树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度


树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

If you’ve jumped on the Google Wifi train (or at least been considering it), then you know there are a lot of reasons to love Google’s mesh network setup. And as helpful as the indicator lights are to let you know everything is powered up and running smoothly, they can also be a distraction. Here’s how to turn them off.

如果您跳上了Google Wifi火车(或者至少正在考虑),那么您就会知道有很多理由喜欢Google的网状网络设置。 指示灯不仅可以让您知道所有设备均已通电且运行平稳,而且很有帮助,它们也可能使人分心。 这是关闭它们的方法。

That’s right, no need for electrical tape here—Google Wifi actually has a feature that lets you turn the lights off from the app. If you have multiple Wifi units in your home, you can control each one individually, which is a nice touch on Google’s part. That way, you can completely disable the light on the unit in sensitive areas like bedroom and crank the brightness in the living room if you want.

没错,这里不需要电工胶带-Google Wifi实际上具有一项功能,可让您从应用程序中关闭灯。 如果您家中有多个Wifi单元,则可以分别控制每个Wifi单元,这对Google来说是很不错的选择。 这样,您就可以完全禁用卧室等敏感区域的本机照明,并根据需要提高客厅的亮度。

First, fire up the Wifi app, then tap on the Settings tab—it’s the one on the far right end.


树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度
树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

Tap the “Network & general” button.


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Select the second option here: Wifi points.


树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

Under the “Network device settings” section, you’ll see a list of all available devices. Select the one you’d like to adjust.

在“网络设备设置”部分下,您会看到所有可用设备的列表。 选择您要调整的那个。

树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

The first option in this menu is the brightness of the LED light. There are five different levels of output here, from completely off to fully bright, with small steps in between. Play with it to figure out your preferred setting—the changes happen within a couple of seconds.

此菜单中的第一个选项是LED灯的亮度。 此处有五种不同的输出级别,从完全关闭到完全亮,之间有小的步进。 试一试,找出您的首选设置,这些更改会在几秒钟内发生。

树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度
树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

Here’s a look at a few of the various brightness levels, for reference:


树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度
树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度
树莓派led灯亮度_如何调整Google Wifi的LED灯的亮度

Find the one you like, and enjoy your newfound peace!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/303614/how-to-adjust-the-brightness-of-google-wifis-led-lights/
