(Win10 home)RDP Wrapper启用 Remote Desktop

通过RDP Wrapper启用Win10 home 版远程桌面(Remote Desktop)常见问题


  • Q1: Listener state not support

(Win10 home)RDP Wrapper启用 Remote Desktop


https://github.com/stascorp/rdpwrap/issues/442 @johnFuller001

step1:net stop TermService

  1. In Command Prompt run: net stop TermService

  2. Download termsrv.dll from: https://www.mysysadmintips.com/-downloads-/Windows/Clients/termsrv_win_10.0.16299.15.zip or https://transfer.sh/LaY0f/termsrv.zip and extract

  3. Goto C:\Windows\System32 in explorer

  4. Right-click > Properties > Security > Advanced

  5. Make yourself the owner of the file and close all windows

  6. Back in C:\Windows\System32, goto the Properties > Security tab again and hit Edit

  7. Give yourself (or Administrator assuming you are admin of your box) modify rights

  8. Copy and paste the newly extracted termsrv.dll into the folder

  9. Hit replace when prompted

  10. You should then run in Command Prompt: net start TermService

Then run RDPConf to confirm the Listener is in a "Listening" state, and then RDPCheck to confirm RDP access locally.

Q2:Listener state Not Listening

(Win10 home)RDP Wrapper启用 Remote Desktop



https://github.com/stascorp/rdpwrap/issues/194 @sDunkan

  1. Start by controlling the correct port in the firewall is open. "I work behind a firewall, so i turned off the firewall on the slave machines. Port 3389 <- not completely sure this is needed."

  2. Download the x86 or x64 file from Download Link - markyi370 link.

  3. Copy the rfxvmt.dll file into Windows\System32 and Windows\SysWOW64 (If the already is there rename it to rfxvmt.dllOld."

  4. Start a CMD in administrator mode.

  5. Dirrect to the folder, I always made a folder on my C drive. example for CMD command "cd C:\RDPWrap-v1.6.1"

  6. First run a uninstall.bat "I don't know why, but if i didnt do it, it didt nok work"

  7. Secound run install.bat

  8. Third run update.bat

  9. And as the last stop run RDPConf.exe in administrator mode.