weka训练完训练集集,重新评估测试集时出错 Data used to train model and test set are not compatible

weka训练完训练集集,重新评估测试集时出错 Data used to train model and test set are not compatible
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weka训练完训练集集,重新评估测试集时出错 Data used to train model and test set are not compatible
出现下面错误提示: Data used to train model and test set are not compatible
weka训练完训练集集,重新评估测试集时出错 Data used to train model and test set are not compatible
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weka训练完训练集集,重新评估测试集时出错 Data used to train model and test set are not compatible
提示不同的label numbers .我使用的数据集是Kddcup99不存在中文问题。所以应该是俩个数据集中每个属性对应值的排列顺序不同问题。。
打开两个数据集的arff文件,修改测试集的文件。把开头@ 后面的属性取值顺序变成训练集的。直接复制粘贴就好。
weka训练完训练集集,重新评估测试集时出错 Data used to train model and test set are not compatible