设计要求 尚未解决问题_如何解决设计问题

设计要求 尚未解决问题

In this article, you’ll learn (or remember) what is the one thing you need to start solving any problem. I wrote this originally for a talk I gave a while ago, and I also posted a video on my youtube channel, but I adapted it so you can read it on your favourite medium. (see what I did there?)

在本文中,您将学习(或记住)开始解决 任何 问题所 需要的一件事 我最初是为前一段时间的演讲而写的,我也在 YouTube频道 上发布了一个视频 ,但我对其进行了修改,以便您可以在自己喜欢的媒体上阅读。 (看看我在那里做什么?)

Ok… let’s start with a story…


演习** (The drill saga)

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The best apartment!

I lived in Amsterdam for 3 years. When I moved there I was very lucky to find an apartment in a building that was recently finished, my wife and I were the first people to ever live in our apartment, and the building even had a lift — you might not realize, but that in Amsterdam is kind of a bid deal.

我在阿姆斯特丹住了三年。 当我搬到那里时,我很幸运能在最近完工的建筑物中找到一间公寓,我和我的妻子是有史以来第一个住在我们公寓里的人,而该建筑物甚至还设有电梯-您可能没有意识到,但是那在阿姆斯特丹有点像出价交易。

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In Amsterdam, stairs really suck.

Unfortunately, and probably because we were so excited about the whole “new building” situation, we didn’t realize there was one essential thing missing…


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My life, if I solely depended on my previous landlord…



Seriously… there were no lights installed in the whole apartment, I literally had cables hanging from the ceiling. The landlord didn’t seem interested in helping, so I had to install it myself.

严重的是……整个公寓里都没有安装照明灯,我的天花板上确实挂着电缆。 房东似乎对帮助没有兴趣,因此我必须自己安装它。

Bear in mind, I’m a total ZERO when it comes to that kind of thing, I didn’t even own any tools before this, so I had a true challenge ahead of me.


Do you know how many designers it takes to install a light bulb?


Just one… but does it have to be a light bulb?


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These look so much nicer…

That’s not even supposed to be a joke… that’s exactly what I thought. Since I had to install something, I decided to get ceiling lamps instead of just regular light bulbs, little did I know, my saga was about to start.

甚至不应该开个玩笑……这正是我的想法。 由于必须安装某些东西,所以我决定购买吸顶灯,而不是普通的灯泡,我不知道,我的**即将开始。

问题1 (Problem 1)

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I guess I need to get one of those…

I have to drill the ceiling, but I don’t own a drill.So… I went a store and I picked one that seemed appropriate — wireless FTW — when I arrived home I realized I just had a second problem to solve….


问题2 (Problem 2)

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Of course the drill didn’t come with that…

The ceiling seemed to be stone, and of course, I didn’t have the right drilling bits.I went back to the store, and bought a few stone drill bits.As soon as I arrived home I was eager to try it, and as fast as I did, the third problem emerged…


问题3 (Problem 3)

The stone drilling bits weren’t drilling the “stone”…I decided to go back to the store, but this time ask the guy in the counter.If you know me, from this you know how desperate I’m getting. Normally I try to avoid real human interactions as much as possible. Just to give you an idea, even before the pandemic I didn’t like to open the door to people delivering my food, but I digress….

石材钻头不是在钻“石头”……我决定回到商店,但是这次问柜台的那个人。如果您了解我,从中您会知道我有多么绝望。 通常,我会尽量避免真正的人际交往。 只是为了给您一个主意,即使在大流行发生之前,我也不愿意为运送食物的人们敞开大门,但是我离题了……。

I tried to explain the situation and he recommended me to buy another type of drill, more powerful, but also more expensive… another reason why I was trying to avoid talking to him…


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Ok… I’m a proper handyman now. Ceiling, prepare to be drilled.
好吧...我现在是一个合适的杂工。 天花板,准备钻Kong。

After this, I went back home. Guess what?

之后,我回到了家。 你猜怎么了?

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问题4: (Problem 4:)

The new — more expensive — drill didn’t make any difference. So, I went back to the store and told him it didn’t work, now he realized I actually needed another kind of drill because my ceiling wasn’t stone after all.

新的-更昂贵的-钻没什么用。 所以,我回到商店,告诉他那没有用,现在他意识到我实际上还需要另一种钻头,因为我的天花板毕竟不是石头。

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Ok… next time I guess I better ask the expert straight away…

He said that is was probably concrete, otherwise the drill he had suggested would have worked.


The drill he was recommending was even more expensive but they didn’t have in stock to sell. Although, I could rent one for a couple of hours, which at least was less expensive than buying another drill, so that’s what I did.

他推荐的钻头价格更高,但没有库存可售。 虽然,我可以租几个小时,这至少比买另一个钻头便宜,所以我就是这么做的。

奏效了吗? (Did it work?)

It worked!!! With that drill, I FINALLY managed to get some holes in the ceiling and install the lamps.

有效!!! 有了那个钻头,我终于设法在天花板上钻了一些Kong并安装了灯。

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Now I need my sunglasses, because it’s so bright inside… ahah

If at this point you’re wondering why the heck I’m talking about installing lamps for so long, hang in there, the answer it’s coming.


课程 (The lesson)

In the beginning of my story, I thought that my problem was that I had to install a lamp, but it turns out that was actually my goal. My problem was that I needed to drill holes in a ceiling made of concrete.

在我的故事开始时,我以为我的问题是必须安装一盏灯,但事实证明这实际上是我的目标。 我的问题是我需要在混凝土制成的天花板上钻Kong。

If you have your problem well defined in the beginning of a project, it’s much easier to get to the solution.


Answering the question in the title…


您如何解决设计问题? (How do you solve a design problem?)

You start by really understanding the root of the problem because what’s at the surface may not tell you the whole story.


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Grab a shovel!

You can’t just say you need to drill holes in the ceiling, you need to understand what the ceiling is made of. Now, that’s the theory, in reality, it’s not always that straight forward, and you might not have an easy way to find out what the ceiling is made of.

您不仅可以说需要在天花板上钻Kong,还需要了解天花板的材质。 现在,这就是理论,实际上,它并不总是那么简单,您可能没有一种简单的方法来找出天花板的材质。

Like in my story, sometimes you have to take a stab at solving what you think the problem might be, and hopefully through that process get closer not just to the root of the problem, but also to the solution.


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Sometimes, you just have to try something.

That’s basically what I did to install the lamps, and it’s also my approach when it comes to design. When I don’t fully understand a problem, I try to gain as much insights as I can, by asking why and doing exercises like the abstraction ladder, but sometimes you can only get so far.

这基本上就是我安装灯的工作,也是设计时的方法。 当我不完全理解问题时,我会通过询问原因并进行诸如抽象阶梯之类的练习来尝试获得尽可能多的见识,但是有时您只能做到这么远。

At that point, I assume I have the best understanding of the problem I can, and I start thinking of potential solutions for it.


If the solution ends up not working, that isn’t a waste of time. You just found a path that you can’t take, which takes you one step closer to really understand the problem and getting to the solution.

如果该解决方案最终无法正常工作,那不会浪费时间。 您刚刚找到了一条无法走的路,这使您更近一步地真正了解了问题并获得了解决方案。

So… if you have a problem at hands, no matter what it is, the first thing you need to do is to understand it, and get to the root of it.


As Charles Kettering said:

正如查尔斯·凯特林(Charles Kettering)所说:

“A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.”


Thanks for reading! Since you made it this far, my name is José Torre and I’m a designer. If you feel like talking, connecting or just want to see what I’m up to, I’m Halfool on Youtube and Instagram, and you can also follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

谢谢阅读! 到目前为止,您的名字叫JoséTorre,我是设计师。 如果您想聊天,交流或只是想看看我在做什么,我是 Youtube Instagram上的 Halfool ,您也可以在 Twitter LinkedIn 上关注我

If you want me to tell you this story in person, check this:


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-solve-a-design-problem-8d907b0a5950

设计要求 尚未解决问题