apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Although automatic updates are enabled by default on the new Apple TV, it’s useful to know how to check your tvOS version number and manually update it. Read on as we show you how.

尽管默认情况下在新的Apple TV上启用了自动更新,但是了解如何检查tvOS版本号并手动更新它很有用。 继续阅读,我们向您展示如何。

Note: This tutorial applies to the 2015 4th-generation Apple TV hardware update and the subsequent updates running tvOS.

注意:本教程适用于2015年第4代Apple TV硬件更新以及运行tvOS的后续更新。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

RELATED: How to Set Up and Configure Your Apple TV

相关: 如何设置和配置Apple TV

There are two parts to this tutorial, checking the version number of your Apple TV’s tvOS and updating the software. Why would you want to check the OS version number? The most common reason is simply to see if your device is up to date. (Less commonly, some people might be interested in getting their hands on an out of date model for jailbreaking or modding purposes).

本教程分为两部分,检查Apple TV的tvOS的版本号和更新软件。 为什么要检查操作系统版本号? 最常见的原因只是看您的设备是否最新。 (通常,有些人可能对出于越狱或改装目的而过时的模型感兴趣)。

The second part of the tutorial, manually updating your tvOS, is focused on forcing an update to the most current version of tvOS. While most people will be well served by the automatic update process, on days like today (the date of this tutorial’s publication, 11/09/2015) Apple just pushed out a brand new update to the recently released 4th generation Apple TV and many curious users won’t want to wait for the automatic process to kick in and would like to update right this minute.

本教程的第二部分,手动更新tvOS,着重于强制更新到最新版本的tvOS。 尽管大多数人都会通过自动更新过程得到很好的服务,但在今天(本教程发布之日,2015年11月9日)这样的日子里,Apple刚刚对最近发布的第四代Apple TV进行了全新更新,许多人对此感到好奇用户不想等待自动程序启动,而是想在这一分钟进行更新。

Let’s take a look at how to check if you even need to update and then we’ll force out Apple TV to search for the update so we can make the jump to the most current version of tvOS.

让我们看一下如何检查您是否甚至需要更新,然后我们将迫使Apple TV搜索更新,以便我们可以跳转到最新版本的tvOS。

检查tvOS版本 (Checking the tvOS Version)

To check what version of tvOS you are running on your Apple TV navigate, starting from the Home screen, to the Settings icon.

要检查您正在Apple TV上运行的tvOS的版本,请从主屏幕导航至“设置”图标。

apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Select the icon by clicking the center of your trackpad.


apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Select the top entry, “General”, within the “Settings” menu.


apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Within the “General” settings menu, select “About”.


apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

In the “About” menu you’ll see a variety of information about your Apple TV including the model, serial number, and the tvOS version (highlighted by the red box in the screenshot above). In the screenshot you can see that the Apple TV unit we’re using for this tutorial is still on version tvOS version 9.0. Let’s take a look at how to manually update it.

在“关于”菜单中,您将看到有关Apple TV的各种信息,包括型号,***和tvOS版本(由上面的屏幕快照中的红色框突出显示)。 在屏幕截图中,您可以看到我们在本教程中使用的Apple TV单元仍在tvOS 9.0版上。 让我们看一下如何手动更新它。

手动更新tvOS (Manually Updating tvOS)

By default your Apple TV should be set to automatically update itself when not in active use. If you’re in a hurry to get that update, however, you’ll need to manually update instead of waiting for your Apple TV to phone home and check for updates later on.

默认情况下,Apple TV应设置为在不使用时自动更新。 但是,如果您急于获取该更新,则需要手动更新,而不是等待Apple TV打电话回家并稍后再检查更新。

To do so we’ll return to the Setting menu.


apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Within the “Settings” menu select “System”.


apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Within the “System” menu select “Software Updates”.


apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Here you can see that our Apple TV is, per the default, set up for automatic updates. We recommend leaving it on but some users who are particularly cautious about software updates may wish to turn it off (again, though, we recommend keeping it set to automatic updates for increased security and a continually up-to-date user experience).

在这里,您可以看到默认情况下我们的Apple TV已设置为自动更新。 我们建议保留它,但是某些对软件更新特别谨慎的用户可能希望将其关闭(不过,我们仍然建议将其设置为自动更新,以提高安全性和不断更新的用户体验)。

apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

A small bar will appear under the Apple TV logo as your Apple TV pings the update server and checks for updates and downloads them. Once downloaded the screen above will pop up and prompt you to either “Update Now” or “Update Later”. Let’s select “Update Now” to immediately apply the update.

当Apple TV ping更新服务器并检查更新并下载更新时,Apple TV徽标下方将出现一个小条。 下载完成后,上面的屏幕将弹出,并提示您“立即更新”或“稍后更新”。 让我们选择“立即更新”以立即应用更新。

apple tv 开发_如何检查(和更新)Apple TV操作系统版本

Right after you make the selection your display will switch to the above progress meter. There are two steps to the process. First your Apple TV will prepare for the update and restart (at which point your display will go black for a few moments) and then, in step 2 of 2, it will finish installing and restart once more.

选择后,您的显示将立即切换到上述进度表。 该过程分为两个步骤。 首先,Apple TV将准备进行更新并重新启动(此时,显示屏将变黑一会儿),然后,在第2步(共2步)中,它将完成安装并再次重启。

After the process is complete you can always verify that your Apple TV is on a new tv OS version number by returning to Settings -> General -> About to confirm you’re running the most current version.

完成此过程后,您可以始终返回到“设置”->“常规”->“关于”以确认您正在运行最新版本,从而始终验证Apple TV是否在新的电视操作系统版本号上。

Have a pressing question about your Apple TV? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对您的Apple TV有一个紧迫的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。


apple tv 开发