canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

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With a whopping 800% increase in search traffic for the word “infographic” between 2010-2012, it is no surprise that infographics are a hot ticket item in 2015. Online applications like Piktochart, and Canva are capitalizing on this infographic trend and making sharing information easier than before.


Not sure what Canva is exactly? Our short video, What is Canva? (below) will tell you everything you need to know. If it catches your attention, you should totally check out our brand new Canva course to learn more about it.

不确定Canva到底是什么? 我们的短片是什么Canva? (下)将告诉您所有您需要了解的内容。 如果它引起您的注意,则应完全查看我们全新的Canva课程以了解有关它的更多信息。

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A few weeks ago everyone was talking about THAT infamous “dress”. For anyone who was away from Earth recently and that missed the biggest controversy of 2015, don’t panic! We’re going to put you “in the know” by creating an explanatory infographic in Canva.

几周前,每个人都在谈论臭名昭著的“礼服”。 对于最近离开地球并且错过了2015年最大争议的任何人,不要惊慌! 我们将通过在Canva中创建说明性图表来使您“了解”。

那件衣服和原始数字 (That Dress and the Raw Numbers)

Before we can start creating an infographic of any type we need to gather our data. The following statistics come from the good people at Facebook Data Science.

在开始创建任何类型的信息图之前,我们需要收集数据。 以下统计数据来自Facebook Data Science的优秀人才。

According to Facebook:


  • 58% of Facebook users saw The Dress as white and gold

  • 42% of Facebook users saw The Dress as black and blue

  • Men were 6% more likely to see The Dress as black and blue

  • More mobile users saw The Dress as white and gold

    越来越多的移动用户将The Dress视为白色和金色
  • Facebook users between the ages of 13-17 were more likely to declare The Dress as black and blue

  • Facebook users between 55-64 were more likely to declare The Dress as white and gold

  • By 12AM EST more users saw The Dress as black and blue as opposed to earlier in the day more than likely due to the dilemma being solved


入门 (Getting Started)

For those who are not familiar with Canva, it is a free online web app that can be used to design all sorts of graphic design materials. From presentations to menus to social media headers, Canva makes designing a lot easier especially for non-designers.

对于不熟悉Canva的用户,它是一个免费的在线Web应用程序,可用于设计各种图形设计材料。 从演示文稿到菜单,再到社交媒体标题,Canva使得设计变得更加容易,尤其是对于非设计师而言。

Signing up for Canva really takes only a minute. You have the choice of either logging in via your Facebook page or creating a quick account.

注册Canva实际上仅需一分钟。 您可以选择通过Facebook页面登录或创建快速帐户。

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

Once you have registered and activated your account through the e-mail you were sent you will be taken to the main dashboard. Here you can see some of the design formats you can create.

通过电子邮件注册并**帐户后,您将被带到主仪表板。 在这里,您可以看到可以创建的一些设计格式。

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Because Canva as of right now doesn’t have a design template designated for creating infographics you’ll have to settle for the Blog Graphic template. Don’t worry though because this template is more than doable to create most infographics you need to make.

由于Canva截至目前还没有指定用于创建信息图表的设计模板,因此您必须选择博客图形模板。 不过,请不要担心,因为此模板可以用来创建您需要制作的大多数信息图表。

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

在仪表板中设计 (Designing in Your Dashboard)

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

Unlike a lot of web apps, Canva doesn’t give you a pop-up walkthrough but everything is pretty self-explanatory. The dashboard, you will come to find out is very easy to navigate for all your designing needs. To the left you will find 5 tabs that offer various designing elements and customizations for you to work.

与许多Web应用程序不同,Canva不会为您提供弹出式演练,但是所有内容都是不言而喻的。 您会发现仪表板非常易于导航,可满足您的所有设计需求。 在左侧,您将找到5个标签,其中提供各种设计元素和自定义设置供您使用。

搜索 (Search)

The Search tab will be your go-to area for most of your design elements. You will find various sub-groups like lines, illustrations and photos which will typically make up the basis for your design.

搜索选项卡将是大多数设计元素的首选区域。 您会发现各种子类别,例如线条,插图和照片,它们通常构成您设计的基础。

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

版面 (Layouts)

Depending on the template you choose after login you will find different pre-made layouts for you to use and build upon if you choose to use them.


canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

文本 (Text)

Here beneath the Text tab you will find preloaded text options and layouts but can also customize how certain text formats will appear.


canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

背景 (Background)

With the Background tab you can very easily change the color of your canvas or add the textured or patterned backgrounds that are provided.


canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

上载 (Uploads)

The Uploads tabs allows you to upload your own resources from either your computer, Facebook or Google Drive if you find that Canva doesn’t have something you are looking for.


canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

设置您的信息图 (Setting Up Your Infographic)

Now that you’ve gotten the layout of Canva it’s time to actually make our infographic. To get started we need to create our background by clicking on the Background tab. For this particular design I want to keep to a subtle look so that all the information is easily readable. The fourth background design will act as a nice backdrop and offer contrast between all the elements.

现在您已经获得了Canva的布局,是时候实际制作我们的信息图了。 首先,我们需要通过单击“背景”选项卡来创建背景。 对于这种特殊的设计,我希望保持微妙的外观,以便所有信息都易于阅读。 第四个背景设计将充当一个很好的背景,并在所有元素之间形成对比。

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

To add more contrast and interest to the background I’m going to add shapes. By clicking on the Search tab and the Shapes sub-group you can make your selections. For this design I am simply going to use triangles.

为了增加背景的对比度和趣味性,我将添加形状。 通过单击“搜索”选项卡和“形状”子组,可以进行选择。 对于这种设计,我只是要使用三角形。

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

I’ll continue placing my shapes and modifying colors and transparencies until I get something I like. Here is what I have now.

我将继续放置形状并修改颜色和透明胶片,直到得到喜欢的东西。 这就是我现在所拥有的。

canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

添加元素 (Adding Elements)

With the background done it is time to start fleshing the infographic out a bit more. We will start first by adding in the visual elements such as a title, sub-text and the key visual graphics. I have created various versions of the dress in both the black and blue form, the white and gold and of course a mashup of the two.

完成背景工作后,是时候开始使图表更加充实了。 我们将首先添加视觉元素,例如标题,子文本和关键视觉图形。 我创建了黑色和蓝色,白色和金色两种形式的连衣裙的各种版本,当然也包括两者的混搭。

By placing these elements down first it allows me to get a better idea of how my infographic will eventually look before I start adding the important information to make the infographic a true infographic.


I’ve used the Text, Search (Icons) and Upload tabs in order to get these specific elements on my canvas.


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Now by using elements in the Text and Search tabs I can start adding in the information from the statistics gathered earlier.


canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

I’ll continue adding more elements to further flesh out my infographic to map out where my statistics will be placed.


canva 图片提取_Canva教程:15分钟内创建一个平滑的信息图

整理起来 (Finishing Up)

To finish up my infographic I tweaked a few things, added in the important text and a few more numbers to make my visuals make sense. Here is the final result:

为了完成我的信息图表,我对一些内容进行了调整,在重要的文本中添加了一些内容,并添加了一些数字以使视觉效果更有意义。 这是最终结果:

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最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Personally I really like Canva, particularly since this was the first time I’d used it. The interface is user-friendly, designing is pretty easy and best of all you don’t have to be a designer or artist in order to create something that looks pretty professional.

我个人非常喜欢Canva,尤其是因为这是我第一次使用它。 该界面易于使用,设计非常简单,而且您不必成为设计师或艺术家就可以创建看起来非常专业的产品。

I would give it a solid 9 out of 10, only subtracting a mark for the fact that I found it a little tricky to grab the right element if it was too close to something else.


All in all Canva is an impressive program, especially considering it is free. Designing infographics or just doing quick and dirty mockups, no matter the project, can be done easily as long as you have your information on hand. I would definitely recommend the program for designers and non-designers alike.

总而言之,Canva是一个令人印象深刻的程序,尤其是考虑到它是免费的。 无论您使用什么项目,只要您手头有信息,就可以轻松地设计图表或仅执行快速而肮脏的模型。 我肯定会向设计师和非设计师推荐该程序。

Though it won’t fit every project, Canva may well deliver you a result faster than most options — and it won’t cost a cent to find out.



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