1、DSP28335 硬件概述与寄存器描述

本文参考文献 DSP28335数据手册,与《Programming TMS320x28xx and 28xxx Peripherals in C/C++》《F28335的位域和寄存器结构的学习






1、DSP28335 硬件概述与寄存器描述



1、DSP28335 硬件概述与寄存器描述

使用#define 将寄存器名称与地址联系起来

1、DSP28335 硬件概述与寄存器描述


1、DSP28335 硬件概述与寄存器描述



* SCI header file



// SCICCR communication control register bit definitions:


struct      SCICCR_BITS {                 // bit deion

Uint16    SCICHAR:3;                       // 2:0 Character length control

Uint16    ADDRIDLE_MODE:1;        // 3 ADDR/IDLE Mode control

Uint16    LOOPBKENA:1;                 // 4 Loop Back enable

Uint16    PARITYENA:1;                  // 5 Parity enable

Uint16    PARITY:1;                         // 6 Even or Odd Parity

Uint16    STOPBITS:1;                      // 7 Number of Stop Bits

Uint16    rsvd1:8;                              // 15:8 reserved



// SCICTL1 control register 1 bit definitions:


struct SCICTL1_BITS {                            // bit deion

Uint16    RXENA:1;                          // 0 SCI receiver enable

Uint16    TXENA:1;                          // 1 SCI transmitter enable

Uint16    SLEEP:1;                           // 2 SCI sleep

Uint16    TXWAKE:1;                       // 3 Transmitter wakeup method

Uint16    rsvd:1;                                // 4 reserved

Uint16    SWRESET:1;                      // 5 Software reset

Uint16    RXERRINTENA:1;             // 6 Receive interrupt enable

Uint16    rsvd1:9;                              // 15:7 reserved





* SCI header file


union SCICCR_REG {

Uint16                                all;

struct      SCICCR_BITS      bit;


union SCICTL1_REG {

Uint16                                all;

struct      SCICTL1_BITS     bit;




* SCI header file

* Defines a register file structure for the SCI peripheral


#define    Uint16    unsigned int

#define    Uint32    unsigned long

struct SCI_REGS {

Uint16    SCICCR_REG      SCICCR;             // Communications control register

Uint16    SCICTL1_REG     SCICTL1;             // Control register 1

Uint16                                SCIHBAUD;         // Baud rate (high) register

Uint16                                SCILBAUD;         // Baud rate (low) register

Uint16    SCICTL2_REG     SCICTL2;             // Control register 2

Uint16  SCIRXST_REG    SCIRXST;            // Receive status register

Uint16                               SCIRXEMU;               // Receive emulation buffer register

Uint16  SCIRXBUF_REG SCIRXBUF;         // Receive data buffer

Uint16                               rsvd1;                   // reserved

Uint16                               SCITXBUF;          // Transmit data buffer

Uint16  SCIFFTX_REG     SCIFFTX;            // FIFO transmit register

Uint16  SCIFFRX_REG    SCIFFRX;            // FIFO receive register

Uint16  SCIFFCT_REG     SCIFFCT;             // FIFO control register

Uint16                               rsvd2;                   // reserved

Uint16                               rsvd3;                   // reserved

Uint16  SCIPRI_REG        SCIPRI;                      // FIFO Priority control

