如何在Windows 7“开始”菜单上重新组织“所有程序”部分

如何在Windows 7“开始”菜单上重新组织“所有程序”部分

Is your Start menu getting so cluttered you can’t find anything? The All Programs section of the Start menu may be in alphabetical order (sometimes by company names rather than program names), but would you rather have it categorized?

您的开始菜单变得如此杂乱,找不到任何东西吗? “开始”菜单的“所有程序”部分可能按字母顺序排列(有时按公司名称而不是程序名称),但是您希望将其分类吗?

There is an easy way to organize the All Programs section of the Start menu without using third-party software. To manually organize your Start menu, click on the Start orb, right-click on All Programs and select Open from the popup menu. This opens the folder containing program shortcuts for the currently logged in user only.

有一种简便的方法可以组织“开始”菜单的“所有程序”部分,而无需使用第三方软件。 要手动组织“开始”菜单,请单击“开始”球,右键单击“所有程序”,然后从弹出菜单中选择“打开”。 这将打开仅包含当前登录用户程序快捷方式的文件夹。

If you want to open the folder containing program shortcuts for all users, select Open All Users from the popup menu. We recommend you open both folders because the All Programs section of the Start menu is created from the shortcuts in both folders.

如果要打开包含所有用户程序快捷方式的文件夹,请从弹出菜单中选择“打开所有用户”。 我们建议您打开两个文件夹,因为“开始”菜单的“所有程序”部分是通过两个文件夹中的快捷方式创建的。

如何在Windows 7“开始”菜单上重新组织“所有程序”部分

The Programs folder contains all the shortcuts listed when you select All Programs on the Start menu. Open the Programs folder for both the current user and for all users. To organize the shortcuts, copy and move existing shortcuts, delete shortcuts and folders and add new shortcuts as desired. You can create new folders in the Programs folder for categories, such as Office, Graphics, Browsers, etc. and put your shortcuts into these folders.

当您在开始菜单上选择所有程序时,程序文件夹包含列出的所有快捷方式。 为当前用户和所有用户打开“程序”文件夹。 要组织快捷方式,请复制和移动现有的快捷方式,删除快捷方式和文件夹,并根据需要添加新的快捷方式。 您可以在Programs文件夹中为类别(例如Office,Graphics,Browser等)创建新文件夹,并将快捷方式放入这些文件夹中。

如何在Windows 7“开始”菜单上重新组织“所有程序”部分

Here’s our Start menu categorized and sorted alphabetically automatically within each category (or folder).


如何在Windows 7“开始”菜单上重新组织“所有程序”部分

It’s much easier to find programs on an organized Start menu. As you install programs, just repeat this process to categorize the new programs and keep your Start menu clean and organized.

在有组织的“开始”菜单上查找程序要容易得多。 在安装程序时,只需重复此过程即可对新程序进行分类,并使“开始”菜单保持整洁有序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/73105/how-to-reorganize-the-all-programs-section-on-the-windows-7-start-menu/