
本文为西班牙马德里卡洛斯三世大学(作者:Raquel Arnaiz del Pozo)的学士论文,共66页。



The fifth generation of mobilecommunication networks generally known as 5G is a technology that, if we readanything about it we can arrive to the conclusion that it can be a revolutionin many aspects. Starting with the great change that the telephone introduced,followed by the great improvements that the mobile phones carried along withthem and finally internet and broadband access from any part of the world witha pocket device, we arrive to a time where 5G not only will it improve theexisting technologies but it will allow the development of new inventions suchas Internet of Things (IoT) that up to the date is reduced to variousexperiments and trials. The fifth generation of mobile communication systemswill allow the development of applications, data models, data analysis at veryhigh speeds, sensor measurements, and data transmissions instantly and a verylong list of other things that will result in a revolution in one hand for thepeople’s lives and in the other to the markets and the way the companies carryout their business models and their internal and external general management.People’s quality of life will be affected substantially thanks to theestablishment of 5G. This will be achieved thanks to the high speeds and thecharacteristics that 5G includes, and it will allow, for example, that arefrigerator can inform its owner about what products are needed or about whatfood is about to expire. This simple example is only one of many others that wecan find when talking about 5G. Nonetheless, in order to be able to enjoy theseadvantages that 5G incorporates, it is necessary to conduct a development anddeployment in an agreed upon way between all the different organisms andbearing in mind the regulatory aspects and the legislation valid and that needsto be developed in order to have a correct deployment. To do this, theregulatory organisms, and the commissions of the different countries have toagree between them and investigate what is the best way to provide the beststandards, and to ease and speed up the deployments and start-ups of this newtechnology. After developing a detail study of the current requirements,objectives and the legislation and standardization, as well as the state of artof the technologies that provide us with the services that we enjoy nowadays, Ihave studied the barriers and drivers for the deployment of 5G. Finally, andafter this previous study, I have analysed the possible deployments for thistechnology and how will it affect to the economic and social environment theuse of these types of mobile communications. At the same time I have arrived tothe final conclusions that 5G will be a complete revolution and anything thatenables and eases the implementation has to be welcome.

  1. 引言
  2. 最新技术
  3. 部署
  4. 社会经济评价
  5. 项目计划和预算
  6. 结论与未来工作展望
