

void IntraPrediction::predIntraAng( const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu, const bool useFilteredPredSamples )









void IntraPrediction::xPredIntraPlanar( const CPelBuf &pSrc, PelBuf &pDst, const SPS& sps )
  const uint32_t width  = pDst.width;
  const uint32_t height = pDst.height;
  const uint32_t log2W  = g_aucLog2[width  < 2 ? 2 : width];
  const uint32_t log2H  = g_aucLog2[height < 2 ? 2 : height];
  const uint32_t log2W  = g_aucLog2[ width ];
  const uint32_t log2H  = g_aucLog2[ height ];

  int leftColumn[MAX_CU_SIZE + 1], topRow[MAX_CU_SIZE + 1], bottomRow[MAX_CU_SIZE], rightColumn[MAX_CU_SIZE];
  const uint32_t offset = 1 << (log2W + log2H);
  const uint32_t offset = width * height;

  // Get left and above reference column and row
  for( int k = 0; k < width + 1; k++ )
    topRow[k] = pSrc.at( k + 1, 0 );//上参考

  for( int k = 0; k < height + 1; k++ )
    leftColumn[k] = pSrc.at( 0, k + 1 );//左参考

  // Prepare intermediate variables used in interpolation
  int bottomLeft = leftColumn[height];//左下lc(i+1)
  int topRight = topRow[width];//右上tR(j+1)

  for( int k = 0; k < width; k++ )
    bottomRow[k] = bottomLeft - topRow[k];//lC(i+1)-tR(j)
    topRow[k]    = topRow[k] << log2H;//tR(j)*H

  for( int k = 0; k < height; k++ )
    rightColumn[k] = topRight - leftColumn[k];//tR(j+1)-lC(i)
    leftColumn[k]  = leftColumn[k] << log2W;//lC(i)*W

  const uint32_t finalShift = 1 + log2W + log2H;//2WH
  const uint32_t stride     = pDst.stride;
  Pel*       pred       = pDst.buf;
  for( int y = 0; y < height; y++, pred += stride )
    int horPred = leftColumn[y];//W*lC(i)

    for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
      horPred += rightColumn[y];//Ph(i,j)=W*lC(i)-j*rC(i)
      topRow[x] += bottomRow[x];//Pv(i,j)=H*tR(j)-i*bR(j)

      int vertPred = topRow[x];
      pred[x]      = ( ( horPred << log2H ) + ( vertPred << log2W ) + offset ) >> finalShift;




void IntraPrediction::xPredIntraDc( const CPelBuf &pSrc, PelBuf &pDst, const ChannelType channelType, const bool enableBoundaryFilter )
  const Pel dcval = xGetPredValDc( pSrc, pDst );//DC计算入口
  pDst.fill( dcval );

  if( enableBoundaryFilter )
    xDCPredFiltering( pSrc, pDst, channelType );


Pel IntraPrediction::xGetPredValDc( const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Size &dstSize )
  CHECK( dstSize.width == 0 || dstSize.height == 0, "Empty area provided" );

  int idx, sum = 0;
  Pel dcVal;
  const int width  = dstSize.width;
  const int height = dstSize.height;
  const auto denom     = (width == height) ? (width << 1) : std::max(width,height);//对于正方形计算所有参考像素,非正方形计算长边
  const auto divShift  = g_aucLog2[denom];
  const auto divOffset = (denom >> 1);//偏置

  if ( width >= height )//计算上参考
    for( idx = 0; idx < width; idx++ )
      sum += pSrc.at( 1 + idx, 0 );
  if ( width <= height )//计算左参考
    for( idx = 0; idx < height; idx++ )
      sum += pSrc.at( 0, 1 + idx );

  dcVal = (sum + divOffset) >> divShift;//计算DC值
  return dcVal;