如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

With the Action Center, Windows 10 finally provides a central place for notifications and quick actions to live. Here’s how to use and customize it.

借助操作中心,Windows 10最终为通知和快速操作提供了一个中心位置。 这是使用和自定义它的方法。

For the longest time, notifications in Windows have been something of a joke. Even in Windows 8, which finally provided toast notifications that could pop up and then expire, there was no way to see expired notifications you might have missed. Windows 10 fixes this with the Action Center, a slide-out pane that groups and displays notifications, and also provides access to quick actions like Wi-Fi, Quiet Hours, and Night Light.

在最长的时间内,Windows中的通知一直是个笑话。 即使在Windows 8中,它最终提供了可能会弹出的烤面包通知,然后到期,也无法查看您可能错过的过期通知。 Windows 10通过操作中心(一个可将通知分组和显示通知的滑出式窗格)进行了修复,还提供了对快速操作(如Wi-Fi,安静时间和夜灯)的访问权限。

The Action Center is straightforward to use, and it’s also pretty customizable.

Action Center易于使用,并且还可以自定义。

在操作中心中查看通知 (View Notifications in the Action Center)

Toast notifications still reign in Windows 10, sliding out from the bottom right edge of your desktop (just above the notification area of the taskbar) whenever an app needs to let you know something.

Toast通知仍在Windows 10中占据主导地位,每当应用需要告知您某些信息时,它就会从桌面的右下角(在任务栏的通知区域上方)滑出。

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

If you don’t dismiss a notification yourself, it disappears automatically after about six seconds. Whenever you have new notifications, the Action Center icon in the notification area turns white and displays a number badge showing how many new notifications there are (on the left, below). If there are no new notifications, that icon looks empty and badge-free (on the right).

如果您自己不关闭通知,则该通知会在大约六秒钟后自动消失。 每当您收到新通知时,通知区域中的“操作中心”图标都会变为白色,并显示一个数字标志,显示有多少新通知(在左侧,下方)。 如果没有新的通知,该图标将显示为空且无徽章(在右侧)。

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

Click that icon (whatever state it’s in) to open the Action Center, a pane that slides out from the right edge of your display. The Action Center shows all your recent notifications, grouped by app.

单击该图标(无论它处于什么状态)以打开“操作中心”,该窗格从显示的右边缘滑出。 “操作中心”会按应用分组显示您最近的所有通知。

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

When you click a notification in the Action Center, what happens depends on the app that notified you. Most of the time, clicking a notification achieves something pertinent. For example, clicking that OneDrive screenshot notification in our example screenshot above opens OneDrive to the folder in question and highlights the particular file.

当您单击操作中心中的通知时,发生的情况取决于通知您的应用程序。 在大多数情况下,单击通知可以实现相关目的。 例如,单击我们上面的示例屏幕快照中的OneDrive屏幕快照通知,将OneDrive打开到相关文件夹并突出显示特定文件。

Sometimes, the notification explains the results of clicking it. In our example, clicking the notification from Razer Synapse about an available update starts that update.

有时,通知会说明单击它的结果。 在我们的示例中,单击Razer Synapse中有关可用更新的通知将启动该更新。

从操作中心清除通知 (Clear Notifications from the Action Center)

If you hover your mouse over any particular notification in the Action Pane, you can click the “Clear” button (the X) in the upper right corner to clear that notification from the display. Note that when you clear a notification, there’s no way to retrieve it.

如果将鼠标悬停在“操作”窗格中的任何特定通知上,则可以单击右上角的“清除”按钮(X)以从显示屏中清除该通知。 请注意,清除通知后,将无法检索它。

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

You can clear all notifications for an app group by hovering your mouse over the name of the app, and then clicking the “Clear” button that appears there.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

And finally, you can clear all notifications by clicking the “Clear All” text near the bottom right corner of the Action Center (just above the Quick Action buttons).


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

自定义通知 (Customize Notifications)

You can’t customize much about how the Action Center displays notifications, but there are ways to customize the notifications themselves. This all happens in the Settings app, so press Windows+I to fire it up and then click the “System” option.

您无法对Action Center如何显示通知进行自定义,但是有多种方法可以自定义通知本身。 所有这些操作都在“设置”应用中进行,因此请按Windows + I启动它,然后单击“系统”选项。

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

On the “System” settings page, switch to the “Notifications & Actions” category.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

In the right pane, scroll down to the “Notifications” section, and you’ll find what you need.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

Here’s a rundown of the primary settings:


  • Show notifications on the lock screen: Turn this off to prevent any notifications from showing up when your computer is locked.


  • Show reminders and incoming VoIP calls on the lock screen: Turning off notifications on the lock screen still allows reminders and incoming calls to display. Turn this setting off to disable those types of notifications on the lock screen, as well.

    在锁定屏幕上显示提醒和VoIP呼叫:在锁定屏幕上关闭通知仍可以显示提醒和来电。 也请关闭此设置以在锁定屏幕上禁用这些类型的通知。

  • Show me the Windows welcome experience and Get tips, tricks, and suggestions: Turn these two settings off if you’re not interested in seeing tips, suggestions or ads.

    向我展示Windows欢迎体验获取提示,技巧和建议 :如果您对查看提示,建议或广告不感兴趣,请关闭这两个设置。

  • Get notifications from apps and other senders: Turn this setting off to disable notifications entirely.


If you scroll down just a bit further in the right pane, you’ll see notification settings for individual senders (“senders” are what Windows calls apps and other sources of notifications).


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

Note that you won’t necessarily see every app you have installed listed here. Some apps have their own notification settings that you’ll have to configure from within the app. Still, any app you get through the Windows Store, as well as many desktop apps, are configurable from this section.

请注意,您不一定会在此处看到已安装的每个应用程序。 某些应用程序具有自己的通知设置,您必须在应用程序中进行配置。 不过,您可以通过此部分配置通过Windows应用商店获得的任何应用程序以及许多桌面应用程序。

Turn off the toggle next to any listed app to disable notifications from it.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

Click the name of an app to open another page that lets you customize settings for that app in greater detail.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

On the settings page for an app, you can disable notifications for the app, choose whether banners are shown or sounds are played, prevent notifications from being added to the Action Center, and even control the number of notifications the app can show in the Action Center.

在应用程序的设置页面上,您可以禁用该应用程序的通知,选择显示横幅还是播放声音 ,阻止将通知添加到操作中心,甚至控制该应用程序可以在操作中显示的通知数量*。

At the bottom of the page, you’ll even find controls for controlling the priority of the app’s notifications in the Action Center, letting you control (at least to some degree) where in the Action Center list those notifications appear.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

And one more tip for you: if for some reason you don’t like it at all, you can disable the Action Center altogether.

还有一个提示:如果由于某种原因您根本不喜欢它,则可以完全禁用Action Center

自定义快速操作按钮 (Customize Quick Action Buttons)

At the bottom of the Action Center, you’ll see four or eight Quick Action buttons, depending on your screen size and resolution. By default, these include buttons for Focus Assist, Network, Night Light, and All Settings on the top row. Click a button to take the associated action (i.e., turning Night Light on and off).

在“操作中心”的底部,您将看到四个或八个“快速操作”按钮,具体取决于您的屏幕尺寸和分辨率。 默认情况下,这些按钮包括第一行的“ 对焦辅助” ,“网络”,“ 夜灯”和“所有设置”按钮。 单击一个按钮以执行相关的操作(即打开和关闭夜灯)。

And if you click the “Expand” text just above those buttons…


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

…you’ll reveal all the available Quick Action buttons.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

You can customize these Quick Action buttons to a modest degree. While you can’t add your own, custom Quick Action buttons, you can control which buttons appear in the Action Center, and in what order.

您可以适度自定义这些“快速操作”按钮。 虽然您无法添加自己的自定义快速操作按钮,但是您可以控制哪些按钮显示在“操作中心”中,并以什么顺序显示。

Press Windows+I to open the Settings app, and then click the “System” option.

按Windows + I打开“设置”应用程序,然后单击“系统”选项。

如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

On the “System” settings page, switch to the “Notifications & Actions” category.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

In the right pane, right at the top, you’ll see the “Quick Actions” section and all the available Quick Action buttons.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

Drag any of those buttons around to adjust the order in which they appear in the Action Center.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

If there are buttons you’d rather not appear in the Action Center at all, click the “Add or remove quick actions” link.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

Use the toggles on the resulting page to turn specific buttons on or off.


如何使用和自定义Windows 10操作中心

And before you know it, you’ll have your Action Center looking just the way you want.

在不知不觉中,您将使Action Center看起来像您想要的方式。

As you can see, the Action Center is a welcome addition to the Windows operating system. Finally, you have a place to see notifications you might have missed and the ability to have specific system settings right at your fingertips.

如您所见,Action Center是Windows操作系统的一个受欢迎的补充。 最后,您可以在这里查看可能错过的通知,并可以随时获得特定的系统设置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/225345/how-to-configure-the-windows-10-action-panel-with-your-own-customized-buttons/