mac 清空dns缓存_清空Mac上的快速外观缓存以保护加密的文档

mac 清空dns缓存_清空Mac上的快速外观缓存以保护加密的文档

mac 清空dns缓存

mac 清空dns缓存_清空Mac上的快速外观缓存以保护加密的文档

macOS: Quick Look is great, but it might be compromising the security of documents on encrypted disks. Aquiline Check is a free app that makes it easy to clear the cache, removing that risk.

macOS:“快速查看”功能很棒,但可能会损害加密磁盘上文档的安全性。 Aquiline Check是一个免费的应用程序,可轻松清除缓存并消除这种风险。

Last week we learned that macOS makes unencrypted thumbnails of your encrypted files, which is a problem if you care about keeping the contents of those drives private. One fix it to quickly run qlmanage -r cache in the Terminal to clear the cache, or to disable the cache entirely using qlmanage -r disablecache.

上周,我们了解到macOS会为加密文件制作未加密的缩略图,如果您关心将这些驱动器的内容保密,则会出现问题。 解决了该问题的一种方法是在终端中快速运行qlmanage -r cache以清除缓存,或者使用qlmanage -r disablecache完全禁用缓存。

Aquiline Check lets you do this and more from a simple user interface, and there’s even a menu bar version if you think you’re going to be toggling this often. You can read more about the app over at Eclectic Light Company, and I recommend you do.

Aquiline Check可让您通过简单的用户界面执行此操作以及更多操作,如果您认为自己经常要切换此功能,则甚至还有菜单栏版本。 您可以在Eclectic Light Company上阅读有关该应用程序的更多信息,我建议您这样做。


mac 清空dns缓存