

本文为挪威北极大学(作者:Michael Kampffmeyer)的博士论文,共93页。


Due to the large improvements that deeplearning based models have brought to a variety of tasks, they have in recentyears received large amounts of attention. However, these improvements are to alarge extent achieved in supervised settings, where labels are available, andinitially focused on traditional computer vision tasks such as visual objectrecognition. Specific application domains that consider images of large sizeand multi-modal images, as well as applications where labeled training data ischallenging to obtain, has instead received less attention. This thesis aims tofill these gaps from two overall perspectives. First, we advance segmentationapproaches specifically targeted towards the applications of remote sensing andmedical imaging. Second, inspired by the lack of labeled data in manyhigh-impact domains, such as medical imaging, we advance four unsupervised deeplearning tasks: domain adaptation, clustering, representation learning, andzero-shot learning. The works on segmentation address the challenges ofclass-imbalance, missing data-modalities and the modeling of uncertainty inremote sensing. Founded on the idea of pixel-connectivity, we further propose anovel approach to saliency segmentation, a common pre-processing task. Weillustrate that phrasing the problem as a connectivity prediction problem,allows us to achieve good performance while keeping the model simple. Finally,connecting our work on segmentation and unsupervised deep learning, we proposean approach to unsupervised domain adaptation in a segmentation setting in themedical domain. Besides unsupervised domain adaptation, we further propose anovel approach to clustering based on integrating ideas from kernel methods andinformation theoretic learning achieving promising results. Based on ourintuition that meaningful representations should incorporate similaritiesbetween data points, we further propose a kernelized autoencoder. Finally, weaddress the task of zero-shot learning based on improving knowledge propagationin graph convolutional neural networks, achieving state-of-the-art performanceon the 21K class ImageNet dataset.

  1. 引言
  2. 深度学习
  3. 分割
  4. 无监督学习
  5. 基于核方法与信息论的学习
