



Taking notes is a great way to make sure you don’t forget the latest million-dollar idea (or maybe just to get milk on the way home). Keeping notes in sync between your devices is vital to not missing something.

做笔记是确保您不会忘记最新的数百万美元想法的好方法(或者只是在回家的路上喝牛奶)。 在设备之间保持笔记同步对于确保不丢失任何东西至关重要。

Thankfully, when it comes to iPhone and iPad, there are numerous ways of making notes on one device and having it almost magically appear on another. You don’t need to go hunting for an app to do it, either. Apple’s Notes app ticks off most of the requirements the majority of people need. The fact it’s built right into every iPhone and iPad—and that it’s free—certainly helps!

值得庆幸的是,当涉及到iPhone和iPad时,有多种方法可以在一台设备上做笔记,并使其几乎神奇地出现在另一台设备上。 您也不需要去寻找应用程序即可。 苹果的Notes应用程序满足了大多数人的大多数需求。 它确实内置在每台iPhone和iPad中,而且它是免费的,这肯定会有所帮助!

There are a couple of ways you can keep notes in sync—using iCloud or taking advantage of Google—and we’re going to outline both of them here.


Given iCloud’s tight integration with iPhone and iPad, let’s start there, shall we?


如何使用iCloud同步笔记 (How to Sync Notes Using iCloud)

To get things started, open the Settings app on any device on which you need your notes to sync.


Next, tap the Apple ID area at the very top of the screen. You’ll see your account’s profile picture as well as your name. Tapping anywhere around there should take you into the Apple ID settings screen. You may need to enter your iCloud password at this point, depending on how long it has been since you last authenticated.

接下来,点击屏幕顶部的Apple ID区域。 您会看到您帐户的个人资料图片以及您的姓名。 轻触周围的任何地方都应进入Apple ID设置屏幕。 此时,您可能需要输入iCloud密码,具体取决于自上次认证以来已经过了多长时间。


Tap on the iCloud entry within the newly opened Apple ID settings screen.

在新打开的Apple ID设置屏幕中,点击iCloud条目。


Turn on the “Notes” toggle, and you can then exit Settings.



This enables syncing of notes within the Apple Notes app for this particular device. Remember to repeat the process on your additional iPhones or iPads.

这样可以在Apple Notes应用程序中为此特定设备同步笔记。 请记住在其他iPhone或iPad上重复此过程。

如何使用Google同步笔记 (How to Sync Notes Using Google)

First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure your Google account is already set up on your iDevice. If you haven’t done that, we have an article that walks you through the ins and outs.

首先,您需要确保已在iDevice上设置了Google帐户。 如果您还没有做到这一点,我们将为您提供一篇文章,详细介绍您的来龙去脉

The process for enabling syncing for the Apple Notes app via Google’s services is very similar to setting up iCloud and again begins in the Settings app. Once there, tap the “Passwords & Accounts” entry.

通过Google的服务为Apple Notes应用启用同步的过程与设置iCloud非常相似,并再次从“设置”应用开始。 在那里,点击“密码和帐户”条目。


Next, tap the Google account you want to use for Apple Notes syncing.

接下来,点击您要用于Apple Notes同步的Google帐户。


Finally, switch the “Notes” toggle to the on position.

最后,将“ Notes”开关切换到打开位置。


Again, it’s important to remember that this enables the syncing of notes for one device. You’ll need to enable this on any additional devices in the same way.

同样,重要的是要记住,这将启用一台设备的笔记同步。 您需要以相同的方式在任何其他设备上启用此功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394397/how-to-sync-notes-for-iphone-and-ipad/
