win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

win10 还原任务栏

win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

Windows 10 normally displays a battery icon in the notification area, also known as the system tray, when you’re using a laptop or tablet. This icon shows the current battery percentage. Here’s how to get it back if it vanishes.

使用笔记本电脑或平板电脑时,Windows 10通常会在通知区域(也称为系统托盘)中显示电池图标。 此图标显示当前电池百分比。 如果它消失了,这是如何找回它。

Your battery icon might still be in the notification area, but “hidden.” To look for it, click the up arrow to the left of your notification icons on the taskbar.

您的电池图标可能仍在通知区域中,但“隐藏”。 要查找它,请单击任务栏上通知图标左侧的向上箭头。

If you see the battery icon here (an area Microsoft calls the “notification area overflow pane”), simply drag and drop it back to the notification area on your taskbar.


win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

If you don’t see the battery icon in the panel of hidden icons, right-click your taskbar and select “Taskbar Settings.”


You can also head to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar instead.


win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

Scroll down in the Settings window that appears and click “Turn system icons on or off” under Notification area.


win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

Locate the “Power” icon in the list here and toggle it to “On” by clicking it. It will reappear on your taskbar.

在此处的列表中找到“电源”图标,然后单击将其切换为“开”。 它将重新出现在您的任务栏上。

You can also toggle other system icons on or off from here, including Clock, Volume, Network, Input Indicator, Location, Action Center, Touch Keyboard, Windows Ink Workspace, and Touchpad.


win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

If the Power option here is grayed out, Windows 10 thinks you’re using a desktop PC without a battery. The taskbar’s power icon won’t appear on PCs without a battery.

如果此处的“电源”选项显示为灰色,则Windows 10认为您使用的是没有电池的台式机。 没有电池,PC上不会出现任务栏的电源图标。

win10 还原任务栏_如何在Windows 10的任务栏上还原丢失的电池图标

Even after you’ve restored the battery icon, it won’t show an estimate of the remaining battery time when you mouse over it. Microsoft has disabled that feature—likely because it’s generally inaccurate. You can still re-enable the battery life estimate with a registry hack.

即使恢复了电池图标,将鼠标悬停在该图标上也不会显示剩余电池时间的估算值。 Microsoft已禁用该功能-可能是因为该功能通常不准确。 您仍然可以通过注册表修改来重新启用电池寿命估算


win10 还原任务栏