从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

If you open different virtual machines in VirtualBox often, you will like VBoxLaunch. It allows you to launch virtual machines directly from the Start menu using a jumplist without having to launch the VirtualBox Manager first.

如果您经常在VirtualBox中打开其他虚拟机,您会喜欢VBoxLaunch。 它允许您使用跳转列表直接从“开始”菜单启动虚拟机,而不必先启动VirtualBox Manager。

VBoxLaunch does not change any settings in VirtualBox or the interface. It reads the list of virtual machines available in the VirtualBox Manager and creates direct links to those virtual machines in the jumplist for VBoxLaunch on the Start menu or the Taskbar.

VBoxLaunch不会更改VirtualBox或界面中的任何设置。 它读取VirtualBox Manager中可用的虚拟机列表,并在“开始”菜单或任务栏上的VBoxLaunch的跳转列表中创建指向这些虚拟机的直接链接。

Extract the .zip file you downloaded (see the download link at the end of the article) and copy the VBoxLaunch.exe file.


从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

Paste the VBoxLaunch.exe file in the VirtualBox program directory (usually C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox). Right-click on the VBoxLaunch.exe file and select Create shortcut from the popup menu.

将VBoxLaunch.exe文件粘贴到VirtualBox程序目录(通常为C:\ Program Files \ Oracle \ VirtualBox)中。 右键单击VBoxLaunch.exe文件,然后从弹出菜单中选择“创建快捷方式”。

从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

You may not have the correct permissions to create files in the VirtualBox program directory. If that is the case, Windows asks if you want to place the shortcut on the desktop instead. That is fine, so click Yes. It doesn’t matter where the shortcut is placed.

您可能没有在VirtualBox程序目录中创建文件的正确权限。 在这种情况下,Windows询问您是否要将快捷方式放在桌面上。 很好,所以单击“是”。 快捷方式的放置位置无关紧要。

从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

Right-click on the shortcut (wherever it was created) and select Pin to Start Menu.


NOTE: If you want to also access your virtual machines from the Taskbar, right-click the shortcut again and select Pin to Taskbar, as well.


从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

To create the jumplist containing links to your VirtualBox virtual machines, you must start VBoxLaunch once to open the VirtualBox Manager and then exit. Start VBoxLaunch from the Start menu or Taskbar.

若要创建包含指向VirtualBox虚拟机的链接的跳转列表,必须启动一次VBoxLaunch以打开VirtualBox Manager,然后退出。 从“开始”菜单或任务栏启动VBoxLaunch。

从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

If the Open File – Security Warning dialog box displays, click Run to open the VirtualBox Manager.

如果显示“打开文件-安全警告”对话框,请单击“运行”以打开VirtualBox Manager。

从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

Select Exit from the File menu to close the VirtualBox Manager.


从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

Now, when you move your mouse over the VBoxLaunch Start menu item, a jumplist displays with all your available virtual machines listed. Simply select a virtual machine to open it without having to open the VirtualBox Manager first.

现在,将鼠标移到VBoxLaunch的“开始”菜单项上时,将显示一个跳转列表,其中列出了所有可用的虚拟机。 只需选择一个虚拟机即可将其打开,而无需先打开VirtualBox Manager。

从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

The jumplist is also available from the Taskbar if you pinned the VBoxLaunch shortcut there.


从Windows 7开始菜单或任务栏访问VirtualBox虚拟机

The Manage virtual machines item under Tasks on the jumplist opens the VirtualBox Manager. This allows you to remove any shortcuts to the VirtualBox Manager you had. All you need is the VBoxLaunch shortcut pinned to the Start menu or Taskbar.

跳转列表中“任务”下的“管理虚拟机”项将打开VirtualBox管理器。 这使您可以删除到VirtualBox Manager的所有快捷方式。 您所需要做的就是将VBoxLaunch快捷方式固定到“开始”菜单或任务栏。

Download VBoxLaunch from http://nicbedford.co.uk/software/vboxlaunch/.


VBoxLaunch requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, which should already exist in Windows 7. If, for some reason, you do not have the Microsoft .NET Framework, you can download it from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=22. We tested VBoxLaunch on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, but the developer says it should also work on 32-bit systems.

VBoxLaunch需要Windows 7中已经存在的Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5。如果由于某种原因您没有Microsoft .NET Framework,则可以从http://www.microsoft.com/download/下载。 zh / details.aspx?id = 22 。 我们在Windows 7 Ultimate 64位上测试了VBoxLaunch,但开发人员表示它也应该在32位系统上运行。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/76669/access-virtualbox-virtual-machines-from-the-windows-7-start-menu-or-taskbar/