of all tested sites.

如您所见,我们的测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内加载了纽约市的服务器。 这比所有测试站点的93%都要快。

After the speed test, we ran the Load Impact test on DreamHost servers to see how it would perform during peak traffic hours. We gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

进行速度测试后,我们在DreamHost服务器上运行了Load Impact测试,以查看其在高峰流量时间内的性能。 我们逐渐逐步建立了多达100个唯一身份访问者,以查看服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

Here is the result screenshot:



The blue line is the number of active virtual users on the site, and the green line is the server load time. As you can see the server load remained stable through out the test even at peak traffic.

蓝线是站点上活动的虚拟用户数,绿线是服务器加载时间。 如您所见,即使在高峰流量下,服务器负载在整个测试过程中也保持稳定。

After the load impact test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.



The DreamHost server performed well in the U.S loading under a fraction of a second, but in other locations it was slightly slower.


Overall, DreamHost is a great host for websites in any geographical location.


In our detailed DreamHost review, we also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing. After our analysis, we find DreamHost to be a great option for businesses who value privacy. They offer free domain privacy with each of their domains. They also recently fought the U.S. department of Justice to protect the privacy of one of their customer’s website.

在我们详细的DreamHost评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。 经过分析,我们发现DreamHost是重视隐私的企业的理想选择。 他们为每个域提供免费的域隐私。 他们最近还与美国司法部进行了斗争,以保护其客户网站之一的隐私。

  • PROS: Good speed free SSL, free domain with privacy protection, and 1-click WordPress install.


  • PROS: Officially recommended by WordPress

    优点: WordPress官方推荐

  • PROS: Free Web Application Firewall Included


  • CONS: Hosting control panel is a bit outdated.


Get Started with DreamHost


GreenGeeks WordPress托管 (GreenGeeks WordPress Hosting)

GreenGeeks has become a well-known brand in the WordPress hosting industry with high performance and environmentally responsible platform. They offer award-winning 24/7 support via live chat, email, or phone.

GreenGeeks凭借其高性能和对环境负责的平台,已成为WordPress托管行业的知名品牌。 他们通过实时聊天,电子邮件或电话提供屡获殊荣的24/7支持。

Here are the results from our GreenGeeks hosting performance tests:



Our test site loaded in less than a second for a server located in San Jose, California and was faster than 94% of all tested websites. This result is really good.

我们位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞的服务器的测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内加载,并且比所有测试网站的94%都快。 这个结果真的很好。

Since the test above only measures the load time with single user on the site, we used Load Impact to test how GreenGeeks hosting servers would perform during peak traffic hours.


We gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how their server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.



As you can see that our test site performed really well through out the entire test. The website speed held steady as traffic kept increasing which is excellent because it shows you that GreenGeeks can scale as your website grows.

如您所见,我们的测试站点在整个测试过程中表现非常出色。 网站流量保持稳定,因为流量不断增加,这非常好,因为它表明GreenGeeks可以随着网站的增长而扩展。

After the load impact test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.



For all locations, GreenGeeks Hosting responded under a second. The response time was slightly higher for locations in India and Asia Pacific.

对于所有位置,GreenGeeks Hosting在不到一秒钟的时间内都做出了回应。 印度和亚太地区的响应时间略长。

This makes sense because GreenGeeks offer five different data centers to choose from located in various parts of United States and Europe.


If majority of your target audience i located in North America, Europe, and South America, then GreenGeeks is extremely fast and reliable. If your target audience is located outside these regions, then you might benefit from finding a server location near those regions.

如果您的大多数目标受众位于北美,欧洲和南美,那么GreenGeeks将是极其快捷和可靠的。 如果目标受众位于这些区域之外,那么您可能会受益于在这些区域附近找到服务器位置。

In our detailed GreenGeeks Hosting review, we also evaluated their customer service, features, and pricing. After our analysis, we find GreenGeeks Hosting to be a great option for businesses who value high-quality support and prefers a company that’s environmentally friendly. Their plans grow as your business grows.

在我们详细的GreenGeeks Hosting评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户服务,功能和价格。 经过我们的分析,我们发现GreenGeeks Hosting对于重视高质量支持并偏爱环保公司的企业来说是一个不错的选择。 他们的计划随着您业务的增长而增长。

  • PROS: Fast speed, great price, free domain, and free SSL.


  • PROS: 30 day money back guarantee

    优点: 30天退款保证

  • PROS: Free Site Migration


  • CONS: Renewal fees are higher.


Get Started with GreenGeeks Hosting


最佳WordPress托管(快速回顾) (Best WordPress Hosting (Quick Recap))

Now that you have seen the performance comparison of the top WordPress hosting companies, it’s time to decide which is the best for your business.


For your convenience, we have created a table with a side-by-side feature list, so you can easily compare the best WordPress hosting companies.


Hosting Cost Free Domain Free SSL 1-Click WP
Bluehost $2.75/mo Yes Yes Yes
SiteGround $6.99/mo No Yes Yes
HostGator $2.64/mo Yes Yes Yes
DreamHost $2.59/mo Yes Yes Yes
GreenGeeks $2.95/mo Yes Yes Yes
代管 成本 免费域名 免费SSL 一键式WP
蓝主机 $ 2.75 /月
SiteGround $ 6.99 /月 没有
HostGator $ 2.64 / mo
DreamHost $ 2.59 /月
绿极客 $ 2.95 / mo

In our in-depth WordPress hosting review, we came to a conclusion that if you are looking to start a blog, then you cannot go wrong with Bluehost. The fact that they offer you a free domain and free SSL for the price of $2.75 per month, it’s very hard to beat.

在我们深入的WordPress托管审查中,我们得出的结论是,如果您希望创建一个博客 ,那么Bluehost不会出错。 他们以每月2.75美元的价格为您提供免费域和免费SSL的事实,这是很难击败的。

But truly, you can’t go wrong with any of the top WordPress hosting companies that we have mentioned above. They all offer great uptime, fast servers, quality support, and extremely low prices.

但是,确实,您上面提到的任何*WordPress托管公司都不会出错。 它们都提供出色的正常运行时间,快速的服务器,高质量的支持以及极低的价格。

WordPress托管常见问题解答 (WordPress Hosting FAQs)

Having helped over 100,000+ users start their website, we have answered quite a lot of questions. Below are some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions about WordPress hosting.

在帮助超过100,000多个用户启动其网站后,我们已经回答了很多问题。 以下是有关WordPress托管的最常见问题的一些答案。

Do I need WordPress hosting to start a website?


If you want to build a WordPress website, then you need web hosting. Your hosting server is where your website files are stored. Every website that you see online uses a web hosting provider.

如果要构建WordPress网站 ,则需要网络托管。 您的托管服务器是您存储网站文件的位置。 您在网上看到的每个网站都使用网络托管服务提供商。

Are there any free WordPress hosting providers?


Yes there are several free website hosting companies out there, but we highly recommend that you stay away from them. In most cases, free WordPress hosting providers put advertisements on your website. They may even distribute malware to your users. Last but not least, they can shut down your website at anytime without any notification. Avoid anyone who offers to give you free WordPress hosting, specially if you are serious about your site. Here are 36 reasons why having a “free website” is a bad idea.

是的,那里有几家免费的网站托管公司 ,但我们强烈建议您远离它们。 在大多数情况下,免费的WordPress托管服务提供商会在您的网站上投放广告。 他们甚至可能向您的用户分发恶意软件。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,他们可以随时关闭您的网站,而无需任何通知。 避免提供您免费的WordPress托管服务的任何人,特别是如果您认真对待自己的网站。 拥有“免费网站”是一个坏主意的36个原因

How much does it cost to build a WordPress site?


The cost to build a WordPress website varies based on your needs. It can range from $100 to as high as $30,000. We have created a detailed guide explaining how much does it really cost to build a WordPress website.

建立WordPress网站的成本因您的需求而异。 它的价格从100美元到30,000美元不等。 我们已经创建了详细的指南,解释了构建WordPress网站实际需要多少费用

Do I need to have my domain and WordPress hosting from the same provider?


No. You can purchase your domain from a domain name registrar like Domain.com, GoDaddy, etc and use one of the WordPress hosting providers listed above. However if you don’t have a domain already, then it’s easier to use the same provider (specially since many are offering a free domain with hosting).

不可以。您可以从域名注册商(Domain.com ,GoDaddy等)购买域名,并使用上面列出的WordPress托管提供商之一。 但是,如果您还没有域,则使用相同的提供程序会更容易(特别是因为许多提供者都提供带有托管的免费域)。

Can I use these WordPress hosting providers for an eCommerce site?


Yes you absolutely can. All WordPress hosting companies that we recommend above offer SSL certificates which is what you need for running an eCommerce website. If you’re looking for specialized eCommerce web hosting, then you may want to look at our comparison of the best WooCommerce hosting.

是的,您绝对可以。 我们上面建议的所有WordPress托管公司都提供SSL证书,这是运行电子商务网站所需要的。 如果您正在寻找专门的电子商务Web托管,那么您可能需要查看我们对最佳WooCommerce托管的比较。

How to secure my WordPress hosting account?


Your web hosting account is where your website files are stored. So it’s very important that you secure it. The best way to secure your WordPress hosting account is to use a strong password and avoid logging in from public locations (unless you’re using a v*n). We also recommend that you follow our ultimate WordPress security guide to protect your site.

您的网站托管帐户是存储网站文件的位置。 因此,确保它的安全非常重要。 保护您的WordPress托管帐户的最佳方法是使用强密码,并避免从公共场所登录(除非您使用v*n )。 我们还建议您遵循我们的最终WordPress安全指南来保护您的网站。

How do I install WordPress on my WordPress hosting account?


Every WordPress hosting provider that we recommend comes with 1-click WordPress install. You can follow our step by step guide on how to install WordPress on your host.

我们推荐的每个WordPress托管提供商都附带一键式WordPress安装。 您可以按照分步指南了解如何在主机上安装WordPress

Do I need a cPanel WordPress hosting?

我需要cPanel WordPress托管吗?

cPanel is a type of control panel that a lot of WordPress hosting companies use. No you do not need cPanel, but it does make things easier in terms of installation, managing email accounts, etc.

cPanel是许多WordPress托管公司使用的一种控制面板。 不,您不需要cPanel,但是在安装,管理电子邮件帐户等方面,它确实使事情变得更容易。

How much traffic can these WordPress hosting companies handle?


These WordPress hosting companies handle billions of impressions a month.


The amount of traffic your website can handle really depends on the WordPress hosting plan that you’re on. Most shared hosting plans can comfortably handle 1000 to 2000 visitors per day as long as your website is optimized for performance.

您的网站可以处理的流量的数量实际上取决于您所使用的WordPress托管计划。 只要您的网站针对性能进行了优化,大多数共享主机计划就可以舒适地每天处理1000至2000个访问者。

As your website grows, your WordPress hosting provider may ask you to upgrade to either VPS hosting or managed WordPress hosting plans.


Can I switch my WordPress hosting provider later?


Yes, you can absolutely switch if you’re unhappy with you WordPress hosting company. Most WordPress hosting companies offer free migration services which makes the process fairly smooth. However if you want to do the migration yourself, then you can follow our step by step guide on how to move WordPress to a new host with no downtime.

是的,如果您对WordPress托管公司不满意,可以绝对切换。 大多数WordPress托管公司都提供免费的迁移服务,这使过程相当顺利。 但是,如果您想自己进行迁移,则可以按照我们的逐步指南进行操作,以了解如何将WordPress迁移到新主机而不会造成停机

Does my WordPress hosting datacenter location matter?


Some of the WordPress hosting companies that we recommend give you an option to choose your data center. The location of your data center does make a difference on your website performance for specific geographic location.

我们建议一些WordPress托管公司为您提供一个选择数据中心的选项。 数据中心的位置确实会影响特定地理位置的网站性能。

If majority of your audience is in United States, then you want to choose a data center in U.S. If a large portion of your audience is in Europe, then you should choose a data center in Europe.


If you are not sure, then just choose U.S for now. You can always use a WordPress CDN to speed up your site for various geographic location.

如果不确定,请立即选择美国。 您始终可以使用WordPress CDN来加快网站在各种地理位置上的访问速度。

Should I purchase monthly WordPress hosting plans or commit long-term?


You will notice that almost every WordPress hosting company offers huge discount for choosing long-term plans. If you are serious about your website, then you will likely keep it for more than a month.

您会注意到,几乎每个WordPress托管公司都为选择长期计划提供了巨大的折扣。 如果您认真对待自己的网站,则可能会保留一个多月。

We always recommend against choosing monthly WordPress hosting plans because they cost almost twice as much. It’s a better deal if you choose 12 month or 24 month plan.

我们始终建议不要选择每月的WordPress托管计划,因为它们的费用几乎是其两倍。 如果您选择12个月或24个月的方案,则更好。

Do I need any WordPress hosting addons?


Often WordPress hosting companies will try to upsell you on a wide-variety of services. You really don’t need these services when you’re starting out.

WordPress托管公司经常会尝试向您提供各种各样的服务。 刚开始时,您实际上不需要这些服务。

We recommend that you uncheck everything in the order process and only purchase what you really need: WordPress hosting.


You can buy WordPress hosting addons if you need them in the future.


Do WordPress hosting companies offer professional branded email address?


Yes, most WordPress hosting companies will give you the ability to create a free busines email address. However we recommend that you use Google Apps (also known as GSuite) because it’s more reliable. See our step by step guide on how to setup a professional email address with Google apps.

是的,大多数WordPress托管公司都会为您提供创建免费商务电子邮件地址的功能 。 但是,我们建议您使用Google Apps(也称为GSuite),因为它更可靠。 请参阅我们的逐步指南, 了解如何使用Google Apps设置专业的电子邮件地址

Do these WordPress hosting companies offer website backups?


Yes, every WordPress hosting company claims to keep daily backups of your website. However from our experience, we advise our users to install a WordPress backup plugin to keep their own backups because you can never be too safe.

是的,每个WordPress托管公司都声称会保留您网站的每日备份。 但是,根据我们的经验,我们建议用户安装WordPress备份插件来保留自己的备份,因为您永远不会太安全。

Are there other WordPress hosting providers that are not listed here?


Yes, there are literally thousands of WordPress hosting companies out there, and we simply can’t list them all here because that would create more confusion and cause choice paralysis for non-techy readers.


We have tried every major WordPress hosting company in the market including many that are not in our list above such as: WP Engine, Flywheel, Kinsta, Cloudways, GoDaddy, LiquidWeb, InMotion Hosting A2 hosting, iPage, Site5, Arvixe, Pantheon, Hostinger, JustHost, HostPapa, NameCheap, and more.

我们已经尝试了市场上所有主要的WordPress托管公司,包括上面未列出的许多公司,例如:WP Engine,Flywheel,Kinsta,Cloudways,GoDaddy,LiquidWeb,InMotion托管A2托管,iPage,Site5,Arvixe,万神殿,Hostinger ,JustHost,HostPapa,NameCheap等。

The top WordPress hosting companies that we have chose to include in our list provides the best features for the best price.


Which are the best WordPress hosting companies in your opinion?


Our top 3 choices for the best WordPress hosting companies are:


  1. Bluehost – Best overall WordPress hosting (great value).

    Bluehost –最佳整体WordPress托管(超值)。

  2. SiteGround – Best WordPress support in the industry (premium hosting).

    SiteGround –业界最佳的WordPress支持(高级托管)。

  3. HostGator – Best WordPress hosting for small businesses.

    HostGator –小型企业的最佳WordPress托管。

No this last question is not a joke. We seriously get this question even after referring people to this guide.

不,这最后一个问题不是在开玩笑。 即使在引导人们阅读本指南后,我们也认真地解决了这个问题。

We hope that this guide helped you choose the best WordPress hosting for your website. If you have a WordPress hosting question that we didn’t cover, then please send us a message using our contact form. One of our team members will respond back within 24 hours.

我们希望本指南可以帮助您为网站选择最佳的WordPress托管。 如果您有一个我们未解决的WordPress托管问题,请使用我们的联系表向我们发送消息。 我们的团队成员之一将在24小时内回复。

Need helping start your WordPress blog? Take advantage of our free WordPress blog setup service.

需要帮助启动您的WordPress博客吗? 利用我们的免费WordPress博客设置服务


关于编辑人员 (About the Editorial Staff)

Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi. Trusted by over 1.3 million readers worldwide.

WPBeginner的编辑人员是由Syed Balkhi领导的WordPress专家团队。 受到全球130万读者的信赖。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wordpress-hosting/
