您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

You’ve already heard the news: Microsoft released Windows Vista Service Pack 1 yesterday. So what does that mean for me, and how do I install it again?

您已经听说过此消息:Microsoft昨天发布了Windows Vista Service Pack 1。 那么,这对我意味着什么,又该如何重新安装呢?

What are the Major Changes?


Most of the changes in SP1 are under the hood, but you should notice these changes right away:


  • File Copying speed is improved.

  • There aren’t as many UAC prompts when making changes to folders that require admin rights.

  • Search button is removed from the start menu.

  • A “non-genuine” version of Windows is no longer completely deactivated, but only displays an annoying message.


There are a great number of fixes and improvements in Service Pack 1, and I absolutely recommend that you upgrade to it. For more details on exactly what has been changed, see this Microsoft article.

Service Pack 1中有大量修复程序和改进,我绝对建议您升级到它。 有关确切更改的更多详细信息,请参阅此Microsoft文章。

Installing Vista Service Pack 1

安装Vista Service Pack 1

Vista SP1 will be distributed through Windows Update as well as offered as a download, but it won’t be immediately available for everybody.

Vista SP1将通过Windows Update分发并提供下载,但并非所有人都能立即使用。

To see if it’s available for you to install, open up Windows update and click on the View available updates.


您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

You should see Windows Vista SP1 in the list, and you can just click the Install button to continue.

您应该在列表中看到Windows Vista SP1,只需单击“安装”按钮即可继续。

您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

First the installation process will be downloaded.


您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

You’ll be prompted to start the installation, and then to accept the agreement.


您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

The install process takes a while… it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the speed of your computer, and it will reboot your system a number of times during the process.


您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

You can also download the Vista SP as an ISO file from the Microsoft Download center:

您也可以从Microsoft下载中心将Vista SP作为ISO文件下载:

  • Windows Vista Service Pack 1 x86

    Windows Vista Service Pack 1 x86
  • Windows Vista Service Pack 1 x64

    Windows Vista Service Pack 1 x64

Using automatic updates will result in a much smaller download, and it’s much easier to deal with.


Why Isn’t Vista Service Pack 1 Available for Me?

为什么我无法使用Vista Service Pack 1?

If you don’t see Service Pack 1 in the list, it could be for a number of reasons, but most likely is one of these:

如果您没有在列表中看到Service Pack 1,则可能是由于多种原因,但很可能是以下原因之一:

  • You have not installed all the prior updates. You need to make sure that you’ve installed all available updates to this point, and then you should see SP1 in the list. (This includes optional updates for Vista Ultimate users)

    您尚未安装所有以前的更新。 您需要确保到目前为止已经安装了所有可用的更新,然后您应该在列表中看到SP1。 (这包括针对Vista Ultimate用户的可选更新)
  • You are using language not supported yet in SP1.

  • You are using hardware that isn’t supported at this point.

  • You used vLite for a custom build.

  • You have the beta SP1 installed. You need to remove the beta before you can install the final version.

    您已经安装了beta SP1。 您需要先删除Beta版,然后才能安装最终版本。

For more information on the details of why it’s not available, see this post from the excellent Ed Bott.

有关为何不可用的详细信息,请参阅优秀的Ed Bott的这篇文章

Performance Might Be Slower for a Few Days


The Vista installation will purge your SuperFetch cache, which means for the next day (and especially the next few reboots) Vista will be rebuilding the prefetch data, which will make things a little slower for a while.


Start Menu Search Button is Gone


As a result of a lawsuit with Google, Microsoft decided to just completely remove the Search button from the start menu, which seems like an overreaction.


您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

You can still open the advanced search dialog by clicking on the start menu and using the F3 key, or using the F3 key while using any explorer window.


Your Custom Themes Will Break


If you’ve used one of the theme patching utilities such as VistaGlazz to patch your uxtheme file, the Vista SP1 update will overwrite the patched file. You’ll have best luck switching back to the Vista default theme before installing SP1.

如果您使用主题修补实用程序之一(例如VistaGlazz)修补uxtheme文件,则Vista SP1更新将覆盖修补后的文件。 在安装SP1之前,最好能切换回Vista默认主题。

You can still manually patch your theme with the uxtheme patch from here. I won’t explain in great detail, but the manual method involves these steps:

您仍然可以从此处使用uxtheme修补程序手动修补主题。 我不会详细解释,但是手动方法涉及以下步骤:

  • Take ownership of uxtheme.dll, shsvcs.dll and themeui.dll in the System32 directory and then rename them to something else.

    在System32目录中获取uxtheme.dll,shsvcs.dll和themeui.dll的所有权 ,然后将其重命名为其他名称。

  • Copy the patched files from the download into the System32 directory and reboot.


Note: This should not affect Stardock Windowblinds, as verified by Spencer from Stardock.


Custom Resource Hacks will Break


If you’ve manually patched different files such as the boot logo, you’ll probably find that it’s been reverted, and as of now there’s no workaround that I’m aware of.

如果您手动修补了诸如boot logo之类的其他文件,您可能会发现它已还原,并且到目前为止,我还没有解决方法。

Stardock LogonStudio Might Not Work

Stardock LogonStudio可能无法正常工作

I had a few problems with Stardock’s LogonStudio application, which lets you change the logon screen. Note that I’m not certain that you’ll encounter the same problem, these instructions are just in case.

我在Stardock的LogonStudio应用程序中遇到了一些问题,该应用程序可让您更改登录屏幕 。 请注意,我不确定您是否会遇到相同的问题,这些说明只是为了以防万一。

A workaround that seemed to fix the issue for me was to set the application to run in Compatibility mode by right-clicking on the shortcut and choosing properties, and then Windows Server 2003 in the Compatibility tab.

一种似乎可以解决我问题的解决方法是,通过右键单击快捷方式并选择属性,然后在“兼容性”选项卡中选择Windows Server 2003,将应用程序设置为以兼容模式运行。

您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

After changing this and running it the first time, I was able to take off the compatibility mode and the application worked just fine. Note that you might not even run into this problem. [update: According to Lex in the comments, simply reinstalling LogonStudio fixes the problem.]

更改并首次运行后,我可以取消兼容模式,应用程序运行正常。 请注意,您甚至可能不会遇到此问题。 [更新:根据Lex的评论,只需重新安装LogonStudio即可解决此问题。]

Hacked Versions of Vista De-Activated


If you are running a hacked version of Vista, you’ll most likely find that they are no longer activated, and you’ll get the black screen that says you are running an invalid copy.


Memory Reported is Physical Memory, Not Memory in Use


If you go into the System section of Control panel, you’ll see the amount of memory in the system, but this will show the amount of physical memory installed, not the amount that Windows actually sees.


您对Windows Vista Service Pack 1的期望是什么?

If you have more than 3.2 GB of RAM and you are running 32-bit Vista, it’s still not going to use that additional memory, but it will report 4GB here.

如果您拥有超过3.2 GB的RAM并且正在运行32位Vista,则它仍不会使用该额外的内存,但是它将在此处报告4GB。



I’ve been running Vista SP1 for a few weeks now and haven’t had any problems at all. My system has been running perfectly, and the reduced number of UAC prompts is great for a system tweaker. I highly recommend updating whenever you have some free time.

我已经运行Vista SP1几周了,根本没有任何问题。 我的系统运行良好,并且减少了UAC提示数量对于系统调整者来说非常有用。 我强烈建议您在有空的时候进行更新。

I’ll be interested to hear your experiences in the comments, and if you need help we’ve got skilled geeks on our forum, or you can check out Microsoft’s SP1 support page.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/what-can-you-really-expect-from-windows-vista-service-pack-1/