



Ever wish you could copy something on one computer, then paste it on another? Synced clipboards are becoming common: you can sync your clipboard between macOS Sierra and iOS 10, for example, without any third party software. Pushbullet allows you to sync your Windows clipboard to Android (along with other features.)

曾经希望您可以在一台计算机上复制某些内容,然后将其粘贴到另一台计算机上吗? 同步剪贴板变得越来越普遍:例如,您可以在macOS Sierra和iOS 10之间同步剪贴板 ,而无需任何第三方软件。 使用Pushbullet ,您可以将Windows剪贴板同步到Android( 以及其他功能 。)

If you want to sync from macOS to Windows, however, you’ve got one main option: 1Clipboard.

但是,如果要从macOS同步到Windows,则有一个主要选择: 1Clipboard

This free application uses your Google Drive account to sync your clipboard between any number of macOS and Windows machines, and also gives you access to your clipboard history. This is really nice if you’re the sort of person who switches between computers a lot—especially if you’re using the same mouse and keyboard.

这个免费的应用程序使用您的Google云端硬盘帐户在任意数量的macOS和Windows计算机之间同步剪贴板,还使您可以访问剪贴板历史记录。 如果您是那种经常在计算机之间切换的人,尤其是如果您使用相同的鼠标和键盘,那真是太好了。

设置1剪贴板 (Setting Up 1Clipboard)

Head to the 1Clipboard homepage and download the version for your operating system. Right now it’s just macOS and Windows (sorry, Linux users). Installing on Windows means launching the EXE installer; Mac users need to do the usual drag-and-drop dance.

转到1Clipboard主页,并下载适用于您的操作系统的版本。 现在只有macOS和Windows(对不起,Linux用户)。 在Windows上安装意味着启动EXE安装程序。 Mac用户需要进行通常的拖放跳舞


Regardless of which OS you use, there are a few initial setup stages.



First, you’ll be asked whether or not you want to sync your clipboard—if not, everything you copy will be stored locally instead. We’re interested in syncing, so we’ll choose the option to “Sign into Google.”

首先,将询问您是否要同步剪贴板-如果不是,则复制的所有内容都将存储在本地。 我们对同步很感兴趣,因此我们将选择“登录Google”选项。


Sign into your account—1Clipboard only asks for permission to manage its own configuration, so the rest of your data is secure. Repeat these steps on every computer you want your clipboard to sync to.

登录到您的帐户-1Clipboard仅询问管理其自身配置的权限,因此其余数据是安全的。 在您希望剪贴板同步到的每台计算机上重复这些步骤。

使用新同步的剪贴板 (Using Your Newly Synced Clipboard)


After you’ve set up 1Clipboard on all your computers, you’re done: copy something on one computer, and it will be on your clipboard on the other. You can browse your clipboard history by clicking the icon in the system tray on Windows and the menu bar on macOS.

在所有计算机上设置1Clipboard之后,您需要完成以下操作:将内容复制到一台计算机上,另一台计算机将在剪贴板上。 您可以通过单击Windows系统托盘上的图标和macOS上的菜单栏来浏览剪贴板历史记录。


Click anything, and it will be sent to the clipboard right away. You can also “star” previously copied items for future reference. You can browse your starred items by clicking the start in the left-hand sidebar.

单击任何内容,它将立即发送到剪贴板。 您也可以为之前复制的项目加注星标,以备将来参考。 您可以通过单击左侧边栏中的开始来浏览已加星标的项目。


There’s also search functionality, useful when you’re trying to find that thing you know you copied a few days ago.


The fourth button, with three dots, gives you access to a few settings.



From here you can disable the clipboard history, if you want, and also sign out of your current Google account. Click the “Preferences” option for access to a few more options.

如果需要,您可以在此处禁用剪贴板历史记录,也可以退出当前的Google帐户。 单击“首选项”选项以访问更多选项。


From here, you can toggle whether 1Clipboard starts up when your computer does, and configure a keyboard shortcut for bringing up your clipboard history.


That’s about all the application can do, at least for now. It’s a great way to ensure you never lose anything you copy to your clipboard, and the best way I’ve found to sync your clipboard between Windows and macOS systems.

至少到目前为止,这就是应用程序可以完成的全部工作。 这是确保您绝不会丢失任何复制到剪贴板的好方法,也是我发现的在Windows和macOS系统之间同步剪贴板的最佳方法。

