amazon 产品数据集_亚马逊获得产品安置的报酬,但您当地的杂货店也是如此

amazon 产品数据集_亚马逊获得产品安置的报酬,但您当地的杂货店也是如此

amazon 产品数据集

amazon 产品数据集_亚马逊获得产品安置的报酬,但您当地的杂货店也是如此

It’s not just you: Amazon’s search results are increasingly made up of paid product placements, listed as “Sponsored.”


Sometimes these results can be downright confusing. I searched specifically for Western Digital hard drives in the example above, only for the top two results to be products from competing companies.

有时,这些结果可能会令人困惑。 在上面的示例中,我专门搜索了Western Digital硬盘驱动器,但搜索结果中排名前两名的是竞争对手的产品。

These sponsored posts are increasingly common. Rani Molla, writing for Recode, outlines the search results for cereal:

这些赞助职位越来越普遍。 Rani Molla 为Recode撰写文章 ,概述了谷物的搜索结果:

The first three results, which take up the whole screen above the fold—everything visible before you scroll—are sponsored placements that appear as search results: Ads for Kellogg’s Special K, Quaker Life and Cap’n Crunch. (It’s similarly dramatic on mobile, where it takes up the entire first screen.) This is followed by a section featuring Amazon’s own brand, 365 Everyday Value, which was part of its Whole Foods acquisition.

前三个结果占据了首屏的整个屏幕(滚动前几乎所有内容)都是赞助的展示位置,它们作为搜索结果出现:凯洛格(Kellogg)的Special K,Quaker Life和Cap'n Crunch广告。 (在移动设备上同样很引人注目,它占据了整个第一屏。)然后是一个部分,介绍了亚马逊自有品牌365 Everyday Value,这是其对Whole Foods收购的一部分。

Not until scrolling down halfway on the next browser “page” do organic search results—non-paid, non-Amazon brands—come up: Post’s Honey Bunches of Oats and Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats and Frosted Flakes.


The full article has a bunch more examples, but you can see this effect in action yourself by searching for basically anything on Amazon.


So is this an example of a tech company doing something physical stores could only dream of? Not exactly. Grocery chains charge food companies millions to be stocked prominently, and have for decades. Phil Edwards outlined this in a video for Vox:

那么,这是科技公司做实体店梦dream以求的事情的一个例子吗? 不完全是。 杂货连锁店向食品公司收取数百万美元的巨额资金,而且已有数十年历史。 菲尔·爱德华兹(Phil Edwards)在Vox的视频中对此进行了概述:

So you can argue that Amazon, a digital retailer, is doing something similar to their brick and mortar competitors.


I personally still find it annoying to search for a specific brand and see another one entirely come up first in the search results. It makes the shopping experience worse—though you could argue the same thing about grocery store placement battles. In either case, knowing what’s happening can help you make better decisions while shopping, so pay attention.

我个人仍然觉得搜索特定品牌很讨厌,并且在搜索结果中看到另一个完全出现在*上。 这会使购物体验变得更糟-尽管您可以就杂货店安置之争争论不休。 无论哪种情况,了解发生的事情都可以帮助您在购物时做出更好的决定,因此请注意。


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