The winner is

First I would like to change the title into The winner survivor is ,  but anyway, for those which survive the serious falling trend, they could be considered as winners.

For almost all the crytocurrencies holders, today is a moment that marked a bleak day. It seems that there is a “tsunami”in the cryto-market that flush away holders’good mood.

By 17:30 in Beijing, according to data from, the crytocurrencies market tends to take a dive, and it seems that the trend tends to be contagious. In fact, most of the top ten was down more than 10%.

The winner is

The winner is

The winner is

The winner is

However, today is a moment to celebrate or almost to feel relieved. Therefore, this article is going to find out the “lucky dogs” in the Top 100 which survive the wreck.

The winner is


In a time when the market is almost dominated by Bitcoin or one or two tokens that followed, Bytecoin is surely to be not so well-known, people even can’t find news or articles related to it. Then, Bytecoin, the “lucky dog” which is lucky enough to not had been wounded in this wreck, is a crytocurrency that launched in earlier 2012 and its total amount is 8 times larger than the Bitcoin’s.  Then it even once beated Steem and stayed in Top 10. Although Bytecoin is not so well-known as Bitcoin, it somehow ranks relatively high in Top 100 and that fact that it survive the widely-ranging wreck in the market somehow shows its potentials.

 The winner is


ICON has nothing to do with the words like “icon” or “iconic”, but its icon could be its ambitions to be a trading platform that connects all the banks, securities,insurance, universities using block chain. It seems like it could make contributions to our social welfare. Never mind,just kidding. I think, it somehow brings convenience to our daily life in the real term, if the company could make it.

The winner is

The winner is

3. The winner is “Strong Augur”

The optimism in Augur stood in stark contrast to the gloom else where, where growth is dropping or even plunging. Augur actually is not a tokens, and it is a application affiliated to Ethereum that serves as a platform for users to predict the trend of the tokens price and helps them to make right choice, and the platform also has launched its own tokens called REP. 

The winner is

4. The tough guy: SALT

As we all known, there always some fluctuations in the crytocurrencies price for they, in fact, are quiet vulnerable to changes in some factors in the markets and the data are rather volatile. There we can see SALT’s struggle in squeezing itself into Top 100

By 17:43 in Beijing, SALT was knocked down by other tokens in the market in the list, ranking 102, however, when the time comes to 17:59, it get back to No.100. Then up the now, it’s still rather unpredictable which tokens could be the No.100 and stand still on the first page in the website.

Never mind, we can appreciate SALT for its toughness. In a day when there is wide-ranging slump in trading volume. SALT is knocked down by the flood, however, it is not knocked out, far from it. Then, we hope SALT could in the end really becomes the salt of the earth.