开始菜单桌面应用程序_使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序

开始菜单桌面应用程序_使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序


When you first get your shiny new Windows 7 PC, typing anything into the Start Menu search box returns exactly what you want instantly—but what about once you’ve built up loads of files? It tends to get really slow, but here’s how to fix it.

当您首次购买闪亮的新Windows 7 PC时,在“开始菜单”搜索框中键入任何内容即会立即返回您想要的内容,但是一旦建立了文件负载又如何呢? 它往往会变得很慢,但是下面是解决方法。

Note: we’re assuming that you already use Disk Cleanup on a regular basis, or maybe you’ve already setup CCleaner to clean your PC on a schedule. Still slow? Keep reading.

注意:我们假设您已经定期使用磁盘清理,或者您可能已经设置CCleaner来按计划清理PC 。 还慢吗继续阅读。

使“开始”菜单仅搜索应用程序 (Make the Start Menu Only Search Applications)

The first thing you can do is change the Start Menu search box to only search through your applications in the Start Menu, rather than finding documents, pictures, emails, and going through your internet history.


Head into Taskbar and Start Menu Properties by right-clicking on the Start orb and choosing Properties, then click Customize.


开始菜单桌面应用程序_使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序

Now scroll down in the list until you find “Search other files and libraries”, which you should set to “Don’t search”.


开始菜单桌面应用程序_使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序

Note: only make this change if you don’t want to search for documents, pictures, etc, from the Start Menu search box.


通过调整搜索位置来提高搜索速度 (Increase Search Speed by Tweaking Search Locations)

The second way you can tweak the Start Menu search box to work a little faster is by simply cleaning up the locations that you are indexing so less files are included in the index. This isn’t going to magically make everything all better, but it’ll definitely help if you’ve got loads and loads of files that are being indexed.

调整“开始菜单”搜索框以使其工作更快的第二种方法是,只需清理索引的位置,以便索引中包含的文件更少。 这不会神奇地使一切都变得更好,但是如果您有大量正在被索引的文件,那肯定会有所帮助。

Open up Indexing Options, which you can find easily in the Start Menu search box, and then click the Modify button at the bottom of the window.


开始菜单桌面应用程序_使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序

Now you’ll be able to tweak the indexed locations—if you’ve got directories with loads and loads of files that you’ll never need to search through, you should probably remove them from the search. For instance, I’ve got a couple of code directories with 10,000 files in them, so I got rid of those.

现在,您可以调整索引位置了-如果您的目录中有很多文件不需要再搜索,则可以从搜索中删除它们。 例如,我有几个代码目录,其中包含10,000个文件,因此我删除了这些目录。

开始菜单桌面应用程序_使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序

Keep in mind that if you remove items from the index, you’re removing them from the entire index—so if you have a documents folder that you frequently search via Windows Explorer, you probably should leave it enabled.


Note: once you make this change, Windows will have to do some index cleanup, so you won’t instantly see results, and depending on just how many files you have in the index, it might slow the PC down slightly for a very short while as Windows removes the files from the index. Once it’s all done, however, your Start Menu search should be a bit faster.

注意:进行此更改后,Windows将必须进行一些索引清理,因此您将不会立即看到结果,并且根据索引中包含的文件数量,它可能会使PC缓慢运行一小段时间Windows则从索引中删除文件。 但是,一旦完成,您的“开始菜单”搜索应该会更快一些。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/28111/make-windows-7-start-menu-search-find-your-applications-faster/
