【Short Brain】——Mini-story(四)

What is the story?

The story is about the cool boy ,name’s Kan! And he has some problems about his job. Let’s look what kind of problems did he have.
First do you know the Kan?
【Short Brain】——Mini-story(四)
You can know that Kan was a cool boy. And he has the sunglasses、the belt、the T-shirt、the shorts and the glaves.
He has the problems that was he doesn’t like his job. He was a boring accountant.
Second do you know the accountant?
【Short Brain】——Mini-story(四)
There aren’t the accountant job. The accountant is the calculate with the computer.
The pictures about the job that the taxi dirver、chef、the waiter、 the nurse…
Kan was a accountant. He doesn’t like the job.Unforturnatly, he has the negitive global believes.He feels tired、weak and boring。So he quitted the job and to find the other job.
He find the job was taxi dirver. He thought that would be exciting. But that not the truth. The customers alwasys complain to him. So he didn’t like the job.
Before changeing the other identity. He changes the negitive global believes to the empowering global believes. Then He became strong and tough.
Then he become the vampires killer.
Thired do you know the vampaires killer?
The vampaires was a monster ,like the dracula!
The vampaires killers will sucks blood from persons’ neck. And Kan very likes this job and he thinks that is exciting for him.
That’s all about the mini-story about the identity.

The new words

【Short Brain】——Mini-story(四)
【Short Brain】——Mini-story(四)

What do you learn from the story?

In our daiy life we all should have the empowring global believes. This soty make me deeply understant the ——Leon Festinger The mean of Chinese is 费斯定格。
Everyone has many problems. Maybe you always feel terriabal , tied, boring and weak. In fact , 10% problems are depen on the thing, and the 90% depen on what do you think about this .
So if you have the negitive global believes, you should believe that th 90% things depen on yourselves.
And try to be empowering ,be strong and tough.