D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

This blog post is about how to create a report using Report data provider.

The objects that we will be creating are

  1. Data contract class  – For parameters of the report
  2. Temporary table      – For storing the records to be displayed in the report
  3. Data provider class – For processing the business logic of the report
  4. Action Menu Item    – For front end  display
  5. Report                        – As the name suggests, the report  that will be used.

The sample report that i will be creating is a customer details report. I will be using ‘Customer Account Number’ as a parameter. A single customer detail will be displayed in the report.

  • First we will create a Data Contract(DC) class


D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

I have implemented SysOperationValidatable class so that we can validate the input parameters. You can implement your logic in validate method as shown above.

  •  Create a Temporary table for storing data. Set the Table property to ‘InMemory’ so that its a tempTable.


  • D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

Add the fields that you want to display.

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

  • Create a Data Provider(DP) class to handle the business logic.


This class should extend SRSReportDataProviderBase class. The parameter attribute/Query attribute or both should be linked to the DP class. In my case i am using DC class as a parameter, hence SRSReportParameterAttribute is TestCustContractCls.

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

We need  to create a method which has SRSReportDataSetAttribute attribute which will return data in the TempTable to the reporting services.

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

The business logic is handle in the doProcess method. In this method, we will insert the records into the temporary table.

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

  • A new report ‘TestReport’ is created.

Go to Report > DataSets > Create a new DataSet >  Properties > Data source type > Report data provider.

Click on Query > Select the DP class you created. In my case it is ‘TestCustReportDPCls’.

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)


D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

Choose all the fields you want in the report.

Create a design for your report. For the sake of simplicity, i have used a auto design over precision design.

Right click on Design > Auto design > Drag and drop the dataSource customer onto it.

  • Create a Output menu item for displaying the report.


Set the ObjectType property to ‘SSRSReport’ and Object to ‘TestReport’.

D365 F&O Report – Using Report data provider(RDP)

Add the menu Item to a menu bar.

Save > Deploy  the report> build the solution.